Comments on: Not everything is “predictive programming” Sun, 12 Apr 2015 14:30:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: john lea Sun, 12 Apr 2015 14:30:20 +0000 Soul is that which thinks……thought controls everything…….govern – control….ment-thought………govern-ment-al…….thought controls all (universe means all) thought governs the universe……..litterally

By: ozziethinker Mon, 16 Mar 2015 02:20:56 +0000 Taking that sentiment to task, Jon, is my recent post fact or fiction?

For those that can see, much sci-fi (i.e. Star Trek, Dr Who) is eerily close to the truth (in some cases “twisted” for popularity or protocol).


By: From Québec Mon, 16 Mar 2015 01:03:14 +0000 Very interesting interview with Robert Goffy on Radio3Fourteen.
Thanks theodorewesson!

By: Mia Manners Sun, 15 Mar 2015 18:33:20 +0000 Fascinating and quite correct. Redirecting ones understanding of all that is and all that is possible takes one to a place of pure pontential and creative practices, be it the organic food I eat, the mindfulness I observe, the love I promote in my home, work, anywhere.
It’s a beautiful time to be alive.

By: theodorewesson Sun, 15 Mar 2015 17:36:37 +0000 This article nicely complements, and, gets to a root, of what author Robert Guffey describes in the following three chapters of his book, “Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form”:

* Chapt-4: You Name The Dwarfs: Surrealism, Advertising, and Mass Mind Control
* Chapt-5: Science Fiction as Manipulation: SF’s Intersection with the Intelligence Community.
* Chapt-6: Concentration Campus: Thought Control in American Education.

Just to note, there is a line in Chapt-4 that leads one to another one of Jon’s articles…

The line from Chapt-4:

“Advertisers[,] [Intelligence Operatives,] [and the Mind-fragmentation Social Engineers (e.g., think about the inherent structure of the publik skool day)] ([the] corporate surrealists), like [Andre] Breton [the founder of surrealism] and his cohorts ([the individual and free-minded] guerilla surrealists), are facinated by the magical and utilitarian aspects of art.”

Jon’s artcle on surrealism, the individual, and Andre Breton is here:


Robert Guffey’s website is here:

Here is a podcast about the book “Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form”:

(YouTube: Radio 3Fourteen – Robert Guffey – Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form; Published Apr 21, 2014)

(Note: In the beginning of the podcast, Guffey mentions an essay he wrote titled “The War Against The Imagination”. That article can be found here:

Here is the podcast:

P.S. At 37m22s into the podcast (through to 56m55s), Robert talks about what has since become his new book titled Chameleo (a unique gang-stalking case).

P.S.S. Jon’s review of Chameleo is here:

By: brad Sun, 15 Mar 2015 16:38:03 +0000 Point taken, but I would suggest that the sheer volume of commercial media that the average american exposes themselves to nowadays is somewhat mind warping, antithetical to imagination, and thereby becomes programming. I turned the tv off six years ago, have been to very few commercial movies in that time, and have pretty much dialed out of popular mass media altogether — and it clears the mind for ‘bigger and better’ things.
