Comments on: Magic and depression Thu, 18 Aug 2016 18:03:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Thu, 18 Aug 2016 18:03:08 +0000 Great article.

Interesting view on the schism of worldviews from a neurological perspective: (30m audio download).

“Eminent psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist offers an ambitious, provocative thesis about how the brain’s two hemispheres came to be, and construct the world. Today there’s a power struggle being played out between the left and right brain that he argues is reshaping Western civilisation in disturbing ways.”

By: Denise Ward Mon, 25 Jan 2016 00:27:20 +0000 I love your line of reasoning. Something I like to do is imagine that in every atom there are people on planets just like ours going about their days in their own particular ways. The same is true of planets outside our solar system. I’m sure too that the galaxy has seen many expressions of life, some like ours and some on the precipice like we are. I like to think that there is a family waiting for us just like a baby enters into when they are born. Because there could be people experiencing turbulence from my bad mood, I like to treat everything with calmness and respect, even inanimate things. This makes my world very full and never lonely. The trees especially are like stalwart friends. There is something about trees that is fascinating. Same with animals because they say nothing. But they feel. And I think they are also fascinated by humans. But we just shove them in the face and use them for our ends. Sometimes I’m pretty peeved with humans even though I am one myself. There are few who honor themselves, each other and all species and nature. It’s always about us. The animals see that too. But they are loving and pure and don’t see the sense in what we do, though they try to.

By: Denise Ward Mon, 25 Jan 2016 00:12:44 +0000 Same is true of Palestine. Check it out on google maps. It is stated solely as “Israel”.

By: Melanie Mon, 11 May 2015 18:25:55 +0000 I believe there’s a solid (and perhaps biological) reason for the desire to see and/or experience “magic,” whatever one’s definition of that is. As a species, our creativity and flexibility are our strong suit (along with our intelligence). If we can’t imagine the next “unbelievable” thing, we’ll never be able to invent it. 😉 Mel at clearpanicaway

By: stlonginus Wed, 29 Apr 2015 17:34:33 +0000 Tell the people who’ve been (literally/bodily) sacrificed in black magic rituals that it was only their own fearful superstition that killed them.

By: stlonginus Wed, 29 Apr 2015 17:28:27 +0000 Thank you Mary Magdalene for stating so well what I could not.

By: Dimitri Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:16:14 +0000 Jon seems to be using “magic” to mean anything in our own experience which is self-evidently true which defies material explanation. Black magic, I think, relies on the victim’s own fearful superstition in the face of someone’s bluff.

By: tim wallawee Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:31:52 +0000 They didn’t have science, and they couldn’t formulate a “true and rational” religion with a church and monks and collection plate and a European choir and an array of pedophiles.
why attack christianity? who did more ‘magic’ than jesus or moses or elijah. i guess your definition of magic is too vague.
what do you mean by magic?
this article is attacking religion and religion is based on miracles.
are you talking about the magic that the elites do, the illuminati? black magic?
the uninformed might not know that there is good and bad magic.

By: ozziethinker Mon, 20 Apr 2015 04:08:29 +0000 Not all “hocus pocus”, you are right Mary, but things go way beyond what you say….another tiny excerpt from my book “A New World Order” (plus many posts arguing “gnostic” Jesus Messiah (King) is Josephus, start here –

“Off world interests have found little motive to involve themselves with the affairs of man and the agenda seemed to be consistent. That is “keep man (human) dumb”. I learn that at the time of Jesus (most likely the Jewish historian, Josephus), enlightened ones tried to mimic the extraordinary genetic capabilities of the Atlanteans. One exercise was to crouch by a hewn tree stump and place the hands on the makeshift “table”. Then the subject would attempt to fuse his or her hand with the wood. Rumours persist that the stump would start to “grow” around the hands.

Sealing the star gates, reducing genetic potency and ever improving the techniques to disorientate man’s thoughts have been deemed of upmost priority. Were the 1,500 years old Irish legends that inferred man’s shape shifting abilities true or make believe? Culdees (Celts) had established themselves as custodians of the “Promised Land” (Ireland) and these were the nouveau Jewish-Aryan mystics. Indeed, the Catholic Church was set up as a continuation of the old Roman-Philistine (Pharisaic) Aryan order.”

By: sophiaschildren Sun, 19 Apr 2015 16:46:42 +0000 Reblogged this on Sophia's Children and commented:
Yes, yes, yes! So much of what we’re doing is re-discovering the magic of place, of Life, of our own beings, and the magic in all that’s around us. The magic is the Holy Divine … or at least the Holy Divine’s way of speaking to, playing with, guiding and Big Loving us!

Thanks to my friend Molly Hall for sharing Jon’s post with me, and thanks to Jon for writing it … particularly the bit about the “inoculation of reality aimed at suppressing magic.”

And so we remember it …

Big Love,
