Comments on: Scott Faber: “No one is seeking to ban GMO crops.” W-h-a-t? Mon, 05 Jan 2015 01:11:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scotti Mon, 05 Jan 2015 01:11:45 +0000 I know that Jeffrey Smith is more the non-gmo ,food true voice or leading activist for so many years, no need to finger point his good works; yet now its time like Hawai’i ,Russia to call for total bans (moratoria) on gmo’s or genetically engineered foods & crops before they get promoted or hyped further or via TPP or the unilateral, secret trade deals also being made in Washington.DC ,

By: theodorewesson Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:27:09 +0000 just to add,… India in the late ’60s,… “getting on with the commercialization of agriculture”,… from an article from 1970,…

“Hunger warriors from agribusiness were particularly hot for expansion. Poor harvest in prior years had driven food prices up, and with them, the demand for fertilizer and pesticides. Consequently, the Rockefeller’s Jersey Standard wanted price and distribution restrictions lifted on their Bombay fertilizer plant. A Bank of America syndicate, together with India’s Birla group, needed government support for what would become ‘the largest urea and compound fertilizer plant in this part of the world.’ Petroleum producers, foreseeing an otherwise useless excess of naphtha, wanted permission to set up fertilizer plants which could utilize the petroleum by-product. The Ford and Rockefeller foundations wanted to expand use of their new *high yield seeds deliberately bred for large fertilizer and pesticide inputs*, and get on with the commercialization of agriculture.”



“high yield seeds deliberately bred for large fertilizer and pesticide inputs” — in the 60s?!

By: Rastafari Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:19:30 +0000 another non-gmo group wants labels not bans.

from website:

“By working together, we can reach the tipping point of consumer rejection and Make It Happen!
Questions? Click here to contact us.

Remember to Sign the Petition to President Obama for meaningful GMO labeling!”

well, the click here to contact us doesn’t work, and as final thought, as a call to action, this org wants us to petition the imposter-in-chief.

wow. now that’s powerful call to action. /sarc.

why would anyone believe obombya cares about petitions? does this org have any data suggesting this action (petitioning) will activate any change at all? I doubt it.


and get others to join in boycott. tell the stores and restaurants and producers that sell GMO that you are boycotting and getting others to join.

unfortunately, for those of us in rural USSA, where Agenda 21 is clearing the land and towns, non-gmo non-contaminated food is nearly nonexistent. must drive to big city to find real food. how ironic is that? even the Amish now feed gmo to animals (as they usually buy regular feed at the local feed store). also, have found most to NOT know what a GMO is, but when you describe “roundup ready corn and beans” they know what that is, and they will deny any damage or danger from same.

Thank you, Jon R. for all your hard work. You’re the best writer on the topics you cover and I for one really appreciate what you do.

/s/ Rastafari

“cannabis is the healing of a nation.” ~ Bob Marley, true freedom fightah

By: Homer Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:56:44 +0000 “Blessed are the loving labelers for they shall inherit the Roundup ready Earth”.

By: seamlessone Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:37:07 +0000 Robinson, there is a higher law than the constitution. That was even made clear by the founding fathers. The constitution was merely an attempt to protect the higher law from encroachment(especially monarchial type encroachment) and also to protect from groups (which would inevitably form) who would try to subvert man’s natural/unalienable rights.

Natural law doesn’t need a constitution to protect it. With or without the Constitution, unalienable rights exist. A return to “rule of law” is not the answer, rather it is a return to the “unwritten law” that is the answer. Giving the written law more importance than the unwritten law on which(and for which) the written law was based, is deeply misguided and ends up creating a war in the domain of written laws.

By: From Québec Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:56:27 +0000 New ‘Monsanto Law’ in Africa Would Force GMOs on Farmers


“It is nothing short of a corporate take-over of the food system – and in Ghana, where 70 percent of food is currently grown by small farms – it would turn an ages-old system of sustainable food supply into a tremendously large economy for biotech.”

By: robinsoncaruso1 Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:59:03 +0000 ONE HONEST MAN, is what we need, so many of us out here would not sell our soul to hide the truth, sadly, we still await that honest man in power. So many of us long for justice now, from ALL walks of life, we MUST return to rule of law, and follow the Constitution. A while back, I heard the current admin said they wanted to identify all citizens who believe in the constitution, they found that millions do… more than half, liberty or death boys, yeah, its that serious now in our nation.

By: robinsoncaruso1 Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:44:26 +0000 Obviously, they got to him too. In these things, money is truly the root of evil.

By: 3xmommo Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:10:48 +0000 Excellent question! Yes! How was he chosen??? Suspicious.

By: From Québec Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:20:02 +0000 Start listening at 1:30:00

Alex Jones Show: Commercial Free Video – Tuesday (12-30-14) Jon Rappoport .
