Comments on: Is consciousness an illusion? Tue, 10 Jan 2017 11:30:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Tue, 10 Jan 2017 11:30:09 +0000 […]

You say:

“And here a modern philosopher retreats to the conventional position based on zero evidence”
and quote John R Searle.

And later you say:

“consciousness is you knowing you’re reading this page right now. It isn’t molecules spitting out a message that “you’re reading this page.”

On what basis can you say that? How do you know? Do YOU have evidence?
Quoting huxley proves nothing.


By: bishop420 Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:12:17 +0000 Perhaps the source is in and of itself.

By: denisemward Fri, 06 Feb 2015 02:11:15 +0000 I’m an Obama critic. It’s really funny whenever I meet someone and agree with their disapproval of Obama, they instantly think I’m a Democrat. You gotta laugh. I explain I am as heartily against Democrats as I am against Republicans, or almost. However this causes a tic in their thinking. It does not compute. Same if one is a critic of science. It is taken as an approval of god. Again I am a staunch critic of science but an even stauncher one of religion or religious faith. Nothing could be more infantile to me than believing in some big daddy somewhere. I do wish people would get over it and grow up spiritually and take responsibility. However sometimes I wonder if the scientists actually have done more harm than the religions. How many dead ends has it led us to? How many pathways has it not gone down that could lead to higher knowledge, knowledge that is not dependent on technology? So for example, could we communicate with each other without relying on any technology? Science is biased towards technology and because of this, demolishes its credibility.

By: Existence, the only refuge... Mon, 02 Feb 2015 12:08:24 +0000 ‘Our minds are hampered by the moral lapse, called “sin.” Our limitations are the reason we must acknowledge the Supreme Intellect, which has formulated a restoration plan proffered for our edification…’


You live in a world of illusion, because you have not yet even touched your own reality.

Intellect stands in your way.

You have not experienced yourself,

It is apparent just from your first few words!

Sin is a technique of the pseudo-religions.

A true religion has no need of the concept at all.

The pseudo-religion cannot live without the concept of sin,

Because sin is the technique of creating guilt in people.

The idea is invented by the priests to suppress you, subjugate you, humiliate you, destroy your dignity.

You will be surprised to know that the original root from where the word “sin” comes, means forgetfulness… forgetfulness is understandable, forgetting oneself,

That’s great, that’s what it should mean.

You were not aware, you forgot.

But religions have completely destroyed the original meaning of the word.

Truth has to be discovered within your own soul.

It cannot be borrowed from the scriptures.

Intelligence is your nature.

All that is needed is to uncover it.

The mind must cease for the truth to be.

Truth has no name, and truth is not confined in any system of thought.

Truth is not a theory, a theology, a philosophy.

Truth is the experience of that which is.

Truth is not intellectual or emotional; truth is existential.

Knowing it, you know the very heartbeat of existence.


You need not believe me, I am simply inviting you to experience it…

By: faktorrizm58 Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:05:36 +0000 Knowing oneself is one aspect of intelligence. The truly intelligent recognize that what they don’t know is far greater than what they do know or even that which is collectively known. Yes, intelligence is always in the present, even while sleeping, But it cannot be constructively utilized unless in a conscious, wakeful state.

“Thoughts must cease for your intelligence to be?” That’s analogous to the notion that for me to have life, oxygen must cease. Intelligence is a quality of the mind, and we largely compare ourselves among ourselves by applying the IQ test. Thinking will be active day and night in the mind that hasn’t surrendered itself to hypnotic pleasures or hypnotic religious exercises. But those thoughts while sleeping can only vaguely assemble memories with imagination into what we term “dreams.” Conscious dreams are the result of unhampered creativity in the mind and best for constructive purposes.

“The solutions we seek can only be found beyond the intellectual mind.” True, insofar as our mortal intellects can function. Our minds are hampered by the moral lapse, called “sin.” Our limitations are the reason we must acknowledge the Supreme Intellect, which has formulated a restoration plan proffered for our edification. That plan is in effect and effectual, but not derived from naked intellect. It arises out of the ocean of life – named Love.

“Uncovering intelligence, from the distortion of mind, allows us to see directly the very nature of reality.” Our moral imperfection is the underlying reason for distortion of mind, producing a warped application of intelligence. Only by “uncovering;” i,e,, perceiving true intelligence based on the abundant evidence and making the positive response to it, can we see the very nature of reality, both the immediate and the eternal.

“Our whole structure of education is built not on intelligence, but on intellect and competition.” True, for accreditation/acceptance has to meet certain normative standards. That measure “initiates the fever of ambition and the struggle for power.” It stifles, as Jon so correctly states, both individuality and creativity. We do have a productive society in many ways, for there are those who arise from the ashes of this educational burn dump.

