Comments on: Imagination is the key, Part2 Tue, 10 Feb 2015 20:38:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Tue, 10 Feb 2015 20:38:22 +0000 I ask you this Laura….when you imagined your steak.? How big was it, was just big enough or too big. Tell me, did you have that last bite that one rolls around the plate to sop up the juices…did it taste like the last bite. The last bite is always the best… as we both know.
Was your steak barbecued on hardwood charcoal fire. Or should I say how you like it. Was it marinated before it was barbecued. Did you have a baked potato with it…did the sour creme and the butter melt just right. Was the potato baked till it was just so right. Because if this is true…what I have just said…then something else was feed Laura. Something far more important… than a stomach.
A mind can be tricked into believing a silk purse is s sows ear.
Imagination feeds a soul. Unless you don’t believe you have a soul.

By: seamlessone Mon, 09 Feb 2015 10:31:17 +0000 The world is full of that kind of imagination Quebec, and that kind of imagination is only capable of imaging different colored prison walls. That kind/quality of imagination is worthless. Imagination only becomes a truly creative endeavor when it becomes the tool of a creative mind, which is an empty mind, a free mind. Totally free….else one just keeps imagining the same prisons over and over again. That is not imagination at all, rather it is merely the recycling/re-packaging of the same old images. If that is what you call imagination then who cares.

It is not imagination that matters, but the quality/intelligence of the imaginer himself. A stupid person cannot imagine himself to be intelligent, thus any attempt by the stupid person to imagine himself as intelligent is but more stupidity. However much the stupid person imagines, his stupidity remains.

By: From Québec Mon, 09 Feb 2015 03:05:04 +0000 Hey Michael, you have to go and meet the Magician on Jon’s new blog.
We miss you there.

By: Michael Burns Mon, 09 Feb 2015 01:07:46 +0000 @seamlessone…
“Image-ination is the capacity to create totally new images, and that requires a freedom from ALL the old images that one has accumulated about self and the world.”
– seamlessone

That’s if you consider imagination in the greater sense to be only about imagery. Imagination is about much, much more…the creation of music is about the language of the imagination and that creative process…one can imagine sound as color, or taste and vice versa.
Imagination can incorporate all the senses. Smell, taste, touch and sound are all vehicles of the expression of the imagination.
Theories…in physics, chemistry and biology start with the imagination. They are simply not images of theories…mathematics can and is imagined.
Einstein imagined the workings of the Universe. The math was simply using another mathematical human language to try and prove it as a truth. Granted it is an twentieth century myth that has survived way too long…like Darwinism.

We in twentieth century are not building new myths…but that does seems rhetorical in a sense, (if one includes the myths created by the corporation or governments)…I should say that we are recycling, reconstituting and rebranding the old world myths. The old gods are being resurrected. With new and improved powers…technological powers. But they are still the old gods.
Imagination is not about creating another myth…myths are the basis of the propaganda of the priest class. Today science is that new priest class.
Imagination helps me find a path to a truth.
Imagination allows me to build my own reality. Free from the contraints and in some cases oppression of anothers.

By: From Québec Sun, 08 Feb 2015 18:28:42 +0000 “How can a mind full of myths imagine a world that is free of the shackles and prisons of myth?”

Probably on a day when he is so miserable, that he starts dreaming of a better life. It happens all the time. Some people need to get to the bottom before they start looking for a way out of it.

By dreaming of a better life, he stimulates his imagination and BINGO… the doors of his mind open up magically.

By: seamlessone Sun, 08 Feb 2015 02:01:21 +0000 Yes Quebec, you may die before that happens, but it simply can’t happen any other way. A mind that is a slave to myths is simply not able to imagine anything except a world inclusive of its myths and beliefs. How can a mind full of myths imagine a world that is free of the shackles and prisons of myth? It’s simply a logical and practical impossibility. How can a mind full of false images (about itself and the world) imagine anything totally free of those images? Impossible, surely. Imagination is not separate from the imaginer, obviously.

Image-ination is the capacity to create totally new images, and that requires a freedom from ALL the old images that one has accumulated about self and the world.

By: From Québec Sat, 07 Feb 2015 22:01:26 +0000 Laura,

It seems to me, that you are confusing “Wishful Thinking” with “Imagination”.

Wishful Thinking” requires faith. Just like in religion. You wish and have the faifth that God exist, even though he is invisible, just like the steak in your plate is invisible of course.

Imagination, requires no faith. You imagine something and you do it.
A painting, a scenario, or a music piece, or anything else.

Another example:

The Elites have proven that they have a lot of imagination. They, for instance, imagined one day, to create a system that could spy on all of us, all of the time. They didn’t know themselves, how to make it happen, but they presented their “Imagined System” to people who had the skills to make it happen.

And here we are today… Imagination has created a new reality.
We have lost all of our privacy.

By: Stellar Sat, 07 Feb 2015 18:27:01 +0000 Maeva in Wonderland

By: laura Sat, 07 Feb 2015 06:47:31 +0000 I understand that when imagination is true… has validity… then it came from Truth. However, if I imagine that I have a steak dinner in front of me… and eat the dinner I only imagined… as the plate is empty… the imagination is called “delusion”. The result of this repeated exercise is starvation and death.

By: From Québec Sat, 07 Feb 2015 03:24:14 +0000 “Once the mind/body is deeply secure and whole, only then can it venture out into the world and imagine and play.”

I’m not sure if I understand you correctly, but it seems to me that it is the other way around.

Imagination will take you everywhere and will open every doors in your mind. Like Jon says: Imagination is the key!

If you wait for the mind/body to be deeply secure and whole, you may die before experiencing the power of imagination
