Comments on: The space-time continuum called The News Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:49:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:49:13 +0000 Very well said! You just made me think here. I often wondered why the Elites haven’t shut down, yet. All the crimes and lies of the government have been exposed on that site for 20 years and with such accuracy and passion, it is mind boggling? And how come Alex Jones hasn’t been stopped, jailed or killed like many whistleblowers have?

Now, I think I know why. It’s because Alex is a fervent religious man, he talks a lot about how God protects him, he thanks the callers on his show for their prayers, etc. So the Elites don’t give a damn about Alex.

Although he reveals the naked truth about the corruption of governments, the Elites knows that most of his followers are either Christians or whatever other religion. And the Elites know, that even if these people are fully awake, they will never take a stand, they will leave it in the hands of God. Yep! That makes sense.

For the Elites, Alex is almost a friend in a way. So they let him reveal the whole truth, as long as he keeps the sheeple’s religious beliefs alive. They do not worry about religious believers, because they are the ones who wrote these religious book and created these beliefs to enslave the herd
And it is working very well.

By: Bill Wed, 11 Feb 2015 15:45:35 +0000 Super article as always Jon!

REALLY sad fact is we must stop scuba diving in Egypt. You know, in De NILE aka denial. Lying to ourselves, we help CONstruct this tech no logical insanity. It IS insanity! It ISn’t sanity!
Whatever, stop lying to yourself and build your soul ever stronger!
Prayers and Blessings!

By: Arthur Armstrong Wed, 11 Feb 2015 15:33:27 +0000 Love all u guys…Edward R. Murrow came to my little brick one room school at Buffalo Creek Colo….pull the plug on on the magic Wurlitzer
Arthur Armstrong

By: Vic Wed, 11 Feb 2015 12:31:58 +0000 Nothing new under the Sun…Philip K. Dick said it in the 70’s, but this goes Waaaayyyy back to at least the Roman Empire…the article is sincere, but it’s new info only for those that don’t have a clue of World History.

By: Nicasio Martinez Wed, 11 Feb 2015 04:53:11 +0000 I think people who still have full viable employment have no need of truth, until– ‘pink slip’ time.

By: From Québec Wed, 11 Feb 2015 00:22:00 +0000 Hum… interesting childhood! The good old times!.
Sometimes, it feels good to be a “crazy ole man”, we have seen so many changes in our lifetime. And mostly not for the better. But, we have imagination to keep us from going insane.

Speaking of imagination, did you meet the Magician and my new character, “the Lawyer”, on Jon’s other site? You never know, one day you might need this lawyer when vaccines will become mandatory…lol


By: Mark Tue, 10 Feb 2015 22:02:58 +0000 People who appear in the mass media – TV news anchors, those with newspaper bylines, etc – are essentially evangelists and they sell a certain point of view to a certain demographic. Stations like Fox cater to conservatives, while MSNBC and others cater to liberals. None, however, speak the unvarnished truth about much of anything.

The function of the news isn’t to inform the public but to guide them towards certain ways of thinking. Or more precisely, certain ways of believing. Thinking is a process of questioning, whereas believing is a process of faith. So in essence, the mass media are churches wherein followers and disciples can get a daily helping of faith to reaffirm what they already believe.

A truthfully informed public is bad for the status quo – the entrenched players in governments and industry. The last thing the major figures in government and industry want is for the general public to know the real motives and agendas of those in power. The real functions of the mass media news have always been to control and pacify the masses and sell products, not to enlighten people. That’s why it’s called “mass media”. I doubt that can ever change.

By: Are Yufreel Tue, 10 Feb 2015 19:52:51 +0000 “….Pope of Hope….” Love it!

By: From Québec Tue, 10 Feb 2015 19:33:27 +0000 This is why the television anchors must be held to the highest standard of integrity. Higher than the government’s integrity (who never had any), and don’t know the meaning of the word.

In leman’s terms: The anchors are supposed to be the detectives selected and hired to solve and share light on government’s crimes and lies.

Now, many people know that governments lies on most issues. Some of the people just suspect they do, and others don’t have a clue.

The problem for the public is to know WITCH issues the government lied on this time around. And that is the job of the anchors and their crew..

They are supposed to work for us and to be on our side. After all, they are also part of the public and they will also suffer the consequences of government’s lies.

Example: They deny chemtrails. How stupid! Do they think they wont be inhaling these toxines?

Sometimes, I wonder if the MSM is not just another alphabet soup government agency.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 10 Feb 2015 19:00:41 +0000 Well said Jon, I think the only people who like you telling the truth all the time are people like myself. And there is not many of us left…old son.
Even though you and I haven’t met, I consider you my friend. It’s hard to find good friends these days. The qualities of friendship has changed over the years. When everyone is so shallow, and as deep as the milk in the cats bowl. It hard to find individuals, and for me…they make the best of friends. They are good pals.
Not to worry, I’m just a crazy ole man…but not too crazy.

“I can still remember thinking, this is a show, it’s a good show, but it’s theater. I knew that, because in those days my friends and I played on fields of our own choosing, we were free, we made up our own rules and our own games, and we loved having that power.” – Jon Rap

Ah…those halcyon days of Mick Burns…my friends call me Mick…running in those poor boy short pants, with that dull ache of hunger in my stomach to drive me on…hunger was my master then. I’d burn the world down to get back there. And that wild Irish passion for life. Real life! And the glint in my eye, that is in the corners of the eyes of every Belfast Catholic boy when the father isn’t around… and the dew making my ankle socks wet. The warm spring sun in my face, so warm, so loving. And those gentle Irish breezes that came in from the sea. Running around like a mad cat and away from my fears. And the Irish fathers somewhere back there… playing hooky and knowing the price of this beautiful joy would be pain and the humiliation of a strapping. And the penance would be given my knees.

“And then at night, I found my imagination by reading novels about sea voyages and trips to other planets—and soon enough I realized the news was a story about power being everywhere I wasn’t.” – Jon Rap

I remember when the television first arrived in homes Jon…it was a big deal. You could rent them…well sort of rent them.
There was a steel box on the side of the television with a heavy steel turning knob, like the kind you see on old bubble gum machines. You put a shilling in the slot and turn the knob all the way. And that gave you a couple hours viewing. That was expensive…a shilling could buy a lot of soda bread in those days

I saw the Lord of the Rings trilogy at the movies, a while back…sometime later I discovered that I had destroyed something in myself… and that thing was what I had imagined Tolkien world to be. I had imagined that world a long time ago when I had first read the books in the very early seventies.
That was Tolkien forte, getting the readers imagination involved with his descriptive writing style. And that great character development of his…he was such a great artist. I hate that the movies have destroyed the books.

