Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: vision of a great adventure Fri, 27 Feb 2015 00:39:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Fri, 27 Feb 2015 00:39:56 +0000 “Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune

By: Michael Burns Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:52:14 +0000 As a painter/artist I have understood how much imagination is so vitality important to our understanding of the world. And it’s role in the intuitive wisdom we gain. Imagination has always been my word. But I am amazed at how many see or understand the word to mean flighty, unconcerned with the world. For one to have a vivid imagination is detriment rather an asset. Closer to immaturity or not living in the real world. When actually the opposite is what they should say. Most people do not have a grasp of truly what the definition of the word is…I as well have seen children whom I have had to coax into imagining and pretending. It seems they are being taught to not naturally be children. A child who has a imaginary friend is not quite there, not sure of themselves…in need. I would say the opposite is true.
One of the biggest detriment to that lost of imaginings is devices and gadgets, which will stop an imagination dead in its tracks.
The worst thing that was introduced into education (or should I say conformation) is the computer, especially the cell phone and iPad types. These have become terrible consciousness changing addictions…and I would care to say it is worse than drugs.

“There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day, when we seem to see beyond the usual- become clairvoyant. We reach then into reality. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such are the moments of our greatest wisdom. It is in the nature of all people to have these experiences; but in our time and under the conditions of our lives, it is only a rare few who are able to continue in the experience and find expression for it.”
-Robert Henri

By: From Québec Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:05:25 +0000 Great post, Sam!

By: From Québec Thu, 26 Feb 2015 22:35:55 +0000 Everything that was ever created, was created out of imagination.
Everything: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Most of our faked and limited reality we live in, was created by the Bad and the Ugly, who is our ruling class (the Elites).

It is time for team “Good” to start creating new realities.

By: SamAdamsGhost Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:56:20 +0000 Imagination is everything.

I guess there are times I had forgotten that.

Then, I spent time with a couple kids in the family. Good kids. Good, loving families. Went to one of the ‘top rated’ public high schools in their state. Upper middle class professionals & business owners make up the neighborhood. They got good grades in academic courses orientated toward the college bound.

These kids have no imagination, no creativity, no curiosity or desire for learning for learnings sake. Their ‘education’ was mechanical & rote. They did what was required of them to get a good grade, but there is no deep understanding. Too much time passively in front of t.v. Outcome based ‘education’. Too much focus on sports and other distractions. Perhaps all sorts of assaults by water, food, and the environment.

Go into this deeper and you see that there is a war going on against imagination – against the human Soul.
There have been times when I thought imagination exercises are silly and frivolous.

No longer do I think that way,
