Comments on: My response to Bob Livingston’s article, ‘Islamic terror and the great deception’ Sun, 15 Mar 2015 10:46:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Salvador Sun, 15 Mar 2015 10:46:31 +0000 Jon, thought you would appreciate this. Wow is all I can say.Right in our face, all the way back then. Thinking more and more these guys have access to a timeline that we simply do not. Although they say time is just an illusion. Ergo, perhaps they have access to an illusion that we do not, i.e. manipulating one into being . . .

By: From Québec Sun, 22 Feb 2015 20:01:22 +0000 I gave you a reply on your previous post last night

Sure a US-Canadian partnership “peoples” news network would definitively be a nice move. The Elites are not the only one who can create Reality, we can also do it and even in a much more powerful way.

I will email you later today.

By: marblenecltr Sun, 22 Feb 2015 15:24:51 +0000 While you are at it, everbody, please examine the Health and Human Services National Adult Immunity Plan (NAIP) and the ACA National Vaccine Plan (NVA). We need that herd immunity, join the flock and go to the showers.

By: From Québec Sun, 22 Feb 2015 06:42:03 +0000 Yes, I’m in Canada.

Great minds meet…lol

Very interesting indeed and surely doable. You have a lot of imagination creativity and logic A perfect combination for success..

And you also have a powerful resumé:

“M. J. Sperry Pm. is a futurist & writer living in San Diego. He is an “out of the cage” free thinker, who brings to his writing innovation and creativity honed from years in industry in Southern California. There he was as a successful troubleshooter for hire, a troubleshooter of “unsolvable” problems. He left that lucrative work behind fourteen years ago, to devote his time and talents to the unraveling of the most formidable problems he’s yet tackled, those of government and society.”

By: mac Sperry Sun, 22 Feb 2015 05:36:58 +0000 Quebec

Getting the word out is so very important as Alex Jones has shown.

I think your idea of a new media is quite worthy.

If you’re in Canada, a US-Canadian partnership “peoples” news network might be a nice move wouldn’t you say?

Check my post above and if you like my version of how things might progress then email me at the address at the bottom of the page.

By: From Québec Sat, 21 Feb 2015 20:07:04 +0000 .”As far as not trusting alex jones, I am cautious as to why he and many others are still standing… we live in a very complex deception”

Well, at first, they just ignored him. Then they ridiculed him, calling him a Tin foil hat. They tried every dirty trick to discredit him.

And now he is winning the info war.

So now that he has such a hude audience, conservatively 22 million and more a week, (six hundred millions on just one YouTube documentary alone), plus top expert guests from every country in every field of life, I believe they are afraid that if they shut him down or kill him, that it will grant him credibility. So I believe it is too late for them to shut him down now. They have underestimated his power for too long.

Besides, he now has a great studio, plus an incredible crew who can do the show when Alex is out of town.

Plus, Alex doesn’t push violence, he doesn’t want a civil war, He much prefers to win an Info war.

And also, maybe the fact that his audience is mostly composed of religious believers who will not stand on their own, but are waiting for the Rapture to save them,,,lol.

By: mary Sat, 21 Feb 2015 13:15:14 +0000 let me add that when 9-11 happened I was among the many who believed terrorism must be checked. Now I laugh at the reports, if you read them, the ideas put forth are just insane. I have even wondered how do we really know the extent of the terrorist killing is real? could it be sensationalized? yes, it can. As I write this, a family member has tv news on and being reported how London teenage girls are heading to turkey to join Isis. and people believe this crap..The “guys” at the top have got to be enjoying this insanity

.As far as not trusting alex jones, I am cautious as to why he and many others are still standing… we live in a very complex deception

By: mary Sat, 21 Feb 2015 13:04:24 +0000 all that Jon and others have mentioned, (most, I am on the fence with Alex jones) I understand. If the media could ever, be brought down, and truth told perhaps people would then see, maybe.. I am continually amazed at the behavior of the majority, I do not understand how they continually deny when so much information has been exposed… My hope is that truth is continually expanding in our collective consciences. I hardly watch any tv I cannot tolerate the ridiculous, but the extent of this programming is amazing, just amazing. Why some see it and most don’t? that is a question that continually perplexes me…

By: mac Sperry Sat, 21 Feb 2015 05:56:02 +0000 Quebec

I came up with a similar idea. Instead of a top-down effort, my idea was bottom-up. It sets up lots of commercial, Internet-based, neighborhood radio stations.

I’ve been trying to get it going for about a year and a half now. You wouldn’t believe the flack I’ve received. It’s convinced me that I’m really on to something.

You’re in Canada right? Go to my website and read my proposal. The site is:

It the third article down entitled “Sperryism” and is the first “tool” called “SuperMedia”

By: From Québec Fri, 20 Feb 2015 19:25:11 +0000 “To answer your question they do know government and corporation are corrupt.”

My sister and her husband who were both maths teachers in high school, and their daughter who is now teaching Biology in CEGEP, believe everything the government says or approuves,

And I consider them very brilliant people in every other fields of life. They of course, religiously listen to the News on television every day to be informed.

They are convinced that I am a tin foil hat weardo..
They eat GMO’s, drink fluoride water, take vaccines and believe wars are justified to fight terrorism….lol. I no longer argue with them to avoid conflicts.

“Nous ne sommes pas si différents mon ami … Je suis toujours (a contempler) ce que vous attestez .

Yes, we have a lot in common. We both enjoy humour, imagination and arts.
It is a pleasure to exchange with you.

“(J’espère) que vous (n’avez) pas pris au sérieux (ma façon) de taquiner votre leçon (de langue française).”

Are you kidding me? I like you. And here I go again with corrections.

You seem to have the same problem I have with free translation on the NET. They are far from being good. They are so bad, that now I do not use them anymore. Although my English writing is so bad, I prefer writing my post with my own English words.

Feel free to correct me whenever you want. I’m all for improving my English skills. I’m sure you are better ytanslator than these internet translation tools.
