Comments on: The passive android and the creative force Tue, 10 Mar 2015 22:56:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Georgia Mom Tue, 10 Mar 2015 22:56:02 +0000 Why didn’t you just take a few minutes to listen/try to help him? Not everyone had a life that cultivated imagination.

By: Inga Songbird Tue, 10 Mar 2015 22:19:04 +0000 I heard this somewhere and glommed onto it. We all get an acre and we can build anything our heart desires on it. I love flowers so I plant flowers and that leads to ordering free garden magazines (that I call dream books) which leads to thinking about making some new summer dresses and pants and maybe even a pair of shoes. I love rocks and so I gather them throughout the year and put them in a pile to use, somewhere, in my garden. I would love to have free range chickens on my acre but that ‘s not allowed. So… I am always open to other possibilities and leave no stone unturned to make that a reality. I have everything else I want – on my acre.

By: sojourner Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:04:33 +0000 Quebec, I have lost many of my old friends because of this journey. And truthfully, not to sound cold, but I don’t miss them. In fact, I have come to understand, now, that they were helping to keep in the ‘matrix’ coma!

By: sojourner Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:01:28 +0000 Jarrod, I should have read your comment, here, before responding to Mary. I could have summed up my comment to Mary by writing, “Mary, I ditto what Jarrod has written!”

Excellent! These conversations are such a breath of fresh air to me, a way to gather more energy to keep on going!

Thank you, Jarrod and Mary!

By: sojourner Tue, 10 Mar 2015 14:57:07 +0000 Mary, Reading what you have written, here, is like reading my own thoughts, my own life for the last decade-plus!

I, too, thought I had found truth and purpose in organized religion. And like you, I had an awakening that I guess I was looking for but didn’t realize it. And from that time forward, almost fifteen years ago, I have struggled to find meaning and purpose in life.

And like you, Mary, I struggle with how this world is, and how the disenfranchise peoples are suffering at the hands of the psychopathic few. But in the last few years, and since I started blogging on topics like Jon’s article here, I once again sense I have a purpose and a reason for being here. I can rant, dog and encourage others to awaken form their matrix comas and come into the light and truth. I can help spread the truth, in my own little way. I feel, for the first time in my life, that I am connected to all of humanity, and that I owe it to my seven billion family members to keep trying!

You are not alone, Mary! There are many of us who have been called out!

By: sojourner Tue, 10 Mar 2015 14:47:39 +0000 Mary, I think all of us probably have pockets of programming left, how could we not? It has been driven into our minds and hearts from children on up.

I like your approach when you recognize the programming. For me, it’s more of a ‘aha’ moment in my mind.

I can’t listen to the news or commercials, or even ‘science’ documentaries without hearing the mind control! People are bombarded almost constantly with this monstrous propaganda.

By: Robert Run (@AntlerPestle) Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:17:48 +0000 Huxley over Orwell

By: jarrodschneider Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:21:36 +0000 My personal advice for you would be to hang in there, keep willfully pressing forward for truth; there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. Initially, such dark unveilings very much seem to accompany the awakening process of which you speak, I know because that’s how it happened for me, and countless other individuals I know as well. The truth beyond the darker machinations of our world will reveal just how powerful you, as a unique individual, actually are. You absolutely can have spirituality, a higher purpose, without dogma. In fact, real spirituality is void of dogma by definition, yet it can’t be told or taught to you, either, you have to discover it for yourself, and I would say you’re absolutely on the right track. Keep going!

By: From Québec Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:34:16 +0000 Once I had a neighbor in big trouble who asked me for my advice to solve his problem.

I answered him: “I’m sure that with a bit of imagination you could easily solve this problem”.

He replied: “Imagination?. What imagination? I have no imagination”.

I said: What do you mean you have no imagination, everybody has imagination,

He said: “Well, not me. I live in reality”

I said: “Well, that’s probably the cause of your problem”.

I never heard of his problem again. In fact, he hardly, talked to me again , except for a brief ” Hello”… or, something like ” Hey, nice day today”.
He was obviously trying to avoid me…lol

By: mary Tue, 10 Mar 2015 00:41:15 +0000 Sojourner, I remember that song! I understand what you stated on still having “pockets of it” in do I, when I realize where my thoughts are going I say out loud, “that is part of your programming, and that is when I realized just how deep this programming is…
