Comments on: Pleasure vs. pain in the programmed society Thu, 19 Dec 2019 13:49:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deanna Clark Fri, 06 Feb 2015 12:07:56 +0000 This is interesting. You know, religion and philosophy and principles such as “love”only exist at all in effective activity. What we’re really discussing is the killing of human life by mesmerization. Even Christianity is being undermined with contemplation and ‘spirituality’ that never takes the thermometer out of the mouth…always contemplating the old navel like the old jokes about it.

By: denisemward Fri, 06 Feb 2015 02:49:23 +0000 Frequency shifting? This documentary posits some interesting answers to the way the pyramids were built. They were built on limestone aquifers which would fill with the rising Nile and flow through the small channels in the limestone to generate electricity and then feed into the corridor system in the pyramid emitting energy. It’s a very interesting idea using the naturally occurring features of nature to generate energy. It’s a long documentary but very interesting.

By: Deanna Clark Tue, 27 Jan 2015 22:38:42 +0000 As a Christian I’ve watched so many spend years…decades…obsessing over the 3rd Secret of Fatima or spirituality of all kinds mostly narcissistic. The simply Christian life of the Golden Rule and faith in the Father’s love doesn’t sell books. Imagine the wasted lives..the good that could have been done.

By: brad Tue, 27 Jan 2015 17:03:04 +0000 Well said! I hope you’re right.

By: brad Tue, 27 Jan 2015 17:01:38 +0000 Seems to me there must be an underlying fundamental essence, of pleasure in this example, that our brain physiology, or even our state of consciousness, organizes around, connects with and/or reacts to; something that supersedes brain or even consciousness. Otherwise, how would our physiology, or metaphysical consciousness, ‘know’ what it’s trying to achieve? ‘Science’ might have success stimulating pleasure responses of some kind, but it would certainly fall short of achieving a deep, natural, continuously self-sustaining state of pleasure (or sense of well-being, or equanimity, or happiness, etc.).

Hopefully it won’t come to the Brave-New-World-necessitating-a-rebellion scenario, but, the way things are headed, that certainly could end up being the case.

By: BDev Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:03:28 +0000 Religion is another level of distraction from reality, Mike. Keep pushing yourself to go further. Many amazing and majestic experiences await.

By: cory Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:33:33 +0000 There is a gentleman that is developing more intensive virtual reality gaming as we speak and his goal is to create a world where all pleasure is derived from virtual gaming, I kid you not. He is already on the way to his goal and yes he is already the head of a large profitable company. He thinks it’s a great future for all of mankind. I think to sit in a room with virtual reality glasses on all day is boring. But he assures us all that we will have all the feelings and smells and sights of reality in these virtual games, it will be as real as if we are actually living the game. So of course why would anyone strive to do or be anything if they can do it all in a game and feel like they are actually living their dreams with little to no effort on their part. I think there will also be a form of some kind of “downloading” of additional information while the mind is in the gaming state, added later if not initially in the games. If the television can put a person into a form of hypnosis to program a person to believe in an idea or buy a product as I have read about many times, then why not in virtual gaming. I think that the new virtual reality gaming which we all know is the technology sold as a “toy to play with at home ” by families mind you, is the one to pay attention to. It will be the largest hypnosis of the human mind for ALL age groups that humanity has ever experienced in this time period of human recorded history. It is a frightening thought, the only way to avoid it will be to not play the games. But I think it will be difficult to get the kids who already play the games (as well as the adults who use the games to find relief and pleasure from their daily grind) to not play these games. All things can be used for good of course, but lately things are being disguised as being good for us all, and in reality they are all about control of the human body and mind.

By: ozziethinker Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:50:24 +0000 Waffle and action are the same after all…..

“Eyes wide shut”

By: mary Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:15:11 +0000 Oh boy is right. I loved when he said ..its best to bring in the NWO . right? and person says yes. Well, it just shows how “fear” will make one think irrational…its ok, we have to keep fighting it..

By: Deanna Clark Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:47:03 +0000 I hope and believe there will be a great turning away from all this. People will begin to spend more time sitting outside with a cuppa coffee and doing a crossword, listening to birds and playing with pets. Imagine an amazing wake up from all this slavery…seeing creation with fresh eyes. These gadgets are doomed…they are made by slaves for slaves. We have more in common with the earthworms under our feet than all of these machines.
