Comments on: The Starfield revelation: medically caused death in America Thu, 15 Mar 2018 20:27:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roxanne Jones Thu, 15 Mar 2018 20:27:31 +0000 Hi… old are you or were you when you went through the first surgery? Were you sized up by these butchers, so-called docs, because of your education level? You sound like after the immense harm done by these predators that you had no idea that they were each lying to your face, just like I also was taken advantage of. I did go back to college after their abuse and began studying medicine though. Now that I understand that they are all lying to the public and that the tests that they use upon us each to sway us to respond and allow them to butcher or chemo upon us are each lies too, I have been and am currently trying to take this all to Court and expose our U.S. Medical Society. We, the honest hard working citizens of the U.S. should not be harmed by the U.S. Medical Society, only helped along our individual life journeys until natural death. If rolls were reversed, each of the U.S. Medical Society individuals, would need this respect of a person, adoration and dignity given to every human being, no harm done.

By: molly Sat, 10 Oct 2015 17:15:05 +0000 When you click on it it says this video is private.

By: Diane Mon, 09 Mar 2015 22:19:37 +0000 I had a condition that I have never heard of called myelopathy…according to the “doctors” I would be paralyzed without the surgery. This was in 2009. I had a posterior fusion from c2 to t3… has literally crippled me. The “doctor” ( I found out in 2013) created scoliosis in my neck. (It was obvious to me that something was terribly wrong) The “doctor surgeon” just wanted rid of me. I took pain medicines for a while but…I take nothing now as I have become so suspicious of the medications. I have tremendous pain quite often. I also had a total hip replacement in 2010. I had pain for a long time. The “surgeon” that was treating ( I use that word jokingly as there was no treatment) me for the fusion told me to take an advil, the neurologist told me to take an ibuprofen, my primary care “doctor” an internist told me to “stay off of it. Not one of them would even try to find out why I could not walk without terrible pain. I finally went to the er. The real doctor there told me that he could not give me anything for pain as I had driven myself. I told him I did not come here to get medicine. I said I came here to find out why I cant walk. I am seeing three doctors and not one of them is concerned by the fact that I cannot walk. The real doctor took xrays and my left hip was bone on bone. I found a different surgeon and he operated. He told my sister he did not understand how I was even walking as my hip was out of socket and he said it looked like a dog had been chewing on it. When my mother became seriously ill she was mistreated as she was dying and the hospital wanted us to just take her home or a nursing home. Her kidneys had failed and there was no way we could take her home or to a nursing home. She was dying. She did die days later but we took her to a hospice hospital because the hospital was just going to sit her out in the street from I gathered by their conversation. You absolute must be an advocate for your own health. You absolutely cannot trust the “hospitalist” (as these hospital doctors? are called) You absolutely cannot trust the hospitals, There are very few doctors that are not pushing antidepressants and other deadly chemicals. You ABSOLUTELY cannot trust vaccines, you cannot trust drug makers, the FDA. I am not a paranoid I absolutely believe that there is an absolute evil that is permeating everything and the money trail will lead you right to them. I try very hard to avoid medications as much as possible and it can be a very painful process for me. Chemicals do not belong in the human body and I have learned that I can tolerate a great deal of pain. In particular I learned that in the hospital in 2009 when I awoke in intensive care after being butchered and the “surgeon” had gone off and left absolutely no orders for any type of pain medication. I cannot take morphine and the “doctor” on call would not order anything but morphine. This is our medical system and I guess I should be grateful that I was just butchered and not murdered. A wonderful book I own….Back to the Garden of Eden.

