Comments on: Do atoms understand language? Tue, 03 Mar 2015 21:56:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Tue, 03 Mar 2015 21:56:39 +0000 The Physical Body, and the Physical Universe(s) are merely the substantive reflections of the non-physical, parallels to the current state of existence. Consciousness transcends all boundaries and planes. Conscious can also transcend the construct of “time”.

So, the Physical Existences may be formed of a collection of atoms, and various forms of minested, condensed energies, they are NOT the ultimate core nor foundation of existence (or “life”). Life is as a multidimensional exitence, within a multidimensional construct. The “Physical” aspect is but only a part of that construct.

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: Peter Appleby Wed, 25 Feb 2015 12:33:22 +0000 “We are what we think, and with our thoughts we make the world”-Gautama Buddha.-The Dhammapada-

By: Richard Todia Wed, 25 Feb 2015 05:24:10 +0000 Well… yes, and no.

You’ve got to admit that the mind control techniques being used are working very well on a large number of people. Why? A possible answer… just a shot… because there is no real will involved and the default setting seems to be on the particle level. (I have read some great books on the brain and neuroscience. I get this science stuff, and yes, it’s real. But it’s not everything. It’s more like what happens when something else isn’t going on… like Creation.)

Back on the subject… mind control does not work well on people who’s will it is to know Truth. It’s all about the Will. We are born with such a will. It’s a beautiful thing. But, it can be, and is being, lost. Parents need to keep their kids away from the boob-tube, the video games, the pop culture, etc. while their brains (persons… whatever) are developing. Doing this might help them to retain their love of, and dedication to, Reality.

“Shams and delusions are esteemed by men, while Reality is fabulous.” (Henry David Thoreau)

By: Adam Lilien Fri, 20 Feb 2015 23:38:18 +0000 Concrete minded individuals including scientists cannot feel and understand the awe of contemplating that all that is emerges from original life, that life is the root of EVERYTHING that is. And this life is truly eternal with no beginning or end. When life is sufficiently pregnant with itself’s intention, creation emerges and keeps emerging and has been emerging from before imagining. From a great and ultimate mystery the levels of order come to be driven by an intelligence that is always prior to form and force and experience and is alway living. What we call atoms are far removed in scale from the roots of creation. Our particle of creation we call the Universe has been born and reborn endlessly always more aware always more capable of expressing the singular Intelligence from which Consciousness and the Creative Impulse has its origins. Life and life as consciousness and capability enfolds itself and unifies Creation from the smallest to the greatest rooted in the same source.

By: Ruth Seal Fri, 20 Feb 2015 21:47:41 +0000 I would say that atoms can understand language by way of being affected by our thoughts, as thoughts are things and they can become real.
We are not our brains. We are a mind that uses the brain as a tool.

By: Ruth Seal Fri, 20 Feb 2015 21:32:24 +0000 So if consciousness and understanding are delusions….who is having these delusion?

By: Jason Calley Fri, 20 Feb 2015 19:44:39 +0000 As you point out, we all experience self-consciousness for ourselves. The only way we can claim to be simply robots is by lying about something which we personally experience every day. So yes, we may be a “ghost in a machine” a spirit of some non-material substance. On the other hand…

Maybe an atom CAN understand language, at least a little bit. Maybe a certain assembly of atoms can understand language a little bit better. Maybe the entire universe of matter is alive, and aware, and conscious! Maybe when we die and our body stops functioning our awareness falls to pieces like dust blown in the wind and is scattered to take new forms and become new lives. The old “self” is recycled just like a tree decaying on the forest floor. The pattern that was YOU is gone, but the consciousness lives on in myriad new forms.

Now THAT ought to frighten the pure materialists!

By: Mark L Fri, 20 Feb 2015 07:17:59 +0000 All good or great questions… Mind control is an assault on one’s personal space for various reasons. Usually perception is sidetracked, or disturbed to mess with one’s flight or fight instinct to drive the person into a herd mentality for easier control… The goal is really herd control.

Good, bad, or ugly; it’s all existence, all the time.

By: Mark Fri, 20 Feb 2015 06:10:02 +0000 The bits, madae on off impulses in a computer have no intrinsic understanding of programing so why should one expect atoms to have some understanding of language?..Conscientiousness is a different story…The exchange ofelectons actually make up thought and electrons also make up matter, so literally tour thoughts can be transformed to matter .This is a point Depak Chopra correctly has made. In following this line of thinking, since almost all matter we interact with also experiences an exchange of electrons then at some level all matter it conscious. The rock is happy to be a rock until it is ground to sand and then the grains are happy to be grains. And so too from bacteria, which have been confirmed to communicate chemically to plants, to lower animals, (ants builts great ”cities” underground and communicate, bees vote) to mammals to humans and beyond.

By: From Québec Fri, 20 Feb 2015 03:34:12 +0000 Haha! Good one!
