Comments on: Alternative News Project Tue, 10 Mar 2015 20:38:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Québec Tue, 10 Mar 2015 20:38:17 +0000 “People are going to believe what they choose anyway – and I would argue that the more options they have to consider about a subject, the better.”

Exactly! Spot on! It’s hard to believe that some people are satisfied with viewing only one side of the coin.

“We are currently discussing a ‘landing page’ with a selection of current news items (interactive) and a couple of buttons which enables any visitor to see what they are getting prior to any registration decision”

Smart move!

By: brad Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:54:27 +0000 “We don’t have to agree with everything it will produce” — point well taken; personal discernment always prevails.

By: Duncan Roads Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:42:16 +0000 Point of clarification on the above – when I say ‘what you say is largely true” – I was referring to your opening sentences, and not the rest, lol. I am comfortable with what I have selected to publish from amongst the mass of info out there that does however, match your description 🙂

By: Duncan Roads Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:27:05 +0000 My only comment here, and what you say is largely true by the way, is that I feel it is important for for people to see what they are missing on ‘mainstream’ news outlets. I see it as showing people the other side of the coin in many instances, plus showing them other information they had no idea even existed. People are going to believe what they choose anyway – and I would argue that the more options they have to consider about a subject, the better.

By: Duncan Roads Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:21:04 +0000 Thanks, and I’ve had similar feedback from others, so we are currently discussing a ‘landing page’ with a selection of current news items (interactive) and a couple of buttons which enables any visitor to see what they are getting prior to any registration decision

By: seamlessone Tue, 10 Mar 2015 10:15:55 +0000 What’s the difference between mainstream news propaganda, and alternative news propaganda? The answer is of course: there is none.

Magazines like NEXUS while oftentimes getting things right also function as a place where all sorts of weak conspiracies converge and merge into one. It’s a place where gullible new age people feel right at home, rest assured that none of their sacred cows will be killed in the process. It is a place where pseudo science and pseudo history and an over-arching belief in super villains, evil geniuses, and nefarious alien races all swirls together creating a kaleidoscope of worthless sci-fi drivel.

For every myth they rightly debunk(like climate change) they promote at least one more just as absurd. As long as the myth isn’t “mainstream” it will be welcome at the ANP.

By: NWO Reporter Tue, 10 Mar 2015 08:42:38 +0000 Thanks for doing the site, it sounds like a great idea. Personally, I would like to get a sampling of what it inside before registering for a single category, and especially before purchasing. It would be nice to see an example of an article in each of the categories first, and maybe see some headlines.

By: Duncan Roads Tue, 10 Mar 2015 02:48:25 +0000 As founder of the ANP – I’d be thinking the same as you guys in terms of being suspicious – but then I would look at who is behind it – and where they come from, and who they are connected to. I am grass-roots back to the 70s. I own and edit NEXUS Magazine, which is also not connected or affiliated to religions or political groups. All I can say is that the ANP is for real – we are NOT part of some agenda to control or centralise. Yes, we do omit some items from the millions of rants and raves out there – yes we know what a Sorcha Faal article looks like and what his various sites are. It is good to be cautious – but this project is grass-roots born and bred – and if you are unhappy about what stuff is not being put onto the newsfeed, just tell us. I created a non-profit foundation to own and run it – which means we are transparent. Even David Icke didn’t open up in this way. All I can ask is that you watch and give me feedback if concerned. This project is for YOU guys – so let me know what we can do better. Thanks
Duncan Roads

By: From Québec Mon, 09 Mar 2015 22:41:21 +0000 Oh boy! I can see some people here, being sceptical about “centralized control point to filter information and direct opinion towards a pre-determined viewpoint” and about the “emphasis on the global community meme”.

I can understand your point of view, but isn’t that what the Elites have done to create this miserable world we now live in? It seems to be quite effective!

I think we can remain individuals even if we share a common goal.
After all, like the creators of this site said, “It would be a vehicle for like-minded, independent thinkers to come together in a sharing of knowledge and viewpoints.” We don’t have to agree with everything it will produce.

For once in a life time, a project “by the people for the people”
Let’s not throw away the baby with the bath water. Let’s give it a chance!

By: mc Mon, 09 Mar 2015 19:11:51 +0000 I agree. I wanted to like this site but it’s clearinghouse for everything format is suspect. Not to mention its emphasis on the global community meme.
Unfortunately whenever the global word gets trotted out these days in any context in alternative media that aims to be ” inclusive” it almost invariably turns out to be a controlled op, honey trap.
I am more than happy to be proven wrong in this case. But my first impression is not trusting sadly.
