Comments on: The “dependent victim” psyop on planet Earth Mon, 02 Mar 2015 04:05:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: ozziethinker Mon, 02 Mar 2015 04:05:13 +0000 Great comment….:)

By: Michael Burns Sun, 01 Mar 2015 19:49:50 +0000 I sense you don’t use the right side of that hemisphere very much. We’re you in a car accident?

By: Tom Ness Sun, 01 Mar 2015 18:43:47 +0000 We generally recognize two things about academic research: the funders of research have an interest in increasing knowledge of the subject being studied, and they often have a financial stake in the subject.

So it was, upon first laying eyes on a copy of E. O. Wilson’s and Bert Holldobler’s…

_The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies_

…that I realized the information in the book represented generations of scientific inquiry costing many millions of dollars to conduct. If we ask who funded the admittedly fascinating research and what they hoped to gain from it, we might find the very group of elites who see in anthills and beehives the type of society they wish to steer humanity towards.

What these elites have failed to realize is that the human economy is not and never can be simplified down to insect inputs/outputs. Their top-down economic control and Megacorp construction will always crash and burn from the very instability such simplified systems veer towards. The human economy requires millions of small entrepreneurs and dispersed decision-making to function well, and that requires INDIVIDUALITY.

By: Tom Ness Sun, 01 Mar 2015 18:19:20 +0000 I hate to be the one to break the news…. It has been revealed (or confirmed) through the Snowden leaks that the NSA pretty much records every phone conversation and email. Every gun purchase through a licensed dealer goes through a background check, the information for which is transmitted by telephone. It matters not if the background check authorities are required to “destroy” the paperwork for the check if the NSA recorded the phone call. We DO have a de facto national gun registry via the backdoor, and have for some time.

By: Bill Sun, 01 Mar 2015 15:01:49 +0000 Individuality is hallucinatory!
Humans are the victimized group we all are in whether we like being controlled as such by our maker, elites, aliens or whyever. (The only interrogative word not in the xxxxever group, eh?)

Individuality seems possible via being a self supporting mountain hermit in the wilderness.
Funny, even our COmmunication languages (languish spelling for the demonic) group us.

As soul incarnate creations trapped in the matrix we are a victimized group by definition.
We don’t get paid with their money to grovel out your existence unless grouped further.

There is no such thing as an individual soldier, believer, worker, player, writer, reader, etc., etc., etc…
A single self supporting individual is a rarity now because secret societies, medieval guilds and more recently, labor unions group us further.

Dream on!!!

By: Kunjabihari Adhikari Sun, 01 Mar 2015 14:11:29 +0000 Robert Pirsig, author of ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ and ‘Lila’ mentioned in his introduction to ‘Lila’ that he felt that perhaps the one and only contribution from America to the rest of the world in the field of the Humanities, or Society in general, was the concept of ‘individual freedom’ which concept the founding fathers of that country obtained from the original inhabitants, the American Indians. Throughout history the overwhelming majority of people have had very little experience of individual freedoms. I think this is only a recent phenomena, at least in the Western world, though no doubt isolated incidences of such people may have existed here & there. I lived with villagers in India for the last three decades and I can tell you they are the most gregarious people I have ever met; very few of them can remain alone for more than a few hours. Yet they are also some of the most zealous ‘freedom fighters’ I have ever met. Very difficult to ‘yoke’ someone who has control of his senses. Of course that is fading fast now. Drunkenness and TV seem to go hand-in-hand.

By: David Sun, 01 Mar 2015 14:10:52 +0000 That many people long for a parent and cannot grow up is at the root it sure does seem to be the case. No matter how absurd, ridiculous, damaging, insulting and a long list of abuses and violations people insist upon a “they” or “them” above that are viewed as all knowing and “protecting” parent yet this so called “authority” only exists in the imagination. Trusted unaware sorcerers convince unaware participants to march obediently in for regular appointments to have their brains and bodies damaged, shamed and humiliated yet imagine without such demeaning “comforting” that the authority would forsake them and must obey or Santa will put rocks in their sock.How insane is that to actually enjoy and demand your own destruction and demise? Anyone aware of the sham violent thieves posing as “owners” and uses their mind in a sane peaceful fashion is labeled “ill” An Alfred Hitchcock nightmare where masses of insane turn in to psychic cannibals, attack eat and destroy the only hope they have. Hopefully before the vortex sucks it all in to he witches brew some new positive twist will occur. Its not looking good for the fools right now or anyone else.

By: ozziethinker Sun, 01 Mar 2015 08:21:08 +0000 I think they’ll keep the borders in place as a control measure. Countries will be “brands” of identical order (or chaos, depending how you argue it). Other than that you are spot on.

By: middleway Sun, 01 Mar 2015 06:12:34 +0000 A repeated objective, that is often ignored due to its repugnance, is that those of the elite brand will require no more than 1 billion (trans)humans to agreeably serve their every need; A rather large group of victims indeed.

By: John Reeves Sun, 01 Mar 2015 05:24:11 +0000 Thank You for your insightful work.
It’s funny, I can usually ‘tell it’s you’
The Usual Suspects.
Very Important what you are doing.
I commend you.

