Comments on: State of Man, Man of State Thu, 09 Apr 2015 16:42:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ivan K. Thu, 09 Apr 2015 16:42:36 +0000 I have to say, this kind-of-poem phenomenally resonates with me.

When I wake up in the morning I write about my dreams. One of these days, I could have written the above stuff, virtually verbatim.

By: Jackie ONeil Wed, 08 Apr 2015 22:22:37 +0000 Yes the times are changing but I believe we the people are truly winning, have no particular reson to add too this except a very strong belief that we all shall return too our conciensious reality and realize we have been duped, lied to, taken advantage of for long enough and it is now time for the positive change, thanks.

By: From Québec Wed, 08 Apr 2015 21:19:35 +0000 Excerpt from the song ” Shipwrecked in the eighties

“When they proved something wrong
you believed in so long you go crazy
And you’re so close to foldin’ the cards
that you hold in your hand”
-Kris Kristofferson

I personnaly believe that the major card you hold in your hands is your IMAGINATION.

Kris Kristofferson – Shipwrecked in the eighties (Breakthrough, 1989) .

By: From Québec Wed, 08 Apr 2015 21:00:42 +0000 Bob Dylan The Times They Are A Changin’ 1964 .

By: Michael Burns Wed, 08 Apr 2015 17:14:19 +0000 You been talkin some bat shit crazy stuff off late…that’s a good thing.
When one feels crazy, you have to go with it, get in that water and bath with it.
Surf it like a big wave…nothing like opening the floodgates of the imagined.
Whoah…thats some crazy.
All the boogeyman fall out, of journalism head.
And if your an artist, well yer singin sum songs now, good songs…he left her and s…dam can’t get that song outta my head.
Anyway, I use to do this little exercise to help with imagination and to also help with getting back to me. Instead of what everybody wants me to be.
I would remember something from by early life, say a situation I was in when I was a schoolboy in Belfast. Or my early life when I first came to Canada.
And then I would concentrate on the memory, make it fuller, filling in all the missing details of the memory. What day of the week it was, was it sunny, rainy. Was it winter, summer. Was I happy, sad. I would make the memory as full as possible, and when I couldn’t remember anything else, then I would start to remember a earlier memory…but it had to be at a younger age than the first memory. And then repeat the process of filling in the details.
Complete details, as full a memory as is possible. And then then repeat the process again and again. Going futher and further back in my past. What is the purpose of this exercise? Well…there’s a surprise ending.
Gets you in touch with yourself; revs up that imagination. Heals the past.

By: Dimitri Wed, 08 Apr 2015 15:42:34 +0000 “You accept that all words are dead before they are spoken
You quietly know all there is to know.”

Words and knowledge are dead to the person who has been trained to ignore his own consciousness while learning. Just memorize and conceptualize. The mind is merely the container of knowledge. Train the little students to suppress their consciousness and they will grow up to be good citizens.

By: From Québec Tue, 07 Apr 2015 18:32:23 +0000 The Space, the Magician, and the Man of Science

From Québec says:
February 12, 2015 at 5:52 pm

It took the Men of Science centuries and centuries to build this huge Castle Prison. Brick by brick, day and night, haunted with each little detail, looking for the finest and most resistant material available, leaving nothing to chance.

Obsessed to make the Castle-Prison so secure, that nobody could ever escape from it, they built it so gigantic, that it could be seen throughout the whole universe.

The gable reached the moon, and the electric new death fence, around it, was dangerously grazing the stars

But, it only took a minute and one man’s imagination (the Magician) to bring the castle down

When it tumbled to the ground, all that was left was useless particles of a forgotten pseudo tyrannical scientific era.

The whole universe felt a huge relief, the stars, especially, threatened by the electric death fence.

Following this major event, Earth soon became the most pleasant planet to live in and to visit. Everything was possible on Earth. Lately, we even won the award for the most advance creative planets in the universe.

Prosperity, liberty, health, innovation, science, technology, art and imagination, had reached a point that was never to be exceeded by any other planets before.

Visitors from Venus were the first one to come and see for themselves this sudden incredible breakthrough. Then visitors from every evolved Galaxy were planning their vacation in this new paradise, called Earth. Some even sent their children to learn from us.

Humans who had lived in slavery since the beginning of dawn were finally let loose with their imagination who knows no bounds.


I am reposting my text here, because I believe that Jon, is a sort of a Magician who is trying to wake-up people’s imagination to change this World we live in. My only hope is that people will seriously listen to his word of wisdom

By: Gary Beer Tue, 07 Apr 2015 18:27:15 +0000 Sounds like the tides of Mars and our surrounding imploded Solar System, remember not to forget the past
