Comments on: My legal brief on human experimentation Sat, 11 Apr 2015 05:20:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: leanne Sat, 11 Apr 2015 05:20:23 +0000 Hi there is it OK for doctors to put devices in you that stage other conditions? is that experimentation? I was just having my baby and that was done to me. don’t know how to go about it. plus its been destroyed from my record it like it never took place. can you tell me who I should ask for help?

By: Ken Wed, 01 Apr 2015 19:56:07 +0000 For all to learn more about the current unethical human experimentations on all citizens, go to

By: theodorewesson Sat, 21 Mar 2015 02:09:02 +0000 “[the book] ‘Altered Genes, Twisted Truth’, meticulously spells out this entire story like a prosecuting attorney with a RICO case. It outlines all the evidence about the criminals to ‘put them away’ for a very long time.”

By: theodorewesson Wed, 18 Mar 2015 12:56:14 +0000 Just to add,…

By: daisly Wed, 18 Mar 2015 06:54:32 +0000 The country is a mess, humanity is a mess. Nothing matters but the almighty dollar. Today and yesterday the chemtrails blanked the sky, like a thick soup. No more blue skies, as far as I can see, if we do not stop the chemtrails the rest of the actions going on around the country and planet to stop all the other madness that is being allowed will be moot. If the planet is not getting sun the living things on the planet, plants, animals, humans etc will be gone, it’s that simple. I read also that we are to be fooled by clear chem trails in the very very near future that will block the sun through the use of metals as they are now, but to our eye be transparent. I think that the chemtrails ie the geo-engineered weather are the number one priority. No sun means no food growing. Need I say more, look up what is happening in Northern California and Oregon to the great forests. Please Jon address this issue.

By: RockHeavyMetal.Com Wed, 18 Mar 2015 03:06:06 +0000 Oh, yes. The lying vampires are going to protect us.
We should trust “lawyers”. What lawyers?
There are no lawyers. There are no laws. There are no courts. What kind of delusion are you living in? The mass media programmed delusion of “we have a civilian government” “This is not a police state.”

By: Bill Tue, 17 Mar 2015 11:12:15 +0000 Great article!
Sue the buggers yourself! Control corrupt judges and lawyers!
Please take a look at this FL lawyer’s website offering a pro se (prosecute or defend yourself) course for $250
He’s been offering course for at least 12 or more years. Although I have not taken course, I read his emails weekly and used info to control other lawyers/judges and win some suits ten years ago.
Good luck!

By: robinsoncaruso1 Tue, 17 Mar 2015 10:34:58 +0000 a lot said here

By: Jim Tue, 17 Mar 2015 04:40:13 +0000 Hi Jon,

Your writing skill would be most helpful to address the other big “human experiment”. Perhaps your many contacts include a good Constitutional rights or Civil Rights attorney that can bring suit.

The other “human experiment” is the so-called “Smart Meters” for gas, water and electric service and the “mandatory reduction” of energy use that accompanies them. The new electric meters have burned down numerous homes. A Battalion Fire Chief explains his concern about the fires, which have injured and killed, see information and video here:

The federal grant money is for “voluntary” installation, but the local utility companies, supported by their State governments and State Utility Commissions, turned it into a mandatory installation program so they could collect every single dime of federal grant money.

Some States have an Opt-out choice, but others like Pennsylvania are forcing the meters or they will shut-off your utilities. No gas, no electric, no water. The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) has ruled it’s OK!

The citizens of one State are entitled to the same Constitutional and Civil rights as the citizens of another State where federal programs are concerned. So if you can Opt-out in one State then you should be able to do so in any State. Constitutional and Civil rights are not increased or diminished because you live in one State rather than another.

Smart Meters transmit your private data to each other and eventually to the utility company. It’s a hacker’s dream, which will eventually be a customer nightmare. The constant transmission exposes you to the health hazard of RF/EMF radiation, 100 times stronger than a cell phone, which has made people ill.

Supposedly Smart Meters are needed so you can see the details of your home’s peak energy usage. We don’t need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars per State for this, as it is just common sense. Your peak energy usage is when you are active in the home, and not when you are away at work or at night when you are asleep.

Utility companies can use Smart Meters to turn off your heat, your refrigeration, and will have absolute control over any “smart appliance” within your home. Reportedly, an un-elected board will be established to determine how much energy homes and businesses are permitted to consume. This choke-hold on energy, will be the death of the economy.

By: From Québec Tue, 17 Mar 2015 00:36:19 +0000 Great idea!
