Comments on: Dr. Ewen Cameron and psychiatric mind control Tue, 13 Jun 2017 01:22:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: mcclaughry Tue, 13 Jun 2017 01:22:50 +0000 Since the time I left this comment, I have completed an extensive article about Donald Ewen Cameron published July 3, 2016 here:

You might want to check it out.

By: Katya Thu, 29 Dec 2016 02:30:54 +0000 Does anyone know if Dr. Cameron ever had offices in Washington DC in the early to mid 1950’s, even if for a short time, or was known to be in DC during that time?

By: Romanin Tue, 20 Jan 2015 09:29:40 +0000 Does anyone here know anything about his patients in his private practice in Lake Placid?

By: SmartGrid_DeathGrid Fri, 09 Jan 2015 23:33:58 +0000 Excellent summations by all, from author Jon to the guests who commented.

+Add what Jon wrote here:

“These days, with the use, say, of acoustic weapons or other forms of wave-disruption broadcasting, CRIMINALS can make people sick…”

+With Rastafari’s paragraphs re: “WATCH OUT FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC
& you have the New “White Elephant” in the Room that the majority refuse to believe exists because they do not yet “hear it” nor “feel it” (same as they did not believe re vaccines, SSRIs, the NWO, chemtrails, GMOs, etc.)

Those “wave-disruption-broadcasting criminals” Jon spoke of include the CEO’s & heads of Utility & Power Companies & their buddies in the EPA & States’ Public Utilities Commissions who have pushed the “slow roll out of a pandemic”(Devra Davis, Ph.D. interview/quote) via their Smart Grid which is not only an “accoustic weapon” via the Low Frequencies emitted by Smart Grid powerlines (which some of us CAN hear, unfortunately), but which said LFs/Infrasound also cause your internal organs & chest cavity to vibrate (human organs have their own low frequency between 4-8 Hz).

To be clear, it is Not “just a sound” (a low, deep, droning, rumbling “hum”), but it is also RADIATION, & it causes internal-bodily vibration that goes WITH the infra”sound.” And I can tell you firsthand, since it has been happening here over 8 months now (FLA), that this falls in with any of the other “slow torture death” methods ever invented by evil men. It is VERY BAD indeed.

Rastafari wrote: “It’s referred to as electromagnetic “sensitivity”…”

“Electro-HYPER-Sensitivity” (EHS) is the “cover-up” name given it by TPTB (knowing that unbelievers will only see the HYPER part of it & assume you are bonkers. Same way TPTB approved the dumbed down term, CFS, 26 years ago!)

What EHS truly is, is RADIATION SICKNESS, but they won’t be that bold nor truthful.

Rastafari: “…once you start realizing the symptoms … you’ve been poisoned. You’re not just displaying a sensitivity.”

Exactly correct. Thermal Radiation expert & electrician, Curtis Bennett (, who is also acting as an Expert Witness in many Smart Grid lawsuits, says:

“These people are NOT ‘electro-sensitive.’ They are being SUBTLY ELECTROCUTED.”

(And that IS what it feels like!)

He says the Smart Grid is like putting an entire city “Inside an Electrical Circuit” & is very dangerous. He also says the IRON manhole covers in Toronto are already showing wear & tear from widespread radiation there; he then asks, “How much radiation can human organs tolerate?” (as a comparison to iron!) Lastly, he likens the Smart Grid to “…being TAZED on your own property 24/7!”

To end on a positive note: Insurance carriers have been flocking to Bennett asking, “What’s going to happen?” & he tells them, “Human Extinction!” So some of them are wising up, for fear of lawsuits, & refusing to insure Smart Grid technology (but will Obama give them a lawsuit-immunity pass as he did re Monsanto, & prior to that, Big Pharma vaccine makers?)

So, “SUE THE BASTARDS” while you still can, & sue the Utility Heads individually as people (vs as a “company”) & take everything they personally own. 100,000 individual personal injury & property damage + property devaluation lawsuits (yes, radiation pummeling your building will ruin it, too), imo, is better than 1 “class action” suit for 100,000 people as a “group.”

FYI: Anti-Radiation Health Tip: Just read the other day that PEPPERMINT OIL (an Essential Oil) acts as a preventive to “cell death via DNA damage due to Radiation.” (See Dr. Josh Axe, chiropractor, article re the “25 Best Uses for Peppermint Oil.”) And at the same site re FRANKENCENSE OIL, studies that it can cure cancers.

Hope this helps someone who passes by!

By: Marc Peot Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:43:51 +0000 I wish you would have mentioned the fact that Dr. Joseph Mengele, under his cover identity of “Dr. Green”, worked with Cameron, after he was swept up in Operation Paperclip. He and Cameron were birds of a feather, what with Mengele’s experiments in creating a programmable killer.
Still, many thanks for getting out some much truth — it is much needed in this awful world that is a blend of Orwell and Huxley.
See you at the barricades.

By: NOAH EDWARD WASHKEN Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:07:04 +0000 Hi my name is Noah Washken. Please take A look at my legal references at , New USA, Facebook page and Noah Edward Washken , Google page. The legal references are about illegal covert torture and much more illegal Government crimes against humanity.

By: robinsoncaruso1 Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:20:08 +0000 Yes sir Roger, its evil, just evil.

By: robinsoncaruso1 Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:18:18 +0000 I am truly sorry about your loved one Rasta, I too have lost many to them. I too have fought them, they know my name, I TRIED to play it their way, No matter what, I found unskilled medical personnel daily. I made up my mind to expose them. Carry a recorder, and ask questions…

By: mcclaughry Tue, 06 Jan 2015 10:34:38 +0000 To Jon Rappoport –

It might be of interest to you that Ewen Cameron and L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology) shared the same “ideals” towards people they deemed inferior or problematic to the globalist agenda.

And speaking of the Inquisition, it is a little known fact that Scientology’s most destructive policies – Fair Game and Declaring Suppressive Person – come directly from the Catholic Church.


By: Roger Fuller Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:51:09 +0000 January 5, 2014
To ” robinsoncaruso1 ” :
You gave an excellent description of the psychiatric system’s results. The trouble today is that the psychiatric system pervades the entire medical system, prison system, educational system, and now, even the military. Last year, 2014 was the 60th year of ” the second era of biological psychiatry ” , beginning in 1954 with the U.S. government allowing Thorazine to be put on ” the market ” . Not the market for the general public, but the market for dope pushing psychiatrists, then working in United States State Mental Hospitals. When this massive drug pushing campaign began, the USA was the richest, freest, greatest country in the World and today we clearly are not, because of these drug pushers.

Psychiatric drug pushers, more than any other group, are responsible for the destruction of the USA, slowly and gradually over these 60 years. I have seen it with my own eyes, just as you have. As of this month, I have been a victim for 50 of these 60 years. For me, every day of these 50 years has been a slow death. And I believe it’s happening to thousands of others and maybe millions who just don’t know it yet. It will keep happening till someone stops it.

How did we get into this mess ? From clear back to the 1960s, too many people were complete stooges for Psychiatry and many were active collaborators. That’s what I saw all around me. then, and even to this day. Our US government, local, state, and federal, has collaborated with the drug pushers, rather than protect the American People.

yours truly,
Roger Fuller
