Comments on: Why I keep writing about Monsanto vs. Maui Mon, 15 Jun 2015 14:31:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deb Mon, 15 Jun 2015 14:31:29 +0000 Thanks Jon for your report as the vast majority of the people in the US are clueless on the GMO/Roundup issue but we can talk about your report to others and wake those people up. One person tells another tells another. Just last night I was talking to a friend and he didn’t know about GMO and Roundup. I told him to go to youtube and lookup the work of Stephanie Seneff and Zen Honeycutt.

By: ozziethinker Sun, 26 Apr 2015 02:52:19 +0000 I ignored Steven’s comment as it was silly “name calling”. Yours highlights popular ignorance and how easy it is to manipulate. I explain precisely what “Satan” is (or was) and why he has been “branded” evil in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” ( Ironically without the effect causing his collapse we would not exist (in this form).

Yet ignorance reigns as oh so few seems to care for the truth. People merely issue independent versions of self-serving propaganda.

By: zweistein Sat, 25 Apr 2015 13:09:12 +0000 Why should Satan, if he exists, care for money? If even the lousy FED can print as much money as they want, just think what the devil could do …

No, Monsanto – like Google an asset of the omnipotent CIA – has much much more ambitious plans. It goes like this:

You eat Monsanto junk food. Not only do you get sick – and the soil on which the junk food has been grown becomes barren – you now also have patented gen-sequences in your body that over time change the make-up of your DNA.

Soon enough your DNA has become corrupted enough, that Monsanto, the patent holder, can claim property of you!

Welcome to slavery 2.0.

By: Steven Sat, 25 Apr 2015 02:16:14 +0000 Monstersatan is powered by satan’s doctrine. Money above human safety.

By: laurabruno Tue, 21 Apr 2015 12:31:21 +0000 Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
Why what happens in Maui matters:

By: robinsoncaruso1 Sat, 18 Apr 2015 21:52:04 +0000 I Only Jon, Daisy, and my friends know who I am, Jon, perhaps you write of it because of the suffering going on here, it is great, when you are ready, please write about what we have told you. im dying.
I tell you people, a great evil has been perpetrated on people here. Whatever it is, it has reached the groundwater. here, is different from anything you all know. our water, has no water plant, it comes from underground aquifers, strait from those caverns, with only filtering, no chlorine, no fluoride, right to the home, only filtered, and not with charcoal, only with fine filters to remove small particulant. once in awhile, they will add chlorine, to clean the pipes. The island, is Molokai.
This place WAS paradise, 50 years ago, 27 years ago, monsanto came in, the first AB crops on this planet, were planted here.
I have no idea, how it can be stopped, the money is big, and its spread just right, in the hands of those who rule this place from behind the curtain.
perhaps you feel our pain. The evil of this place, rises to heaven, and it stinks.

By: ozziethinker Sat, 18 Apr 2015 01:26:04 +0000 Not checked, but I suspect that Monsanto have their hooks in Wesfarmers Corporation based in Perth. They pretty much control Australian agriculture….alright, that may be over stretching, but they are the big player here.

As for “libertarian groups”; they all seem to have their own political agendas. So much so, I would bet many are corporate backed to create the “illusion” of a fair world. Clearly “the powers” have absolutely no intention of backing down in any way on Hawai’i, so things could get interesting as your efforts build!


By: Steve Fri, 17 Apr 2015 21:19:28 +0000 How about this fellow…

By: waldbaer Fri, 17 Apr 2015 19:34:18 +0000 Dear Jon,

i just tried to convince someone – he has a very well known blog in germany – to post a link on this article. The answer was (very freely translated and interpreted): “This is too ‘aggressively asserted’ to the topic. This has to be a neutral, only fact based article, because no one will take this seriously otherwise.”
I partly must agree with him.. It sounds like propaganda, and everybody is sick of propaganda.
So can you give an article, linking all the facts, perhaps making a timline what was and is happening, in a more journalistic style? Something that sounds.. well, more like ‘just information, no opinions attached’?
Despite my bad english i think you know what i mean 😉
I would try to ask around people to publish that article happily.

Viele liebe Grüße

By: Michael Burns Fri, 17 Apr 2015 18:27:32 +0000 Check these out…I have been trying to develop a logo busting image, something that breaks up the ju-ju of their corporate logo. Something that steals their magic. Something that when it gets in people’s heads, everytime they thing of Monsanto they think of my image. A image that goes viral, an image Monsanto would suit over. A image that’s wakes people who ignorant of what is going on, or that shakes up the complacent.

If allowed Monsanto will take over Maui. It will become the secret island labratory of Monsanto, sailors won’t come near it…there is always be strange sounds coming from the island. SCREECHES AND SCREAMS in the night. Carcasses on the shoreline of little animals, big animals, chimera of all sorts. Humans with horse and pig heads. Two legged cattle with human heads. Snakes with wings. And there is always an acrid, eerie, throat choking fog over the land. No people live there anymore. Its the future, Just a large dark building with guard towers and cameras. Patrols and mysterious individuals moving in and out of the building. Small plots of talking wheat, whispering in the night. Plots of corns with Venus fly trap heads snapping at passing moths. The moon rises behind a massive Monsanto building, and potatoes in a plot pull themselves out of the ground and raise and stretch their leafy foilage to the light in a religious reverence…and then a sound can be heard building and building till finally a cacophony of screech is heard. Voicing the pain of their unholy existence. Sentient potatoes.
