Comments on: News vs. sub-news: how the game works Wed, 01 Apr 2015 09:25:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg Osborne Wed, 01 Apr 2015 09:25:57 +0000 Jon,

You are no doubt aware of Kristina Borjesson’s book, INTO THE BUZZSAW, Leading Journalists Expose The Myth Of A Free Press. In it, mainstream reporter Phillip Weiss writes:

“When I started, reporters didn’t identify with lawyers or city councilmen, they identified with the middle class, and with underlings. Being aggressive and contemptuous with authority were valued attributes. Today, those attributes strike people in the profession as unseemly and vaguely dangerous… Today, the big media corporations are Atlases of the international economy… News executives have one eye on the stock price… This new role has made them temperamentally conservative, sober, and afraid of deep controversy. As a result, it hasn’t been the same being a reporter.”

Of course, I suspected as much. But to hear it from the lips of a working member of the corporate press made quite an impact on me back in 2004. Much like your Elite Anchor series had on me a few years ago. It corroborated and articulated what I suspected for a long time to be.

Weiss came up in the seventies and experienced this toxic paradigm shift as it happened before his own eyes. At that time, he says newspapers were considered “manufacturing”. Journalism was actually considered a blue collar trade! Now these so-called “journalists” have more in common with the people they are “covering”.

By: jacobite2015 Tue, 31 Mar 2015 07:38:40 +0000 Right on Jon -the truth comes out! Sub-news is suppressed and censored! There are negative studies on the safety of vaccines, fraud within the CDC and criminal level cover-ups with vax makers – all never making the news on the alphabet soup networks.

For example, while researching vaccines I “stumbled” upon a sub-news story last year that never got a peep from mainstream media. The main story: ENTEROVIRUS 68. It affected over 1000 kids, primarily teenagers, resulting in some deaths and hundreds of hospitalizations, including many of these in serious condition with Polio-like paralysis.

The sub-news story that was never talked and the clincher: According to reports, verified by medical researchers investigating the victims, NOT one person was UNVACCINATED. All the affected children had full or partial immunization for MMR, Polio and influenza:

Imagine the “no unvaccinated child being affected” part included in the headlines of the “official” news version. Many parents would have finally gotten a clue and realized that these toxic vaccines compromise and interfere with our natural immune system leaving us vulnerable to other and more virulent viruses.

Of course, last fall at the peak of this Enterovirus, the CDC was fear-mongering us to point of ad nauseam with the Ebola false flag. Just how convenient was that?

By: Caroline Tue, 31 Mar 2015 05:07:47 +0000 I would like to know by what mechanism the New York and L.A. Times have managed to completely avoid mentioning the likely role of psych drugs in last week’s event in France. Are reporters told in advance not to say a word in criticism of psych drugs? Are they told that anti-psychiatry writers are just religious kooks and conspiracy theorists?

The violence engendered by psych meds has been subnews since at least as far back as 1990, but has not, to my knowledge, been reported on as an aspect of the bizarre and hideous crimes committed by people taking them or who just stopped.

Meanwhile Jon Rappoport, David Healy, Peter Breggin, and a handful of others have been blowing the whistle for years…while people around the world go mad, a dose at a time, and with new victims being created everyday by a pharma-brainwashed doctor’s scrawl on a little white piece of paper.

By: robinsoncaruso1 Tue, 31 Mar 2015 03:07:32 +0000 always read uir stuff, mahalo Jon

By: Michael Burns Mon, 30 Mar 2015 22:28:48 +0000 Everything is measured by its built in obsolescence. Humanity is fast approaching the expiration date…time for the new transhuman models.

“Garbage in, garbage out.”…I think!

The smartest person I know, just arrived at the big convent to see his grandfather for the next week.
And spring break….”yeaah…no school…hope it burns down”.

Our (my grandson and myself) first topic of discussion was inspired by his rather informed question “Why are they trying to stop apples from bruising, Papa?…if they stop apples bruising, are they still alive.”

“Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it.” 
― Banksy, Wall and Piece

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” 
― Banksy

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Mon, 30 Mar 2015 22:27:51 +0000 THANK YOU, JON!

Well put, my friend. It took a thirty-year journalism veteran to bring this to the forefront of today’s information war. And so eloquently, too!

– Rev. Dragon’s Eye

By: Mark J. Bassett Mon, 30 Mar 2015 20:35:22 +0000 Here is another of your articles that is so on-target and addressing an issue so important it would be difficult to exaggerate its true importance; and you achieve this in a short essay. This is one I have to print for my long term files. You are my “go to” man for any “public announcements” on any medical issue. I know I can trust you to cut through the propaganda fog and give us the straight scoop.

Keep on speaking truth to corruption, Jon. You are one of the very few “sub-news” reporters who fearlessly speak the truth, in this area especially.

Mark J Bassett

By: InalienableWrights Mon, 30 Mar 2015 19:43:00 +0000 Shared on FB and data-based in case I need to show this to others in the future. Thanks for your service, Jon!

By: From Québec Mon, 30 Mar 2015 16:34:12 +0000 The alternative media are the REAL media. The Elites figured this out. This is why they have tried for years to control the internet.

Now, what they call “ironically”, the “Net Neutrality”, has passed into law. Watch out! They will do everything to shut down every bit of truth.

By: Steven Kivari Mon, 30 Mar 2015 15:57:08 +0000 Shared on FB. Good article.
