Comments on: New Zealander of the Year: refuse vaccines, lose money Sun, 19 Apr 2015 06:08:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: robinsoncaruso1 Sun, 19 Apr 2015 06:08:56 +0000 I know what a channel changer is for, every time a commercial for a new drug comes on, I change it, one will notice how many there are… and in each one, in fast speak, “side effects include dissyness, fainting, on and on, your feet may fall , you may lose your sight, but the viagra works…and for Gods sake, dont think, we will do that for you, trust us, is another well used line. I just finished a battle with cancer, my wife, cured her with no chemo, so yes, PH, is the key, and it works. One does not have to poison themselves, to kill the cancer cell.

By: Bad-Clown Sat, 18 Apr 2015 16:51:08 +0000 ask Dr Mengele

By: Padre Sat, 18 Apr 2015 16:45:23 +0000 The Aboriginies of Australia are the most heavily vaccinated group in the world, yet their disease rates are 100% higher than their white counterparts. The Article is dead on.

By: jacobite2015 Sat, 18 Apr 2015 09:16:37 +0000 Great post Jon! Your explanation of how the immune system functions and the hard reality of the consequences of severe immune suppression due to poor nutrition, unsanitary conditions, toxic chemical exposure, etc., is very informative.

Of course, the sciencblogs with their self-proclaimed immune system experts, pediatricians, pharma shills, etc., will continually try to scare parents with their statistics of how many children die every year of VPD in third-world countries. But….wait these so-called “experts” neglect to tell us of the chronic immune system suppression affecting these children due to malnutrition, unsanitary conditions, toxic chemicals and so on. With such a chronically suppressed immune system even a minor cut could be disastrous to these children. It’s too bad that more people don’t understand the foundation of a healthy immune system (proper nutrition being the cornerstone) and the basics of naturally acquired immunity.

Your right there is a major offensive going on with the vaccine industrial complex. Noticeably, it’s happening with a major battleground in California in reference to SB277. I would to give a shout-out to those good folks in Cal who are opposing the bill, and like you Jon, aren’t afraid to take on the pro-vaccine/anti-choice mind-controlled puppets.

By: dave Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:50:44 +0000 On another note, on a trip to the mall today (in NZ) I saw at least 3 boys who had some sort of Autism, and lots and lots of sick overweight / underweight people who had dead eyes.
The chemist in the mall is advertising that they will give you your flu shot.
Also the amount of elderly people getting some kind of dementia is just off of the charts, “oh yes so and so has gotten the dementia”.
Old brain + Flu shots + low fat diet= Death.

By: dave Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:44:12 +0000 In the 1990s the NZ government hired an “EXPERT” to work out what was the minimum amount of food/ nutrition someone could live on. Benefits were adjusted to fit the results.
These smirking meat heads do my head in.

By: K Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:37:09 +0000 This is a medical doctor encouraging the abuse of Human Rights in New Zealand. Not only is this offensive, it is illegal.

Furthermore, a sizable portion of beneficiaries have been subjected to some form of abuse. In many cases, a benefit was their only option to get away from the control exerted upon them. The affect of such a policy if it should be implemented would be to reinforce a sense of powerlessness and loss of control. This can’t be in the best interests of those who are already vulnerable.

I hope Dr O’Sullivan carefully reconsiders his position on this issue because, as I see it, there is little difference in a medical doctor asserting power over choices with vaccines, vs choices over sterilisation, or anything else.

Choice and responsibility are the most important factors in any situation.

And, if that wasn’t enough, the statistics don’t even indicate non vaccination is an issue specific with low income households (ref

By: ozziethinker Sat, 18 Apr 2015 01:45:54 +0000 I don’t think they realise how serious this is. There has been a prolonged history of change to the regulations as to who is “eligible” for social security in Australia. Also, now all “court debts” must be paid on renewal of driving licenses (and this is a different, lengthy, discussion). The Abbott government has been pushing for the [effective] removal of social security.

I occasionally comment on MSN and my response to the liberal rhetoric of the time was “is the government planning to bring back the gallows and the gibbet?” and I reminded the writer of head Victoria times (free of social security) when land owners were at war with “thieves”.

My comment was not approved!

Last year or the year before, there was a big media expose against a New Zealand woman (from memory) who did not want mainstream (Chemo?) treatment for her son’s cancer. Her estranged husband did. Of course she was the “devil” and he won. I think they’ve knighted him now…..[joke].

They’re desperate. Prepare for much nastiness ahead….!


By: From Québec Fri, 17 Apr 2015 20:52:32 +0000 LOL… Here just for you Michael. Maybe you could make a painting out of this dance.

Dances of Life (Maori excerpt)

By: Michael Burns Fri, 17 Apr 2015 19:08:16 +0000 It’s that fundamental catholic upbringing
…the biblical genesis/evolutionary science cognitive dissonance… bugga’s the head mate. That and father O’Sullivan…sorry. That wasn’t supposed to get out. He simply went to catholic college, father O’Sullivan isn’t his real father…he is…he is his spiritual father.
As Lance would say, did say…
“Having attended a Maori Catholic boarding school, I realised the importance of faith. I regained important values that I lost. Those values underpinned my work in helping those in need. I guess these comes through from the aspect of my Catholic upbringing.”
– doctor Lance


The catholic fathers beat the crap out of me every day. Because I was a Maori. They made me hate and loath myself. They made me frigid because I touched my happy place too many times, especially when they weren’t looking. I am now as fucked up as these religious zealots and aim to take my Doctor Megele education to poor people and bloody well fuck them up too.
