Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: liberated power Fri, 30 Jan 2015 04:26:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: JackieO Fri, 30 Jan 2015 04:26:51 +0000 I am so glad that I was brought up in the world of imagination, looking back did’t miss a thing. Was able too imagine wha life eally was and it all starts in our own head.. So I pursued it for always. I t not only helped when working those 8 hour days of youre when we had a 15 minute break and lunch hour was wonderful. Besides enhancing the regular work day, twas glorious. Childhood one could go to the moon or anywhere they wanted all you had to do is folow your thoughts. Think that is why I delighted in geting lost this was always a great adventure and the things one saw, people one met totally awesome.. Too know that your mind was the highway to all kinds of places. Thanks and think I will stay. Jackie ONeil

By: From Québec Thu, 29 Jan 2015 04:10:16 +0000 “One way or another, 99.99999999% of the world’s spiritual systems get around to denying individual power. Eventually, they all proclaim that power is coming from someplace else.”

You are 100% right on that. I’ve noticed on many comments that i read on different blogsites, that many Americans feel powerless in front of the NWO’s threat.

They say things like: Pray God to protect yourself, repent for your sins. Or they rely on the Rapture, whatever the hell that means. It blows my mind everytime I read this.

I guess they believe that they are just powerless puppets.
Is it no wonder that America sank into such deep corruption? No one to stop the insane government. They are waiting for the second coming of God to save them,.
Good luck with that one…lol.
