Comments on: How the law of attraction fails and becomes brainwashing Wed, 16 Nov 2016 22:42:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allan Wed, 16 Nov 2016 22:42:27 +0000 The ‘Law of Attraction’ is a New Age spin on the psychology of how positive thoughts and attitudes affect your actions. It has become a ‘magical idea’ that somehow makes everything better without having to do anything. I can see why it has gained popularity with the ‘entitled generation’ not wanting to put in hard work or struggle to earn their reward.

By: Focault Mon, 27 Apr 2015 19:25:59 +0000 Mike, it is clear to me that you didn’t read the link about the scientific publications written by Dr. Kapper et al. In such experiments action was required, but LoA didn’t work. If LoA was true, then presidents of several countries would have used it to launch nuclear bombs one against another. If LoA was true, then people affected by mentall illness who believe to be Napoleon could dominate the world. If LoA was true, then children could manifest all crazy stuff they want,because they believe in fairy tales without any effort, just like you.

By: Mike Tue, 14 Apr 2015 16:56:16 +0000 I am sure that you defined the Law of Attraction within your argument against it. The Law of Attraction requires action. Without action thoughts remain day dreams. The Law of Attraction does not state that the universe can be controlled simply through thinking. There must be conscious and focused action toward the acquisition of a goal. Any interpretation otherwise is simply wrong and generated by underlying fear.

By: Focault Thu, 09 Apr 2015 01:22:02 +0000 What does science tell about the Law of Attraction? It tells that LoA doesn’t work. Do you need a proof by scientific evidence? Read this:

Just let scientists make their own work. For the sake of the truth, for the evolution of both our specie and our culture,please, don’t mix science with mystical woo.

People, I will always save my emotions. i’ll never force myself to think positive. I don’t need it. I’ve always earnt from my mistakes and sometimes even sufference was a useful tool for improving my life. I’ll never set aside someone because of negative thinking. I won’t fear to be contaminated by negative thinking, but I’ll listen people and I’ll try to offer my help. I don’t program my brain lie a robot, I just use my heart, in a natural manner. How dare can we struggle for discovering the right way to use LoA, while so many people are starving? Don’t be selfish. If we think that LoA is useful, then let’s try to use it for knowing ourselves instead of wishing a new car. My life is wonderful, my wishes are normal. Friends, I don’t need LoA at all.

Jerry Hicks passed away because of cancer. Although he believed in LoA he used the mainstream medicine for trying to heal himself. Why? Perhaps because several people used LoA and died faster then the ones who used the mainstream medicine (eg. Kim Tinkham)?

Best Regards

By: Eulie Fri, 20 Feb 2015 22:36:19 +0000 Yeah…anyone who practices the LOA and thinks all they have to do is wish for it..well, they deserve what they get. Nothing. You can’t help BUT to act when you travel down this path. It’s the truth. You aren’t limited by such dribble as what I have read in this piece. You ignore them. You are finally free of the naysayers and live your life like it’s golden. It does work, and if you don’t like it, then you are free to ignore those of us who choose to meander down this path. That is one thing I like about the LOA…it is truly fair to all. You want good things, think on it. You don’t? Then don’t. Either way, you live and then die and the world moves on. If smiling more, being a happier, healthier and more positive woman is considered by you to be brainwashing, in the words of Redman “I’ll bee dat.”

