Comments on: The individual vs. the goo Tue, 24 Dec 2019 00:42:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: bjacob131 Tue, 14 Jul 2015 14:34:43 +0000 “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent”.
~ Edmund Burke

By: bjacob131 Tue, 14 Jul 2015 14:19:54 +0000 How many months later and I’m reading some of the same comments that I’ve made to myself or could it be that I’ve read this before? No worries – the path is getting clearer and it looks beautiful.

By: Are Yufreel Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:36:10 +0000 And lest we forget what the late, great, Groucho Marx said: ….”I would never want to join a group that would want me for its member….” ; )

By: Are Yufreel Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:26:34 +0000 Like Bill Gates and his ilk, happy to sicken vulnerable populations with toxic vaccines, while he stores heirloom seeds for himself and his family.

By: Michael Burns Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:42:06 +0000 A extreme case of Normopathy

By: Michael Burns Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:23:14 +0000 Individual power is too frightening for most… it means taking responsibility for oneself, no falling back and blaming another for your faults, there are no systems to catch you when you fall/fail. You will have to get use to swimming ìn the big pond…alone in the abyss of your own mind, of being alone with one’s own creativity….and…imagination…Godddd I can imagine all kinds of things.
You have to find another way to dress, talk…think. Can’t look like the Bieb anymore, or Miley twerking through Tim Hortons like you own it.
Fuck ya ‘ ll have to come up with an opinion. A real one. Not that one you have been dragging around like a rock on a rope. And that silence of one’s own head…whoa it is terrifying, it can become like the roar of a massive ocean storm…shit….I can hear that spider walking across the floor…cell phone anxiety, OMG…”someone please call I am alone and that’s not normal”. I have no idea what to do here.
Speaking of being not normal (and I am an expert at this, seriously…stop laughing), this psychotic knowledge has induced a new mental disorder, and that is “I am not normal”.
Really…I am dead serious.
I am almost positive they are searching for a medication for this…actually I know they have a medication for this, they are just waiting for numbers to climb, can’t have orphan drugs, no money in that…anyway.
One is Normotic when they are in this state, 100% organic Normotic.

normopathy (plural normopathies)

1. The pursuit of conformity and societal acceptance at the expense of individuality.

This definition seemed a little light to me. I mean really. They need some psycho rinky dink verbage here…wouldn’t ya say.
I digress…
This disorder involves hives, insomnia, sexual dysfunction. Staring at the wall.Hair pulling, self loathing. Weight loss, and personal neglect. People have committed suicide. They will even go to the point of keeping themselves constantly distracted. To avoid the terrible loneliness
Has psychotic knowledge and the collective norm, consensus ideology pushed us to this extreme?
And how long before the numbers on this disorder are really up?
Paxil anyone?

Peace homies

By: bob klinck Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:14:22 +0000 The field exists for the flower, not the flower for the field. No beauty can be found in a homogenized society.

And wage slavery, euphemized by the socialists (and now by politicians of every stripe) as “full employment”, is not freedom.

By: laurabruno Fri, 02 Jan 2015 15:24:34 +0000 Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
This is an important article by Jon, as it explores the difference between “the collective” and “every individual,” which, in my opinion, is one of the pivotal challenges facing humanity right now. The temptation to look at everything in black/white, good/bad, positive/negative terms fails to account for successes like Maui’s GMO battle — in which a group of individuals fought for their local health, well being and freedom. That’s quite different from the Collective in which everyone’s the same and equal, with equal “rights” to be completely owned, monitored and controlled by the corporate surveillance State and a One World Everything. The subtleties warrant exploration.

I will continue to press this issue, as I recognize the value of working together as individuals in order to create new options for ourselves and strengthen the power behind those options, in order to reject and escape the New Age Borg and the Corporate State. We cannot afford to fall for the smoke and mirrors pseudo choices imposed by a self-appointed elite who claims to want only the best for humanity. Really?! Because Google, mind control, transhumanism, mega-cities and spiritual enslavement are the best we can do? The best we deserve? According to whom?

By: nikhilananda Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:06:14 +0000 ALOHA JON: …. “…Even the radical Left of the 1960s, … even that radical force on the Left eventually gave in and morphed into romantic sentimentalists who came to love the State under Obama….” …. jon…. much of your writing is profound and provocative; however, this is a simplistic comment which has little meaning!…. those in chicago in 1968 were NOT “radical”; it was comprised of those who were AGAINST the vietnam war and were SUPPORTIVE of numerous progressive issues. when the authorities and police swarmed down on them, the “riot” erupted. “radicals” of the “60’s” NEVER accepted the moderation of the democrat party and many are still actively political with numerous progressive groups, such as the green party and other organizations. those “baby-boomers” who have “morphed” into supporting the more moderate of the two corporate-controlled major political parties were mostly “moderate” even in the 60’s. again, this is not a solid “locked in stone” description. however, i feel it is more accurate. … ALOHA from the north shore of maui……

By: luceroverde1984 Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:18:41 +0000 Reblogged this on undergroundinsights and commented:
The individual is the largest minority. The State is a neurotic control freak.
