Comments on: The worship of vaccination in the Holy Temple Mon, 16 Mar 2015 18:14:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nathan & Aline Mon, 16 Mar 2015 18:14:21 +0000 Reblogged this on Twin Flames and commented:
Religious adherents are so similar, claiming that people should trust the priest with their soul, or the doctor with their bodies. Just like in religions, the medical religion and their priests, the doctors, use a smattering of truth and mix it with their superstitious beliefs, and then trick us into feeling dependent on them for our well being. However, we don’t need a priest or a doctor, nor their silly vaccines (prayers) to keep the devil (disease) away, we just need our intuition and inner knowing. The problem is, we’ve become dependent on them, and believe that they can keep us safe from evil, so we mindlessly obey and do as we’re told.

Both are corrupted by money and greed…money pays off the priests to say and do the things that must be said to deceive their followers. Just another religion, no difference what-so-ever. I’m not religious though, I don’t follow any priest, rabbi, imam, or doctor for my well being, because they don’t know me better than I know myself, I trust my intuition for that, but for all of those who don’t know themselves very well, I guess they can keep following the doctor’s (priest’s) advice if they choose.

By: farsight3 Fri, 27 Feb 2015 01:32:44 +0000 😉 B.t.w. Jon – you inspired me. For another artwork, again:

By: If the truth is to be told... Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:02:31 +0000 Jon (is one of the few people on the planet) who seems to understand that priests have been replaced by scientists. God has been replaced by Science. Nietzsche famously declared that “God is dead.” But, “God” never died. He merely disappeared behind the stage of history and returned wearing different robes. He threw off the robes of the cleric and replaced them with the robes (the white coat) of the clinician (scientist). The more things change, the more they stay the same. People still blindly follow whatever the Right people tell them. The Right people change from time to time. The stupidity (and cowardliness) of the human race never changes.

By: timwebb2012 Wed, 25 Feb 2015 09:55:48 +0000 Note that it is only since the western world began the headlong flight away from Christianity and into the arms of the above-mentioned satan, that these perversions have become so endemic and deeply disturbing.
Christianity protects us from evil if we embrace it and practise it; remember Paul’s words to Timothy, “The love of money ( which drives the vaccination agenda, inter alia ) is the root of all evil”.
Without the Word of God to protect you, and give you the Rock upon which we must stand, you are naked and blind and powerless against the enemy of mankind, and his ***ish co conspirators.

By: ozziethinker Wed, 25 Feb 2015 04:26:45 +0000 Jon, I am speechless. I cannot add another word.

(that makes a bloody change :P)

Beautifully written!


By: Tracy Wed, 25 Feb 2015 02:21:14 +0000 Check out this immunisation booklet:

Slimy bastards.

By: blakmira Tue, 24 Feb 2015 23:41:02 +0000 Very creative writing, Jon. “Doctor God” has always been an anti-God figure bordering on Luciferian — there is no power higher than Doctor God and his man-made synthetic chemicals brought to you by “Science.” Blindly trust in Doctor God and his vials of poisons masquerading as “treatment” for your “chronic condition.” (The word “cure” is never mentioned any more in traditional medicine). Would Doctor God ever steer you wrong? Even if he did, you wouldn’t be able to sue him…

By: farsight3 Tue, 24 Feb 2015 16:13:46 +0000 Hi Jon, reblogged your article in German at:

Add.: Interesting that shortly after the US-“outbreak”(sic!) a 18 month old boy dies in Berlin – after showing symptoms of Measles. The media has gone into the usual beserk-mode in almost no time!

You can read in my source (Berlin Morning Post) at the end of the FS3-site that the infant “did receive almost every vacc. – except MMR”. No word about WHEN he underwent this procedure – phps. shortly before? – that would leave his small body in turmoil for sure…

Another detail is the following remark: “…meanwhile the authorities managed to FIND(!) the contact persons for this infant…” – what reveals a lot about the living conditions those poor, little boy might have gone through…


By: From QuĂ©bec Tue, 24 Feb 2015 06:34:52 +0000 “…whereas “religion” is a positive thing for at least 80% of Americans.”

Yes, and this is why your country is going down. Too many brainwashed people.

By: Jon Marathon (@marathonjonn) Tue, 24 Feb 2015 02:43:33 +0000 Offit is a complete hypocrite. He recently invoked the WWJD meme in a WaPo editorial, which I will not dignify by including a link.
