Comments on: Another huge nail in the coffin of psychiatry Sun, 19 Apr 2020 20:04:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keith Herrmann Sun, 19 Apr 2020 20:04:37 +0000 Ann,
Can you please tell me on what page is the Thurber quote in the Herndon book? I’ve purchased the book and cannot locate that quote.
P.S. I’m replying to comment by Ann, made on February 20, 2105 at 3:20 PM.

By: Venus Retrograde Sat, 28 Feb 2015 17:30:08 +0000 Yes, raping the mind or body causes a plethora of emotional and physical problems for the victim that lasts many lifetimes.
. I find no offense in your tone or language because people like us were made to eat our own pain and anguish. We were made to be silent about the most vicious crime on Earth. I know so many women who were sexually abused by a grandfather, step-father, uncle, brother, father, cousin that the statistics are obviously contrived. This is an epidemic. No wonder psyquackery was invented. The perps obviously needed a way to deflect their crimes.

When I recall a good and loving young man recounting the story of observing the rape of his sister ….by his own father….I could feel his pain and anger. It was palpable…and I felt deeply for his grief. He had to keep this secret he told me under the threat of his own death. His own father threatened to kill him if he told anyone. As difficult as this is to believe it is how this world operates. It is a bully system. All ‘Institutions’ are on built upon this premise; Authority trumps intrinsic, human rights.
I, personally, have no hope for humanity at this time. Pornography has invaded our homes via the idiot box and eagerly consumed as a staple in our sacred spaces. Children are raised on sexual innuendo and imagery at birth; Insuring that they act out through their lower chakras for their entire lives.
Rapist fathers and Uncles do as much.
I have found that this topic seems almost ‘impolite’ to discuss openly. It inspires an eerie silence, and, maybe that is because it is, after all, a misogynistic world. Women and children have no voice…no vote for what kind of world they would want. I certainly could NEVER have dreamed up such a putrid world for my beloved sons. Never.
No, I have 0% confidence that men will take control of their minds thus allowing them to open their hearts. None. And this is a shame as I am a Sagittarian. Sagittarians are usually quite optimistic souls. Maybe it is that I am afforded the ability to see far into the future and what I have been shown is quite bleak. Maybe it is the reality of our male dominated world that leaves me despondent and hopeless…or quite possibly, maybe it is because people such as you and I lived the truth of this perverse world. Yeah….I think experience trumps all theory and conjecture.

Keep nurturing yourself, Ines, through natural and loving means and leave the synthetic death pills for those carpet baggers and scalawags that created them.

By: Ines Radman Thu, 26 Feb 2015 21:54:47 +0000 thank you for taking the time to share your story, we need to talk about this and get rid of this industry that is insidious and cunning. Because of my abuse as a small child, my brain doesn’t create enough serotonin so I suffer from clinical depression, when I moved to Croatia and asked the psychiatrist if I can continue with Venlafax I also suffer from fibromyalgia, she told me she would give me a new drug and I refused, I didn’t need behavioral change, I was not depressed per say as in a negative environment, I simply sleep a lot and can’t get motivated so I told her this that i needed a med to increase the serotonin levels and she told me to go fuck myself and find another psychiatrist because she wanted the drug that she makes the most money off of, it was disgusting and in the end, I bought St. John’s Wort and it’s been doing fine for me, I should thank the bitch for refusing ! Sorry for the foul language but that is how I feel when I write about these social engineers that feel they know what we feel better than we do.

By: Venus Retrograde Thu, 26 Feb 2015 13:04:53 +0000 My sisters were also victims of child sexual abuse and can verify that Psychology or psychiatry
( they both have degrees in Psychology ) does nothing to address this pernicious and vicious crime; It merely acclimates one to the inherent conditions that allowed for such crimes to flourish.
I, personally, have no memory of such abuses but, according to my sisters, I had 9 of the 10 behaviors of sexual abuse victims. This prompted me to seek ‘help’ from this particular Industry and what I realized during the course of my ‘therapy’ was that I was being gently guided to acclimate myself to the vicious conditions of societal engineering. These social engineers want us to believe that we live in a bubble ,and, within this microcosmic sphere, what happens to us has no root cause or relation to the macrocosm.
Never once we did touch upon the root of any social injustice. We merely talked about my “inner child” and how to protect this child. Seeing as how children, and their inherent spiritual, mental, physical and emotional needs, are completely marginalized, if not down right ignored, I saw no value in going through these exercises . What became obvious to me during the course of these visits was that I was being acclimated to a very diseased society. I am sure that this was the intention of the pedophiles who created this profit industry….adding insult to injury.

