Comments on: Power beyond mind control Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:38:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leah Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:38:22 +0000 Excellent post, Jon. 🙂
It is interesting that you use the term ‘imagination’, I derive my imagination from ‘Curiosity’. And you are correct, science will never find our true selves, because we exist independently from our bodies. You know, it is our consciousness which powers the bioform (body), remove that and the body dies. I am consciousness having a physical experience – thats all, can anyone control that….truthfully – No. Alas when will people wake up?

By: HRtsFan Tue, 20 Jan 2015 03:59:02 +0000 Nice inspiration.
Comment: You write: “The human race is obsessed by the question: what exists? It appears to be a far easier question than: what do you want to create? This comparison explains why civilizations decline.”
Imagination is a worth-while endeavor. To start, and then to continue, and on and on: great things happen from human effort, and there is even ‘faith’/?rough-expectation? or hope, that wonderful, un-foreseen things will come out of the doing, out of creative, imaginative, doings.
But the mind, our memories and what we keep in our mind, are important resources, and this is appreciated in the history of: human creativity, inventiveness, and, problem solving.
Often a ‘pre-requisite’ for un-foreseen discoveries, ideas, connections, imaginings, coming after a ‘good night’s sleep’, or many days of ‘sleeping, living, breathing, on an imaginative or creative, endeavor’, is that there isn’t ir-reparable ‘non-sense’, and ir-reparable mis-perceptions, and ir-reparable mis-conclusions, within our minds and brains.
What ‘exists’ is not an un-useful thing to care about, if we want un-foreseen truths, or un-foreseen creativity, to come forth. I believe it [caring about the question of: ‘what is true’] makes a difference, and is worth our sincere concern, if not quite our ‘obsession’.
Thanks again for the inspirational posting.

By: NeverAlways Sun, 18 Jan 2015 05:39:35 +0000 Sometimes, being able to SEE feels more like a curse than a fortune!!

By: ozziethinker Sun, 18 Jan 2015 01:55:47 +0000 I immensely respect Carlin; a wonderful thinker.

In this case, he could not be more wrong. Time is a fixed asset and “reality” is restrictive imagination governed by a genetic/atomic interface. We and everything around us are “moving programs”.

Existence is really neat when you understand it and I explain how it works in the first part of my book. In the next part I will explain the connective relationship between electro-magnetic fields, gravity and “troughs” formed by pulse echoes emanating from static points. A phenomena science likes to call wormholes can be found in the cracks of the universal fabric and this ties in with “fixed time” located in sub-space.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Fri, 16 Jan 2015 14:36:13 +0000 I absolutely LOVED this piece, Jon!

It is sooo true and very apropos to the times we are facing. Those who want control, are the ones who want to be the ONLY creators, while everyone else is as a mindless, droning, zombie-follower. Isn’t also apropos that the invention of the “church” saw to it the beginnings of wars against imagination and individuality.

By: From Québec Fri, 16 Jan 2015 04:16:13 +0000 “Really time is a relative concept of a single mind”
.”In essence time is a facet of a imagination.”

George Carlin- Does the time bother you? 1978

By: ozziethinker Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:58:23 +0000 Does not the mainstream Medias “illuminate” the people?

If there was a plausible case for Illuminati cognitive programming, would not the Media machine be it?

By: Michael Burns Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:00:18 +0000 Maybe imagination is the only law of physics…maybe there is no physics, or the four fundamental forces, except what scientists imagine. There is no material, nor energy without the first law; Imagination.
Really time is a relative concept of a single mind. It seems time moves slower for the little ones, as compare to the children who have gotten terribly old. Fear seems to slow time, happiness seems to speed it up.
Versus time being a strict component of nature.
In essence time is a facet of a imagination.
Gravity the scientific concept is me a magnet being held by the greater magnet the planet. Unless one is willing to banter out the details of the imagined quantum gravity.
But the master Buddhist has disproved and broken such law with what? Imagination…focused and controlled imagination to the point of gravity defiance…or has he imagined himself as lighter than his surrounds.
If anything could have made this great thing that we inhabit… this Universe. Then that would be imagination…but not an explosion.
I understand that a law would be finite, restrictive and limiting. But that’s good for this…particular material Universe.
I can imagine other multi-verses of pure imagination without limit, were one might live a lifetime as a Universe. To start that Universe with a big bang.

These thoughts are difficult to explain in words. I hope I have been concise.
Words ground imagination…and set it’s limit.

“The relentless and obsessive search for all those things on which we can agree is a confession of bankruptcy.” Jon R

Is it though…could it be a confession of loneliness and a attempt at making or solidifying a friendship.

Imagination; one must be willing to imagine great creation…but also one must able to imagine great destruction.
The end of this world is when imagination is lost and one of us who still imagines…an end.

” Only Nietzsche and Blake know a wholly fallen Godhead, a Godhead which is an absolutely alien Nihil, but the full reversal of that Nihil is apocalypse itself, an apocalypse which is an absolute joy, and Blake and Nietzsche are those very writers who have most evoked that joy.” -Thomas Altizer

By: Bill Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:27:58 +0000 Great article as always, John!
Excellent point about imagination being outside physics as are most emotions.
Saw something yesterday where John O’Dea of NCR said love is most powerful force in that it cannot be coerced. Need to think about that for a while.
One point about the term phrase “human race”. Think it is extremely offensive and violates basic human civil rights just as the corporate demonic term for the Human Resources department, eh?

By: Messenger At The Crossroads Thu, 15 Jan 2015 15:55:33 +0000 Thanks for this bold reminder, Jon. I needed to hear it and to recapture imagination and creativity in my life that I’ve somehow lost track of. Guess it’s never too late. Thanks again. I love this blog.