By: GMan Tue, 10 Feb 2015 05:43:05 +0000 It just blows my mind how people close their mind to ideas and theories without even trying them to prove them false or true. I have been practicing thoughts are things for over 30 years and I often looked at events or changes in my life and could see why they happened. No I could not explain how the pieces fell into the right place or how it happened so quickly. That again proved to me time is in reality non existent. How was I led to do what I needed to do instead of just worrying and giving up? I found if I listened then acted on it I was doing what I needed to do on my part to bring the manifestation into reality.
God helps those that help themselves. IMO that means God or whatever you want to call it, perhaps universal law, will bring about what needs to happen but then you have to accept it or in other words you have to do your part in the play. We often have to be the director as well as the actor.
I have seen and for that reason I totally believe if you really feel your desire but take no action then you may experience great turmoil for the manifestation to become reality. There is a lot to old sayings and the saying watch what you pray for might just happen is so true. It says in the bible be in constant prayer. In other words keep your thoughts on truth and the truth shall set you free. Believe and speak all the hype and watch what you receive. Read the book of JOB and gain this understanding.
They crucified Jesus because he taught the way to life outside of worldly ways. Be in this world but not of it. In other words don’t fall for and be a part of the limiting mind games played in the world. Claim your own creative power. They were not going to let some man tell them they were responsible for their own quality of life. It is easier to blame someone else for our short comings. That’s the power that they don’t want people to know so they can be kept in the bread lines for the handouts and sickly for the medications that are just money grabbing rip offs.
If thoughts, aka beliefs, aren’t things then why is it that people that fail to plan fail. People don’t plan to fail but they fail. Pieces of the puzzle for the plan somehow come about like divine right action was happening but nah that is just a coincidence. There are no coincidences only actions activated in the unseen so it is seen. Explain to me how something or someone that you knew not somehow comes into your life at the right moment? Don’t be so closed minded people!
Salvation is not by works alone lest any man boast. Yeah people are taught the mindless BS that the salvation is for the soul to get the end rewards after they die. They are taught be good law abiding people and accept Jesus and you will get your salvation in the after life. The real salvation is man realizing he doesn’t have to be under mind games controlling their lives. We are in reality the creators of our lives and sorry to say we the masses are unknowingly being programed how to create our lives under false beliefs. We all are creative whether we know it or not.
Walt Disney was told by his educator in school that he would never amount to anything without a school diploma. It seems Walt realized that man had no authority to pigeon hole and limit his expression of life. I don’t think all successful people just happened to get it right. I believe they learned how to make life work for them to get it right. Anyone that thinks negative thinking has nothing to do with it is a fool. Negative thinking is brainwashed thinking.
Do I believe in man made religion? NO! Do I believe there is a Universal Law or call it GOD or Spiritual world? Absolutely because I no way possible made or brought things or people or what seemed divine action into my life.
People think believing in Jesus is the salvation. Jesus never taught that. He taught the HOW TO in order to gain salvation. He taught we and the father are one with the same creative attributes. Yes I believe heaven and hell are right here in this thing we call life.

By: acuriousexplorer Sat, 07 Feb 2015 16:43:59 +0000 Hey Ozziethinker.

If I could put it this way. If you were in a unlocked dungeon and you believed 100% that to leave the dungeon would mean certain death then you most certainly wouldn’t leave. Although I suppose you could argue that what I’m describing is a perception.

AKA the man who believes that he can’t be successful. He will unconsciously sabotage himself as he tries to be successful until he believes that he can be successful.

I’m no avid follower of things magically appearing, goals have to be realistic and action must be taken.

By: acuriousexplorer Sat, 07 Feb 2015 16:38:46 +0000 basically the world exists as it is: obstacles need to be climbed, for everything there is a price that needs to be paid. If your desire is unrealistic it ain’t gonna happen.

But if you get really in tune with what you’re aiming for, then that can help you to access your subconscious and valuable information within it that can help you achieve your goals. So you “attract” thoughts which can help you.

And yes, as Jon says, if you’re in tune with a realistic aim then IMO through the interconnectedness of all life you may sometimes find people and situations “magically” appear which help you on the way towards your goals.

But, at the end of the day, the idea of LOA is merely an important tool to help you along the way. If your goal is crap, or your actions towards that goal are rubbish, then you wallow in no mans land.

But, then I suppose, saying things will appear from nothing sells more books.

By: nansye Fri, 06 Feb 2015 16:50:10 +0000 Thoughts may certainly be “mercurial” but I think that’s the hidden point? Most mature adults prune/cut “negative thoughts from their mind – rightly so, because you are going to “reap what you sow” if you spend your days “plotting/thinking” about revenge, murder, stealing from others, etc. So, then, you can’t say these people don’t then “attract” their own kind & thus also attract more problems for themselves? How does the Law of Attraction not apply here? Honestly enquiring. ????

By: ozziethinker Fri, 06 Feb 2015 11:43:59 +0000 Lol, I have heard it all now.

If truth defies belief, what is to be believed?

You […] have absolutely validated Jon argument “with knobs on”.

There are only FACTS, PERCEPTIONS & VIEWS. Beliefs are redundant.