By: faktorrizm58 Sat, 31 Jan 2015 16:04:59 +0000 We do have a hard time with the concept of “infinite,” because we are mortal and in our small world we largely see beginning and ending. You are correct (IMHO), Brad, that the essence of Life intrinsically includes awareness, creative intelligence and love. Love, as a principle, is defined as selfless giving, humility, compassion, affection, and caring beyond any self interests, including life itself. And because we have and thus are able to recognize those qualities, the evidence of such Source is manifested in a multitude of forms around us in what we call “nature.”

However, we cannot assume that what we can identify is all of which the Source consists. We do not need to “imagine” a source. The evidence is all around us in multitudinous varieties. True science measures and can to some extent quantify the evidence. We can utilize gravity and electromagnetic energy, but we cannot explain why they exist or how they work. They “just do.” We can attempt to explain everything by the 2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy or the lack thereof. But it is an utter fallacy to presume – in the light of galactic continuity even as we have measured it for millennia – that we know all the physical laws of the universe or even a few of those principles by which the Infinite One operates.

Thus we can safely exercise faith in the Source based upon evidence at hand. That is more than sufficient for anyone to trust in and consent to worship. It takes far greater “faith” to accept the belief system of evolution for which there is no demonstrable evidence. Nothing has been observed or can be reproduced to substantiate this kind of wishful thinking. The “theory” of evolution does not even rise to the level of a theory. It is merely an hypothesis.

The qualities in the essence of Life which you/we identify are characteristics of personhood. They are those of a pure character, in the sense of nothing which destroys or lessens their intrinsic worth. Now we can ascribe all glory and honor to the One who “just is,” the Great I AM.

By: Consciousness Is Spacetime... Fri, 30 Jan 2015 19:19:56 +0000 Peace Or Mind?

The Annual Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee since 1901, yet true lasting global peace remains a dream, a hope, a utopia.

The world is in crisis, which drags us ever closer to the nuclear precipice.

There remains no choice but to address the fundamental problems of our global dystopia.

To discover the very roots of it’s unconscious nature.

Yet until the people begin to realize that the solutions we seek can only be found beyond the intellectual mind.

Global peace will remain a utopia!

How many world leaders, artists, scientists, academics, politicians, clergy, celebrities, know themselves?

Or are even aware that they do not know themselves?

Knowing oneself is intelligence.

Intelligence comes from seeing.

Not from the mind. – thoughts must cease for your intelligence to be.

Intelligence is consciousness itself.

Consciousness, being free of thought, is the door to knowing the absolute zero.

It is ever present within us.

Intelligence is always in the present.

“By placing the Hubble’s Space telescope orbit outside the distortion of Earth’s atmosphere.

It has allowed Hubble to take extremely high-resolution images of the universe.

Many of it’s observations have led to breakthroughs in astrophysics.”

Uncovering intelligence, from the distortion of mind, allows us to see directly the very nature of reality.

Fully unlocking the present will release humanity from its entire past of divisions, violence, hatred and war.

Set intelligence as an existential scientific constant.

Intelligence is a state of no-mind.

Our whole structure of education is built not on intelligence, but on intellect and competition,

Only trying to achieve results in the future.

Never realizing that intelligence is always in the present.

Education initiates the fever of ambition and the struggle for power.

Education does not make you more aware, more conscious.

It simply fills you with information by increasing the power of your memory.

But while the world and it’s leaders remain oblivious to this truth.

The implications are enormous.

The intellect without intelligence awake is one of the most dangerous things in the world.

And we are living under the danger of intellect.

Because intellect has given science immense power.

But the power is in the hands of children, not in the hands of wise people.

Only by knowing oneself, does a man become wise…

By: brad Fri, 30 Jan 2015 18:05:29 +0000 We have a hard time with the idea of ‘infinite’. In the case of Life, we tend to think in terms of an origin, of it coming from something (or ‘someone’) that we can ‘point to’. Because we live in a world of temporary forms where cause and effect is all around us, it’s natural to think in those terms. It seems plausible to me, though, that the essence if Life (which I would argue intrinsically includes awareness, creative intelligence and love) is not subject to limitation or qualification of any kind; no imagined source is required; perhaps it just is.

By: ozziethinker Fri, 30 Jan 2015 04:44:14 +0000 @Andy

Thank you for the “plug”.

I am glad you enjoyed it.

By: ozziethinker Fri, 30 Jan 2015 04:42:11 +0000 @MB

I am not sure how to respond to that.

Does not truth transcend you, me and Roman slaves? I do decode existence in my latest book. Prime Source is the cosmic version of “God”. It is a book you haven’t read. I suggest you get a copy and you’ll then realise it is not a “can of worms”. Though I anticipate it will draw up more questions than answers.

The New Testament gospel of Mark was penned by a Roman aristocrat (associate of “Jesus”). Josephus (gnostic “Jesus”) was the product of Royal Roman (Piso) and Jewish Essene (Joseph Matthias) heritage. That’s why they argued he was the true king of the Jews anointed by John the Baptist (as successor to the royal line).

Believe what you like, but that is “what is”.
