Comments on: What investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson told me about vaccines Mon, 14 Jun 2021 13:29:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Sun, 11 Dec 2016 17:20:00 +0000 you’re conflating, on the hand, the seeing of a western-medicine ‘doctor’ that uses toxic drugs to manage the SYMPTOMS of a chronic disease — instead of using nutrition to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to treat the CAUSE of the disease, WITH, emergency room western-medicine Doctors who are experts in handling bodily injury (gunshot wounds, broken bones from car accidents, burns from fires) who do administer pain-killing drugs. Thank God for the latter.

By: Ell Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:37:51 +0000 If you don’t believe doctors know what they’re doing/are knowledgeable then next time you need to go to the doctor or emergency DONT. You’re smarter than them right? You’re responsible for fixing your own injuries and curing your own viruses from here on out you hypocrite

By: theodorewesson Wed, 25 Feb 2015 01:30:43 +0000 Hi Barbara, thank you so much for sharing your research with us!

By: Barbara Gregory Wed, 25 Feb 2015 00:44:49 +0000 One Irrefutable Anti-Vax Argument

Vaccinations cause an immune reaction.

Vaccinations cause an immune reaction to the ingredients in the vaccine.

Vaccinations cause an immune reaction to the ingredients in the vaccine, which includes the ones listed on the package insert.

Vaccinations cause an immune reaction to the ingredients in the vaccine, which includes the ones listed on the package insert AND the ones not listed.

An allergy is an immune reaction.

Vaccinations cause allergies.

If vaccinations have food protein in them, vaccinations could cause food allergies.

Vaccinations can have food protein in them.

It is only the final culture medium that is listed on the package insert. All the earlier culture mediums can be food waste which is why patents for culture mediums list nearly every food known to man.

Vaccinations can have a mixture of food oils in them that have a trace amount of food protein. The FDA allows pharmaceutical companies to self affirm Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) ingredients and nothing gets submitted to the government and these ingredients become trade secrets protected by international law. Even the FDA doesn’t know what is in the vaccines.

These food allergies are very serious and can be deadly and affect about 2 children in every classroom. Food allergies are unknown in unvaccinated populations.

Vaccine safety cannot be adequately studied without knowing the ingredients in the vaccines.

This is where the provax folks tell me that I cannot PROVE that vaccines have peanut oil and food protein in them. That is true. I can only show a great deal of circumstantial evidence that vaccinated people and animals have food allergies which are increasing and serious, but among unvaccinated people and animals food allergies are nearly unknown. I have shown the law about secrecy and self-affirmed vaccine ingredients.

But it is not the job of the public to have to PROVE vaccine safety. It is the job of the FDA to “take action on particular substances if information is brought to their attention that causes them to doubt an ingredient’s safety.” And it is the job of the pharmaceutical companies to prove safety.

So I have done my part.

Dear FDA, I am bringing it to your attention that the self-affirmed GRAS ingredients and culture mediums used are the direct cause of the food allergy epidemic among our children.

Dear Pharmaceutical Companies, I am calling the public’s attention to the fact that you are keeping secrets. Secrets that can be harming our children.

And dear Provaxers,

I have provided all the research I have done on my website:

It is not perfect, but it doesn’t need to be. It is adequate to prove that there is a major problem with the vaccines. If you disagree with me, then you show the world that the pharmaceutical companies are disclosing all of the ingredients and that the vaccines don’t cause immune reactions = allergies.


By: nwqfk Tue, 24 Feb 2015 05:50:16 +0000 Jon I have to retract my earlier post (to some degree) it seems I had my vaccinated spreading disease people confused. New York NOT California.

However, the media absolutely lied about vaccine free people causing the Disney outbreak that is 100% confirmed. I intend to make that a point with the evidence to back it up when people crow that as gospel.

My guess is the establishments biggest fear is that the ‘traveler’ who started the California outbreak is from central America and NOT the Philippines.

By: signalfire Sun, 22 Feb 2015 22:22:33 +0000 All these ‘free’ vaccines must be getting subsidized by the federal government, right? We can be damn sure that Merck isn’t giving them away out of the goodness of their hearts, unless of course they stand to make billions on the lifelong treatment that’s needed after you suffer vaccine damages…. Has Disney gone belly-up yet? Seems like their stock should have taken a nosedive. First thing I’d do if I was a parent planning a several thousand dollar ‘vacation’ to that weirdly pathetic excuse for entertainment would be to cancel the plans, stay home and save money.

By: Radhey Patel Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:52:13 +0000 In this blog/article, Jon shifts from his previous articles about just the negatives of getting vaccinated. He challenges the notion that we as viewers/readers of mainstream media are only given unbiased and true facts from newspapers and news broadcasters. He claims that if the media was really here to tell us the truth then the major networks on T.V. would show debates between both sides of the problem, which, in this case, is whether or not vaccines are truly helpful. Jon also states that doctors and the media have brainwashed people into believing whatever they say, because they have the government backing them up.

Although Jon makes a good case about how the media is filtered to show the viewers what the government wants us to see, I believe he needs more statistics and facts to back up his claim. I do not think the word of just Sharyl Attkisson is enough evidence to disenfranchise the major networks or get a majority of the viewers to support his claim. I also do not think his view on vaccines is completely correct. I commend his attempt to go against the big networks, and try to bring some light to a subject that needs to be discussed.

By: Roy Shroyer Fri, 13 Feb 2015 12:29:14 +0000 In this country, no matter where you look, if you dig deep enough, it’s all fraud backed by violence.

VERY PROFITABE (for some people) FRAUD.

No matter where you look, corps and gunvermin are lying to us for maximum profit.

Anybody who thinks they care about anything else is fooling themselves IMO.

By: Abinico Arts Thu, 12 Feb 2015 23:57:09 +0000 Vaccines can also hurt your animal friends, dogs and cats. I had one of my cats damaged real bad by a vaccine; the poor guy went blind, and had his kidneys destroyed. I nursed him for a year before he passed away. It was very, very sad.

By: theodorewesson Wed, 11 Feb 2015 19:08:57 +0000 GOOD NEWS:

There are pediatricians who no longer offer vaccinations in their private practices — as it is too expensive for them to do so. They lose money (high whole sale cost of the vax; refrigeration of the vax in their office; 24/7 remote monitoring service on the temperature of their refrigerator). Their patient’s insurance is not keeping up with the cost of the vaccines themselves.

The Price of Prevention: Vaccine Costs Are Soaring

Pediatricians Voice Anger Over Costs of Vaccines


Schumer urges free measles vaccinations