I can recall that my father was reading a great deal of published ‘science’ on ‘False Memories’
( what a load of bull excrement ), trying to explain away the “memories” that my sisters shared of his abuse. I can remember my father actually telling me that we suffered from “false memory syndrome”, yet, my mother told me what she witnessed my father doing to my sister. When I confronted him about these allegations….from his own wife….he repeatedly told me to shut up and that what I recounted to him was not what my mother told me. He was not even present during this confession.

Pedophiles ( they are at the head of social engineering…the crown of that proverbial pyramid ) are extremely cunning people. They build great artifices of impregnable bullshite.. They protect each other. It does not take a leap of logic to see that this is a reality. I recall speaking with a woman many years ago ( she was married to a VP of a very large “information technology” company ) who confessed to catching her husband with child porn on his computer.
This list of pedophiles is long and illustrious….and guarded like the Vatican catacombs.

This crime is not random nor is it trivial. It is entrenched in the very roots of our earliest beginnings and I thank you, Ines, for bringing this topic to light within the scope of fraudulent social engineers and their de-mented social institutions.

Acclimation is the key word to associate forever with the profit industries of Psychiatry/Psychology.

By: Ines Radman Wed, 25 Feb 2015 20:52:30 +0000 Reblogged this on You Are The Light That You Always Have Been and commented:
I was just about to write a post about the worthlessness of Psychology while doing some research came across this post. It’s not worthless but it is a waste of time. I now spend my time teaching my clients how to be masters and help themselves. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I can tell you psychology doesn’t heal the pain, it only helps you understand some things, but really, how can I know what was in my father’s mind when he was abusing me and even if I did know, that didn’t change anything. We need to become masters of our own destinies, learn how powerful we are and that all the answers lie within, this is why I stopped practicing years ago, I felt helpless working in a system that was not designed to help but rather create dependency on the therapist.

By: Ines Radman Wed, 25 Feb 2015 20:48:14 +0000 As a Psychologist, I am ashamed to say that we are no better, only difference is that we can’t write prescriptions. I stopped practicing 10 years ago because I was not helping my clients change their heart/soul condition, I was only helping them understand WHY they were in that condition. As a survivor of several child and sexual abuse, I became a Psychologist believing I would not only understand but also heal from my own traumas, but what healed me was the knowledge that I was powerful and that everything I needed to heal was inside.
I now live in Croatia, my country of birth and when people call me for help, I tell them: “Sure, I will teach you how to become your own master and that will take a few hours, got the time for it?”.
I am not saying that Psychology is worthless, but it doesn’t reach the level of heart/mind/soul, it only helps the patient analyze and understand why they behave or think a certain way, that takes years when a simple technique like EFT will help within a few minutes. Don’t dare tell your clients this, you won’t make any money on them. Well I do, and I help them help themselves, in return I get more clients because they too want to learn how to be masters of their own destiny.
Great post Jon.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Wed, 25 Feb 2015 09:36:43 +0000 Gee.

I still remember my childhood psychologist’s name, for the fact of seeing him, weekly, for so long. The problem was, my MOTHER put me in a “children’s center” for about a year, and my then step-Father pulled me out of there. He reasoned that it was a place for “sick” children, and I was NOT a sick child.


A hidden “record” follows you for the rest of your days, especially with this vindictive “government”! Gee, THANKS “MOM”!


I “feel” ya.

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: From Québec Sat, 21 Feb 2015 18:59:34 +0000 Thanks for sharing your story. Great post!

By: Matthew Sat, 21 Feb 2015 12:45:11 +0000 Sheer poetry. You had me rolling on the floor with laughter. Thank you.

By: TruestBabe Sat, 21 Feb 2015 06:14:48 +0000 Rolling on floor laughing!!! Hahahahahaha! IMO shrinks are often psychopaths in disguise. See – Mark Passio On Psychopathy – Part 1 of 2 – WOEIH #134 …
Mark Passio’s website – Mark Passio – What On Earth Is Happening playlist –

The Psychopath as Psychiatrist

Excerpt from: The Mask of Sanity
by Hervey Cleckley, M.D.
