Comments on: What today’s college activism is all about Tue, 31 Mar 2015 02:46:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brenton Talcott Tue, 31 Mar 2015 02:46:32 +0000 Maholo Michael..


By: From Québec Sat, 28 Mar 2015 04:33:02 +0000 Nice video, Jon!

By: SamAdamsGhost Fri, 27 Mar 2015 20:45:54 +0000 On a bright note, here’s a video of a Monsanto spokesman. Enjoy !

By: theodorewesson Fri, 27 Mar 2015 19:28:35 +0000 just to add,…

Logic & Analysis – A Home Schooling Course by Jon Rappoport

By: SamAdamsGhost Fri, 27 Mar 2015 18:25:40 +0000 The only way to reach young people, IMO, is to take on the responsibility for enlightening a few of them, yourself. To do that, you need to turn off the t.v. Educate yourself on the Trivium – the tools which are part of a true ‘liberal’ education, which is about liberating your own thinking. It’s for learning to think for yourself. The elements of the Trivium include General Grammar (defining one’s terms), Logic (recognizing inconsistencies and flawed reasoning), and Rhetoric (communicating ideas effectively so they can be put into action).
Jon offers an excellent course in Logic as part of one of his Matrix series.
Very few students will be exposed to any of this in ‘school’. If they do, you can bet that it will likely be taught in an environment which doesn’t really tolerate real & open inquiry. They will be ‘graded’ for their test replies – and that itself is a ridiculous notion if you really seek to think for your Self.

Don’t be discouraged if you have to approach a lot of young people to find a few who might be interested in this. The rote ‘schooling’ they are subjected to today drains away their natural human curiosity and creativity. The have been told they know so much, but most that they ‘know’ is wrong.

Good luck. Don’t give up.

By: Mervyn Thu, 26 Mar 2015 21:24:33 +0000 They can only be released if another human forgives them and then their Guardian Angel allows them to expand into the heavanly planes where the planets become internalized.We eperience many things where our desires cannot be attained as we have no body to fulfull them. We also experience the pain and joy we have given to others.

By: Mervyn Thu, 26 Mar 2015 20:57:02 +0000 The destiny of these Satanic Globalists and their slaves is after they die their Guardian Angel forgets about them and they stay paralized in the Spiritual world.This is what happens to people who continually do consciouss evil.

By: From Québec Thu, 26 Mar 2015 17:48:30 +0000 I believe that the only way you can get America back, is trough Sheriff Richard Mack’s solution.

Listen to this powerful interview done yesterday:

MUST listen to:

Can We Save The Constitutional Sheriff?

By: Michael Burns Thu, 26 Mar 2015 15:45:08 +0000 @ Oz
Agree with you completely Ozzie.

“In the 1960s, there was a fearful and terrible thing called college activism.”
-Jon Rappoport

Firstly…Hollywood, music, baby – boomers and the literature of the day have inflated the sixties to myth proportions. It was an experiment Jon.

There were also, no pepper spray, or sound cannons, microwave weapons, or cameras and surveillance, so they might identify you…and come to you later at night, or a few days later. There was no future employment to worry about…and dossiers held and realized when it was opportune for the holder. Their were no viruses released into crowds to confuse and give participants the malaise, and that feeling of disorientation or disenchantment and hopelessness. People of those times did not have cell phones, so their was no electronic persecution. No frustration of the buggy and the glitchy. No nano-crap in the brain. There were no stringent laws on protesting. With real jail time and heavy fines. There were no pigs dressed for war, with taser, flack and shield.
A education did not cost as much as much as a house…so there was no financial distraction from the real world.
And…there was an Arts faculty in colleges and universities. And the ‘Piece de resistance’, you need artists…individuals. Critical thinkers. Passion. Poets. Love. And finally…WEED. An enormous pile of weed; to break down and free the individual from the OCD, group think, status quo, clusterfuck mindset.

Love and hand grenades,

By: Greg Osborne Thu, 26 Mar 2015 09:57:15 +0000 How can an even exceptional student that is raised up in this stifling culture and educational system, rebel against anything worthwhile when they are not taught to think critically beyond what is “trending” at the moment on social media? They don’t HAVE the tools to rebel with.

Any center of higher education that relies on speech codes to define their ethical stance is not a place where real societal problems are going to get solved. Places like this think that rebellion is mouthing socialist platitudes and having a Che Guevara poster in their dorm room. I’ve seen it first hand at Colorado College, a very respectable, so-called “liberal” private college in Colorado Springs. Students sacrifice their parent-ingrained values and tow the college/Marxist line in these schools or they’re in for a hard time. It’s generally like this in colleges and universities across the country from what I have learned.

Just a few years ago, the Progressive-leaning Occupy movement had an ongoing and fairly active demonstration happening just a few blocks away from CC. I talked to very few people there who had anything to do with the college. Monsanto is an accepted target for the Left, yet where is the righteous outrage from academia on the scale that it needs to be for it to do any good?

Where is the outrage in this nation of sheep — PERIOD?
