Comments on: Down the memory hole: health care workers refused vaccine Mon, 30 Mar 2015 16:51:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Venus Retrograde Mon, 30 Mar 2015 16:51:07 +0000 Harvey….you have hit the nail on the head.

They ….those criminally insane elitists…know that this ‘boat’ will only stay afloat with the support of us. The moment we ALL just say “NO!” to their social engineering is the moment it all collapses, but, having said this, it is also apparent that they are deploying their more forceful weapons in response to an expulsion of their putrid system.

Perhaps, though, it would be better to walk away from such positions rather than being fired. I walked away from two ‘lucrative’ positions with GMAC Mortgage and another in the security industry. Scamming people was against my core compass and my conscience had to be served rather than my face. In aligning with and supporting maniacal and exploitative systems only means that this system is what we shall bequeath to our future generations.

And so we have.

By: jacobite2015 Sun, 29 Mar 2015 09:30:03 +0000 The problem is there aren’t enough medical professionals, especially M.D.s, to speak out against vaccines and support others who do so. Some of them are probably too scared to speak out in fear of retribution. Unfortunately, a lot of them have appeared to buy into the CDC propaganda machine or have simply sold-out to big pharma.

Even worse, you have some doctors who are holistic practitioners or claim to support alternative therapies but yet staunchly encourage vaccines for both children AND adults (e.g., Dr. Andrew Weil & Dr. Melmet Oz). Dr. Oz is particularly interesting, as he appears to support organic non-gmo foods and certain supplements for a healthy immune system, but yet advocates vaccines with their toxic adjuncts and no reliable long-term safety data. What’s wrong with him? Go figure?

When you do get a doctor such as Dr. Jack Wolfson of Arizona, who isn’t afraid to speak out against vaccines and advocates non-medical naturally acquired immunity, as Jon had mentioned previously, he gets investigated by his state medical board. Now he may lose his license:

So, if there are health care professionals out there; M.D.’s, Ph.D.’s, RN’s and the like, who support choice on vaccines, why won’t they speak out? Why won’t they come to the defense of someone like Dr. Wolfson?
They all seem to just want to stand on the “sidelines” and not get involved.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Sat, 28 Mar 2015 18:35:53 +0000 >;~|====

(That’s how I feel over the whole thing.)


(Glad to know someone else is also angered at this.)

By: From Québec Sat, 28 Mar 2015 04:48:08 +0000 Another great video! Thanks Theodore.

By: usnveteran Fri, 27 Mar 2015 23:55:39 +0000 Vaccination and Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion):

Anti-tetanus Vaccine In Kenya Contains Miscarriage-Inducing Hormone:

No telling what evils are aggressively fueling the calls for forced vaccines upon adults.

Why Governments Are Mandating Vaccinations [2012]:

110 Bills Currently Being Proposed In 36 States To Enact Medical Tyranny Regarding Vaccines:

By: usnveteran Fri, 27 Mar 2015 23:28:57 +0000 Exactly.

By: henry Fri, 27 Mar 2015 22:34:51 +0000 Thanks for sharing. That was very interesting and worth watching.

By: usnveteran Fri, 27 Mar 2015 22:30:43 +0000 Yes Joe, it is a new abortion method. A lethal injection.

However, on several levels of intent and purpose, so are many vaccines. Especially if you query “Bill Gates and Population Control” agendas.

Another interesting note, it has been declared by many that ‘lethal injections’ for condemned prisoners are inhumane. Perhaps a moral question should be asked of the lawmakers: “Why would lethal injections of the innocent be considered humane?”.

Although I am not a resident of New York, I contemplate sending a card or letter to the lawmakers of this bill to express how I feel about this issue.

I apologize that this is upsetting – abortion and this method of abortion is upsetting to me as well.

‘We the people’ allowed this to happen. Our silence equals our consent.

By: theodorewesson Fri, 27 Mar 2015 21:19:24 +0000 Keep trying to persuade her using the full force of your imagination to come up with different approaches to plant seeds into her mind! (i know you are already doing that!)

Here is another good video regarding the insanity of ‘vaccine science’:

P.S.: When i first heard about the bad effects of vaccines (many, many years ago) i didn’t discount it (because i heard it from someone i admired), but, after hearing it, I felt like i was ‘floating in a void’. That ‘floating in a void’ feeling i felt, i now attribute to this: When i first heard about the dangers of vaccines at that time, i had also *never* heard of the term “naturopathic medicine” — let alone anything about what the naturopathic framework of viewing illness and health was all about. Essentially, ignorance or the non-presence of “the naturopathic framework” concept in my my mind and what that framework shows one, i believe, attributed to my “floating in a void inside a bubble with a super tiny pinhole leak” feeling — which did not change the effect of my floating (only my awareness that i was now conscience that i was indeed floating). So, I was still able to float. SIMPLY PUT: Somebody showed me an exotic tool i not only did not know how to use let alone what for.

Ignorance is bliss… like being inside a warm loving womb. Hard to get out.

By: From Québec Fri, 27 Mar 2015 20:35:37 +0000 Thanks theodore. I know all this for a long time, since I follow Alex Jones for 10 years. But no one believes me.
I will show this video to my niece who teaches biology in CEGEP and who is a firm believer in vaccines. She has two kids, 1year old and 4 years old. I hope this time she will wake up.
