Comments on: Thank you for the positive comments on ‘Who I write for’ Wed, 15 Apr 2015 01:12:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: robinsoncaruso1 Wed, 15 Apr 2015 01:12:08 +0000 You, are the one who deserves thanks sir. YOU, have done much work, much thinking, changed lives.

By: Mia Manners Tue, 14 Apr 2015 09:21:26 +0000 you are a clever and intuitive writer that gives me much to aspire to…great journalism, investigative mind and obviously a mediator that observes….have you read Vera Stanley Alder books`/ The Finding of the Third Eye, The `initiation of the World and The 5th Dimension…she wrote these books in the 1930’s and 40’s an updated them in the late 60’s – well ahead of her time on all the teachings of the Ancient Wisdoms and Ageless Wisdoms…corresponding to how the mineral,animal, human, plant, ether, esoterical and so on all are interdependent cosmically within macro and micro fields of thought and so on. Great stuff Jon! x

By: 22sojourner Fri, 10 Apr 2015 02:30:21 +0000 Awesome thanks to you …

By: Steve Cowan Thu, 09 Apr 2015 19:37:58 +0000 Thank you for writing Jon!

By: Bruce Thu, 09 Apr 2015 17:27:21 +0000 The thanks you receive are deserved. Your tenacity and courage are inspiring as well as helpful. Because of you, more than a year ago now, my wife and I got rid of our cable TV with its constant 365/24/7 thought conditioning drumbeat and HOLY CRAP – we re-discovered our imagination, creativity and life. Thank you. We have been reading your stuff for years and never really got your point(s) regarding imagination – now after a year away from the overwhelming drumbeat of mass media – we’re finally beginning to understand the numbing effect it was having on us. Even when you know it’s propaganda B.S. – it still is having an effect. Just turning it off and keeping it off has robbed it of its mind numbing power. Again, thank you so much.

Free to think once again,
Bruce & Nan

By: NWO Reporter Thu, 09 Apr 2015 16:49:56 +0000 Thank you so much for your work and generosity, Jon.

I think it is entirely possible that a world like the one you imagine once existed here on earth. And that it could exist again.

By: talesfromtheconspiratum Thu, 09 Apr 2015 13:45:34 +0000 Thank you Jon, you are very much appreciated.

BTW: Do you want to see what your post looks like re-blogged?
