Comments on: Vast experiments on humans: a forgotten document Sun, 09 Sep 2018 19:24:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Roach Sun, 09 Sep 2018 19:24:02 +0000 Aberdeen proving grounds/edgewood md I was there Dec. 93 until about may 94 for my ATI school, and was asked one morning for volunteers to test gas masks and was assured safe and only a vegetable oil type substance making the smoke that filled the room. I never realized that this kind of thing could happen to a US soldier, I really thought they were trying to make us tough and teach us our part in serving the country, I am now a disabled vet. At 44 yrs old, bone density is bad, replaced hip 10 yrs ago, now other one is going all while trying to raise a 13 yr old daughter. Im disappointed in our country but will continue to be the best dad I can be because I know I don’t have long. Hopefully someone can end these experiments. ….. Soon

By: swo8 Tue, 13 Mar 2018 23:02:10 +0000 What’s the point of having children if someone else raises them?

By: James Tue, 13 Mar 2018 22:01:39 +0000 Yes, I was told about this too. I was told the daycare is being paid “to be part of a study” I have warned many people friends, family, co workers about this. People only have children if you have the time and finances to raise them.

By: Frank Lee Tue, 03 Feb 2015 16:39:04 +0000 Persons who employ themselves in militant (mercenary) controls over other human beings are obviously deranged and morally defective. Perhaps they’ve never read or understood the terms of history. ??? These authoritarian persons need to be written out of the social construct by total elimination of all social and economic support. These are simple thugs. Get rid of them.

Ten thousand years of civilian slaughter by militant types, rather pre=selects for an unbalanced gene pool. Or: Speaking of vast experiments that kill and maime:

US Patent history of aerosols – July 30, 2003

“10,000 years of allowing social hierarchy to destroy any hope of social culture seems rather redundant.”

– Paul Vonharnish –

By: darlene Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:19:06 +0000 @ Nacasio .. i know what you mean … these people ( if you can call them that ) they do not think like we do ( being kind to people and such ) they pretend to be like us as they are psycho’s and monsters . Watch the doc “Engines of Domination” … very eye opening also see my reply below it should show you these monsters and what they can do and have done before . And tc .

By: darlene Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:10:47 +0000 One day while crusing the web i came across a site that talked about a program ( CIA ) from the 50’s into the 60’s 70’s called RCO ( remote controlled organism ) first used on cat’s then humans in south america . I do not remember the site but it was written by a PHDer . I have no doubt they have and still are doing experiments on people , And if you dont think so check out this quote from CIA scientist george white … it was fun fun fun , where else could a red blooded american boy lie cheat steal deceive rape kill and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all highest . Nice eh ? They have had at least 50 years doing this so imagine what they can do now … I shutter to think . tc all and great article jon .

By: Vincent Nunes Fri, 23 Jan 2015 14:54:05 +0000 We need to institute a class-action suit against Monsanto in regards to the dangers of glyphosate.

By: frohky Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:20:34 +0000 As a 19-year-old kid drafted to fight in Vietnam, I was not yet experienced in life or politically aware of such documents as the Dick Act of 1902, which makes it illegal for the government to conscript troops to fight wars outside the borders of the USA. I felt that it was my duty, however, to help protect a fellow ally against the evils of communism. I still hold to that belief.

What I do find disturbing is all the “objectors” who fled to Canada or Sweden and continued to protest the war, all the while demanding the benefits of the society they freely chose to abandon. Liberals are always the first to leave the room when the fight begins.

I am unrepentant about having survived the political shell game. Please save your sanctimony for the corrupt and gutless politicians, who sent us kids into an undeclared war without a military objective, strategy, or exit plan. If I had a kid today in Iraq or Afghanistan, I’d be screaming.

“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” – George Orwell

By: Amy Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:14:54 +0000 “unaware populations were sprayed with bacterial tracers or simulants that the Army thought were harmless at that time.”

LMAO! “We THOUGHT it was harmless, sorry for all those cancers. Our bad.”

I think this was 2012, 2013? It wasn’t long ago feds declared they were releasing some “bacterial agent” into the NY city subway to test some bs or another, but assured the public that these agents were “harmless.” Sure they were..

God only knows what these demons are doing to people unawares right now, under the cloak of darkness. There’s a very special place in hell reserved for them.

By: JayJay Wed, 21 Jan 2015 14:58:23 +0000 My SIL’s husband died of cancer in the 80s. His two children were notified that as a Navy recruit (a lifer) stationed at Ft. Campbell that is now only an Army facility, tests conducted using some sort of agent in the 50s happened there.

The children were also notified that almost every soldier stationed there during that time died of cancer.
Lawsuits are filed; but you know how that goes.