By: blakmira Mon, 09 Mar 2015 15:23:30 +0000 “From Quebec” — 100% agree with all you said! Most drugs don’t even “work” — if they seem to, it’s only because they’re masking the symptoms, meanwhile causing more illness. They’re all synthetic chemicals — foreign objects the body detects as “invaders.”
Hospitals should stick to emergency trauma/accident cases! That’s all they’re good at.
Yes, the food at hospitals is nasty processed garbage! They must KNOW that it makes you sicker! No vitamins, minerals or nutrients, no fresh fruit or raw vegetables or organic salads or squeezed juices….
There are millions of cures found in nature — in the rain forest, the desert and the garden.
Plant medicine and plant-based nutrition — the secret cures they don’t want you to know about.

By: norandmurr Sun, 08 Mar 2015 03:34:11 +0000 I agree 100%.

By: jacobite2015 Sun, 08 Mar 2015 01:41:50 +0000 Sure, lives will be saved from acute & chronic illnesses with their pharmaceuticals but that’s their intent – to obtain and keep customers in their system.

For example, there’s an epidemic of osteoarthritis with middle-aged and older people in this country (primarily the result of obesity/overweight problems and sedentary lifestyles). People will see their doctor and be prescribed a NSAID, usually for long-term use. NSAIDs are proven to cause GI and renal problems (FDA warnings on these – imagine that). So, these same patients with GI problems will again see their doctor and many will be prescribed an acid-suppression medication. Long-term use of acid-suppression meds are proven to cause severe osteoporosis (another FDA warning on this-can you believe it?). Consequently, the patient will need “another” drug for the osteoporosis problem.

Now, you can see the vicious cycle that has occurred here – more & more drugs to treat the side-effects of the initial drugs. And look who laughs all the way to bank….big pharma! So, I’m guessing big pharma wouldn’t want too many people to die in the American healthcare system – it wouldn’t be good for their business model…

By: Eye of Horus Sat, 07 Mar 2015 23:48:59 +0000 The problem with that argument is that it assumes because some lives may be saved it is a good thing and their deaths are justified. We have the same type of argument in war zones. It’s call “collateral damage.” The question is: How many of those 106,000 who die could be saved if the drug companies and the FDA would take the time to create drugs with little or no side effects? What the drug companies are focused on is getting the drug on the market in spite of the deleterious side effects. With a complicit FDA just rubber stamping whatever the drug companies say, people will continue to die. Consequently, what we have here is a logical fallacy.

By: NWO Reporter Sat, 07 Mar 2015 21:47:59 +0000 The underlying premise of that argument is that pharmaceuticals are the best or only way to prevent and cure disease. If the premise is false, the argument fails.

By: From Québec Sat, 07 Mar 2015 19:37:59 +0000 “I don’t buy this [argument] for a second but can’t see any flaw in reasoning.”
– Shylar

The problem is that the medical system only practises allopathic medicine.
Drugs, drugs and more drugs.

Drugs usually do not cure anything, it only masks the symptoms. Since most drugs are toxic, it lowers your immune system and eventually you get all sorts of side effects that will require more drugs. The result of all that is that you will die 10 to 15 years earlier than you should and you will have a miserable life, in an out of the hospital.for the rest of your life.

When in fact, if they would allow natural medicine in the system, you could be cured once and for all, most of the time.

Of course, when you have a car accident or something similar, you go to the hospital. They can stitch you up, stop the bleeding, put you in a cast or operate you. They are good at that. They can repair the body frame, but they know nothing about the engine.

On top of all that, the food they serve are toxic and the salubrity of their hospital rates quite low. So you can catch some viruses that otherwise you would not have caught if you wouldn’t have gone to the hospital.

By: jacobite2015 Sat, 07 Mar 2015 10:09:46 +0000 Informative post Jon…and with those statistics we’re suppose to “trust” the medical community with vaccinations, therapeutic medications, elective surgeries, etc.? The whole medical system is completely defective. Can they screw it up anymore?

This hits home: I have a family member, who while hospitalized, suffered preventable harm – a stoke and the infamous “hospital-acquired pneumonia.” Your right; the doctors don’t care, the hospital administrators don’t care, no one in the system cares.

Be aware – if you or a loved one have the misfortune of being hospitalized, you may be in for a surprise…
