Comments on: Adult immunization push: Medical Dictatorship Wed, 01 Jul 2015 04:04:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: james Wed, 01 Jul 2015 04:04:27 +0000 I would say you are correct as I have had friends in business who are refusing government contracts because of all the requirements that the business has to comply with to get the contract. When your business is on contract with the government they are basically running your business, in every possible way. Some of the businesses are saying if they complied with all the requirements they would be out of business in a week even with the contract. People need to take their families and business, health and lives in their own hands and keep the government out of it.

By: theodorewesson Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:41:38 +0000 We oppose CA Senate Bill 277

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Fri, 06 Mar 2015 18:14:58 +0000 Oh REALLY?!?

That’s what the establishment “church” likes to say, and it’s WRONG! Funny how it was the early Catholic Church who “sacrificed” so many Pagans upon the altar of “conversion”, all for THEIR God.

So, I fail to see the truth in that statement, especially in respect to reverence of the Natural Law (where children are a vital need for the survival of a species or kind).

By: Rhea Kelley Fri, 06 Mar 2015 13:29:06 +0000 They will be offering payoffs to people who fall in line and get vaccinated and are considering home visits for those who don’t comply.

By: Rhea Kelley Fri, 06 Mar 2015 13:20:11 +0000

By: Rhea Kelley Fri, 06 Mar 2015 13:16:55 +0000 I no longer go to conventional doctors due to the pressure for vaccines and unnecessary medical tests. I’m 61 and much healthier since I gave up the 20+ pills a day and the revolving door of doctor visits. Last time I had an appointment, I was sent 10 pages to fill out and the questions raised my concerns about privacy. I found out that doctors that treat Medicare patients get money for tracking patients and get penalized if they don’t. Our doctors are held hostage and it is a brave few that opt out. It means thousands of dollars from the tax payers funneled to doctors that have been corrupted by a Fascist system.

By: messianicdruid Thu, 05 Mar 2015 17:51:05 +0000 Pagans have always been willing to sacrifice their children.

By: Skylar Mon, 02 Mar 2015 19:34:14 +0000 WOW. I am so happy.

By: theodorewesson Mon, 02 Mar 2015 01:52:03 +0000 Hi Skylar,

just to add,…

By: Skylar Mon, 02 Mar 2015 00:38:13 +0000 Jon,

You always precisely find the right words.

I found this video and was stunned at the lack of understanding of people who question the necessity for every single vaccine pushed on adults and kids. Once again the term anti-vacciners was used to describe careless, stupid parents, who blindly reject all vaccine science, as if the subject is that simple and as if we are all the same with the same beliefs that Kimmel states. As if it’s not possible to have fluid beliefs, with strong doubt of BOTH extremes represented by the dichotomy of pro and anti-vaccines. Once again, a very serious subject was massaged and distorted into a two team argument. Team A vs team B. FIGHT, ridicule, perpetual conflict…rather than actually trying to find some truth, together. I used to like Jimmy Kimmel.

I know it’s a comedy talk show but I think that’s why it matters. How would you respond to this?
