Comments on: Germanwings plane crash: major media cover-up Sat, 06 Jun 2015 09:50:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Asif Abir Sat, 06 Jun 2015 09:50:33 +0000 TOP 10 WORST PLANE CRASHES
10. Air France Flight 296
On June the 26th 1988, 3 People were killed on the A320 aircraft, which was taking off from Mulhouse Habsheim Airport, France. It was a test on the first ever fully automated plane to be flown by a computer, which didn’t go to plan.
9. Fairchild Airbase, Washington
On June the 24th 1994, Air Force Personnel were flying the B-52 aircraft around Fairchild Airbase, Washington, USA. Due to the pilot attempting to push the plane to its limit, the pilot lost control and all 4 U.S. Air Force Crew Members died.
8. Details Unknown
Believed to be in Russia, details of this incident have not been found.
7. C130 Aircraft Crash
Due to the pilot landing the plane on too much of a steep angle, the C130 crashed in the USA with the likelihood of ever crew member being killed.
6. China Airlines Flight 642
On August the 22nd 1999, China Airlines Flight 642 was stopping over in Hong Kong, and crashed. Of the 315 onboard the flight, 3 died. Although from the video that looks like a good result.
5. Unknown, Unknown, Unknow
No details were discovered about this crash.
4. Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961
On November the 23rd 1996, a flight enroute to Nairobi was hijacked by 3 Ethiopians seeking asylum in Australia. Upon the plane running out of fuel, it crash into the sea just off the coast of The Comoros Islands, killing 125 of the 175 passengers. This event was the most deadliest until 9/11.
3. TransAsia Flight ATR72
During February the 4th 2015, a TransAsia flight took off for a usual flight to Kinmen China, until it crashed into the Taiwan River due to engine failure. The plane also hit a cab. The plane was carrying 58 passengers of which 35 people survived.
2. Afghanistan
On the 2nd of January 2013, an aircraft taking off from Bagram Airbase enroute to Dubai, crashed killing all 7 crew members. The plane crashed due to the aircrafts steep takeoff. Steep takeoffs are normal in Afghan as to eliminate the risk of being hit by enemy forces from the ground.
1. 9/11
On September the 11th 2001, terrorists attacked the New York Trade Centers. 2996 people died, including 19 hijackers, 242 people on the four planes, 2606 people in Trade Center and surrounding area, 125 at the Pentagon, 72 Law Enforcement Officers, 343 Firefighters, and 55 Military Personal.

By: J. Salgado Thu, 16 Apr 2015 21:06:54 +0000 Do US garden clubs that are members of national garden club ORGs or NGOs require members to generate their own “CODES” that conform to principles in national white papers like referred to in “The Garden Club of America Supports Agriculture, Seed Diversity, & Food Security” that supports The ST, LOUIS DECLARATION ON INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES that gets groups to adopt voluntary Codes of Conduct that sound quite draconian like those suggested in THE ST. LOUIS DECLARATION ON INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES found on the Center for Plant Conservation website for conserving and restoring America’s native plants?

By: evidencer Wed, 08 Apr 2015 14:44:01 +0000 I wrote an well-researched response to the Robert Sapolsky article in major papers that blamed “incapacitating depression” without mentioning the drugs.

The link below cites clinical trials and includes patient reports that show how damaging psych drugs have been. Useful for sharing with people who still think the meds are helpful and benign. Also heartbreaking.

I earned a doctorate in psychology at Stanford, where Sapolsky teaches. I know how these people operate. Sapolsky is (or was?) working on a vaccine that uses modified herpes simplex virus to deliver “neuroprotective” genes “deep into the brain” (his words, cited in the Daily Mail) to eliminate stress reactions. #whatcouldgowrong

By: Roger Fuller Tue, 07 Apr 2015 23:23:01 +0000 All these postings of airplane crash conspiracy theories that say the Germanwings pilot was not the cause of this crash must be music to the ears of the Psychiatric Dope Pushing ” Mental Health System “. It lets them off the hook. I guess we are supposed to believe that Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Columbine, Colorado were all fake massacres that never happened, too.
The MSM will admit that someone had a ” history of mental illness ” but rarely ever says what drugs they were on because MSM works for the drug companies. If someone would find out exactly what drug a murderer was on, we would have the smoking gun. Until the drug pushers are identified and prosecuted to the maximum, these mass murders will go on with impunity.

By: darlene Tue, 07 Apr 2015 21:05:45 +0000 I saw a cbc report on this and they said the father was a high level BANKER ? Not sure if this is true but with all that is happening in the world today you just never know . tc all .

By: Stanley Frank Tue, 07 Apr 2015 03:54:34 +0000 One eye dropper of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide dropped into the infected ear. Tilt head and let soak 5-10 minuets and listen to the snap caracal pop as the antiseptic does it’s job. Just think of all the thousands of children with ear infections that are prescribed drugs. The medical industries is a criminal enterprise when it comes to selling drugs.
Aviation answers are on

By: Shallel Sun, 05 Apr 2015 06:53:02 +0000 I’ve lost two good friends to ssricide. That being said, anything reported in the MSM is absolutely a lie. Let me take you down, ’cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields…

By: Livia Sat, 04 Apr 2015 10:40:09 +0000 However Airbuses have a kind of problem often – as someone here wrote about it earlier – it looks that in this case it was not that problem. On a hungarian site where pilots gave opinions to blogger, there was a log file of the plane. According to its details it could be seen that descending of plane was a manual descending, probably the co-pilot was who screw that button to descent because when a computer makes this, numbers’ ending on log file more ‘smooth’ and computer would make a one-off modification however when a person makes it, numbers’ ending looks pretty different according to person’s screwing movements. […]

By: skywatcher Sat, 04 Apr 2015 10:33:10 +0000 Sandy Hook was also a complete deception propagated by the media!! Check out Memory Hole Blog with Prof J Tracey.

By: austrogirl Sat, 04 Apr 2015 04:33:11 +0000 I can’t get away from the early reports that numerous witnesses saw an explosion and smoke and an air force pilot reported that a piece of the plane was found far from the crash site indicating that it separated from the plane before impact. Is that consistent with mechanical problems or would that, if those reports are true, strictly indicate an explosive device?
