Comments on: Natural health? Scott Faber? Dan Fabricant? Really? Fri, 02 Jan 2015 21:28:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: theodorewesson Fri, 02 Jan 2015 21:28:40 +0000 Key leaders in the “Label GMO” movement under the microscope,…

Scott Faber

Daniel Fabricant

Gary Hirshberg


1. The secret GMO war: double agents, betrayal, greed?

2. Natural health? Scott Faber? Dan Fabricant? Really?

3. Scott Faber: “No one is seeking to ban GMO crops.” W-h-a-t? Memo to Just Label It: fire Scott Faber, and fire yourselves

By: seamlessone Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:52:19 +0000 Speaking of the herd…the head cow is now running Monsanto ads in her magazine:

By: Colin Greenlaw Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:25:27 +0000 Our societal matrix is formed strictly by self-serving interests. That’s because the choice to be independent of the Source has warped every perspective within this new “natural.” The now-natural human is flawed in thought and purpose without hope of any “natural” correction of course direction. The race is now not unlike a whale with misshapen flukes, pectoral fins, and warped echolocation. The desirable state of which Jon speaks wherein pretense and discoloration are absent, can never be realized without connection and realignment to the Originator of all capacities.

By: Amaterasu Solar Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:55:29 +0000 ♥♥ "Did You give an oath and find it's bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?" "ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there." "The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..." "If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?" "If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."]]> Glad I’m not the only One that sees a problem in the “new age” approach of “trusting” the “universe” to rectify the evils created in profit motive. That sort of approach is EXACTLY what these evil powers seek Us to have! If We do nothing, take no action, “trust…” We will be trusting all the way to Our slaughter and the total control of any survivors.

I take action in sharing awareness of a solution to the madness that the profit motive promotes. 50+ years of My life have been dedicated to solving for the issues such motive creates, and now, having such a solution, I share it because I cannot implement it alone. The awareness has to spread to the tipping point such that it seems everyOne is talking about it. Then, We WILL create better on this planet, stripping profit as motive, and leaving only pride in product, desire to actually help, creation of betterment, and a love of doing what One is doing, as the motive(s) to do things.

It removes the psychopathic from power, allowing saner, much more compassionate Humans to direct where We go on this planet.

And so, I share again for the reader a link to My work, and ask that it be shared widely. Stop “trusting” and take action, even if it is just sharing awareness.

T.A.P. – You’re It!

“Revolution in ideas, not blood.”


“Did You give an oath and find it’s bait and switch? Well, there is no oath then, is there?”
“ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap – THEY will do ANYTHING to get there.”
“The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows…”
“If the universe is made of mostly “dark” energy…can We use it to run Our cars?”
“If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.”

By: NWO Reporter Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:25:31 +0000 Another example of the macabre satire currently known as life.

Maybe there are people within Just Label It, or supporting it, who genuinely believe Faber is an experienced insider who shares their goals. If so, they need to do some rethinking.

As for the Natural Products Association, my cynicism just soared to new heights.

Thanks for the valuable info.

By: brad Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:10:40 +0000 …. don’t worry about it, it’s all good, it’s all just an experience ….

By: tommytcg Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:46:41 +0000 And don’t forget… when you eye Nestle’s products, that they paid 1.5M$ to fight GMO labeling. In any case, there is not one of their 2000 products that I consider healthy enough to eat. (Aged 77, in robust med-free health).

Even their very expensive super-formula baby food has sugar as the first item on the contents list, ie the most of any ingredient by weight, not forgetting the toxic soy also there.

By: voza0db Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:49:11 +0000 Hello 😉

A simple suggestion for links of videos to be viewed at a certain specific time:

use the option ‘?t=2h29m5s’ Like this

(see here)

As for the reality of the facts presented… I can only write: WTF?!

I now know that the acronym EWG stands for “Engineered World for Gmo”!


By: Larry Noel Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:36:17 +0000 I love following your threads Jon, and you are so right in the fact that people no longer think. This ties back to another recent article of yours about the Trivium. “THEY” have had the Prussian education system in place in this country for about 100 years, and the people have become the robotic non thinkers that the system was designed to create. A job well done?

The Trivium is the method of critical analysis that is so sorely needed now, with a healthy dose of imagination to speed up the transformation from where we have been manipulated to be, on to something truly amazing.

To me, the first step would be to finally bury the walking corpse of the “corporation” model, and make being a human being legal again. We were promised “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” but there is no guarantee on the quality of that life or that it can not be taxed out of existence. There is no guarantee that your liberty will no be severely limited or even a decent definition of what “liberty” is, and that there is any guarantee that if you are so lucky as to actually obtain “happiness” that you will be allowed to keep it.

We are all “resources” of the corporations, and until we make the corporate model extinct, the corporations will forever have more money than us and will own us. “THEY” created the “corporation” out of their imaginations and rule us as possessions to be profited from. It is time for every one of us, one an individual grass root (singular) level, to create something else and bury THEIR corpse. But first we must re-learn HOW to think and process and analyze information again.

Thank you for all of your hard work and freely shared insight. You certainly lay a fine plate of food for thought, with numerous courses finely interwoven, and it is appreciated by many.

By: Norbert Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:37:37 +0000 Dear Jon R.:

Thanks for explaining the two-faced nature of these men. However, their purpose is as the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. This is a distraction to hijack the Ban GMO’s Outright Movement. Men like these hijack the GMO labelling movement to control it, so that people are lead down the garden path to believe that some one is representing the mandatory GMO labelling side. Control the debate to control the outcome, which is that GMO’s will continue to be sold to consumers with or without labelling. The Real answer is BAN GMO’s completely.

An example of this Controlled Opposition is if in the US elections there was a third party besides Republican or Democrat like the Ross Perot of the 1990’s. I am also reminded that in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict there used to be Israel vs. the PLO. Then suddenly out of nowhere HAMAS came into the picture as an alternative to the PLO. HAMAS was probably formed by Israel’s Mossad as a way of dividing the Palestinians further not bringing them closer together. Think that is funny, then remember that middle eastern Israelis and Muslims/ Palestinians look the same when dressed in westernized clothing.

These two men are just like that: divide and control the debate and conquor the outcome. They guarantee that GMO’s are here to stay. This is unfortunate for humanity. Thank, Jon.
