Comments on: The medical cartel: too big to fail, too evil to expose Sat, 25 Apr 2015 18:55:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Raymond Sat, 25 Apr 2015 18:55:51 +0000 Here’s a good supplement:

By: Tess Fri, 24 Apr 2015 22:37:35 +0000 Right on!! Consumer Citizen Power is the key. You couldn’t be more on target. All of the comments here make more sense than the entire chain of the healthcare mafia. We, The People, do need to start demanding the dismantling of this paid-for & profitable deathcare!! Firstly, we must become more educated about our care so we can ask for alternatives to the poisonous pharmaceuticals now being used autonomously by every physician. That’s the therapy we get – deadly pharmaceuticals. You stated it well!

By: jacobite2015 Thu, 23 Apr 2015 09:39:00 +0000 Outstanding post Jon! A sobering analysis of our sick care system.

Your absolutely right. The doctors remain silent about the side-effects and risks of these pharmaceuticals. They know exactly how these man-made molecules affect and interact with our biochemistry. They know the benefits are exaggerated and the risks under emphasized with most drugs.

The whole sick care system is sinister. This is what you get when you interface multi-billion dollar corporations (e.g., Big Pharma) with government agencies (e.g., FDA, CDC, HHS, etc.).

Looks like we become a police state, a surveillance state and a forced vaccination state.

Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves!

By: Visionaerie Wed, 22 Apr 2015 01:21:06 +0000 Years ago a priest named Ivan Illich saw it coming in his ‘Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health’ book. Illness has become institutionalized through the efforts of petroleum plunderers like John D. Rockefeller — who used the Flexner Report in 1910 to extinguish natural alternatives, and set up institutions to support petroleum-based pills and those vexing vaccines. Today’s Big Pharma is also a product of the 1947 break-up of nerve gas maker I.G. Farben — and deadly chemotherapy agents are in part derived from mustard gas! I suggest we start an initiative to “Stop Subsidizing Sickness” — i.e. processed foods, and anything that automatically funds this deadly system. Demand parody or comparable consideration for natural / nutritional alternatives, and medical codes so it becomes an integral part of an integral health system — where consumers decide exactly where dollars are spent. Consumer-citizen power is the key to bringing sanity back — and don’t let medical providers do ANYTHING without your consent!!

By: J Wed, 22 Apr 2015 00:06:28 +0000 Its a simple truth that the primary function of medicine is to reduce overall population and compromise physical/mental health. It fulfills this role mostly by actively potentiating the symptoms of a population whose composition chain has been contaminated – the most obvious exception to this reactive character is vaccination. This is the case today as it has been for countless centuries. The ONLY reason the system will seriously restructure itself is if a more efficient means of accomplishing these ends can be realized.

As an example look back on how long severe bloodletting/absurd dosing with potent mineral/vegetable poisons was in vogue amongst the profession.. despite the obvious fact that it was a lethal/permanently disabling response to disease it was defended by “the cartel” until 100 years ago… And up until said support was gradually ceased its only opponents were, by definition, ignorant and insane proponents of death.

The concept of those days – that absurd levels of bleeding combined with excessive doses of poison was the best means of health preservation was merely a primitive version of what we see today.. essentially one where society’s collective poisons are intelligently dispersed throughout as much of the human composition chain as possible on a global scale. This evolution was only able to occur as pollutions impact became more precisely directed and the birth rate was brought under control.

What we see occuring now is the perfection of population control with the assistance of high technology.

By: Are Yufreel Mon, 20 Apr 2015 23:00:28 +0000 Rebecca Riley’s psychiatrist, Dr. Kayoko Kifuji,… “explained that some researchers believe the area of the brain called the amygdala is different in people with bipolar disease. But she admitted she didn’t know where the amygdala is in the brain….After Rebecca’s death in December 2006, Tufts Medical Center placed Kifuji on paid leave after the psychiatrist agreed not to practice medicine…
In January, Tufts reaffirmed its support for Kifuji and her treatment methods, saying she provided “appropriate” care to Rebecca Riley. Kifuji began seeing patients again in the fall. As of December, she was seeing five outpatients – four children and one adult – and working with a state-funded child psychiatric access program…
I read somewhere that to break a slave or a horse the same methods apply: the animal or human needs to be dependent on the master, for its very survival which is then followed by breaking its own offspring at a young age to become dependent also on the master.

By: jgee Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:41:07 +0000 Reason 3: logistics. The medical cartel is a monster. Defeating it requires a coordinated response from critics, legislators, activists etc. Without that coordination, overthrowing it cannot be achieved. The cartel picks off its divided enemies one by one, because they are not united. It is logistically impossible. Only a grassroots response, being large numbers of people getting wise, fast, can support and protect individuals fighting to undo the cartel. It is happening, though slowly – hence these horrible laws about mandatory drugs for children, vaccines etc.

By: elnura1 Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:59:51 +0000 Great article. The latest article on medical deaths put the number higher than 100,000 a year. According to the study below the numbers are 400,000 a year.

Deaths by medical mistakes hit records

A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care,_Evidence_based_Estimate_of_Patient_Harms.2.aspx

By: John C. A. Manley Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:24:57 +0000 “the secular religion known as Medicine is devoted to healing in all its forms” Oddly enough, they never heal anything. Does anyone know anybody who is getting better because of the medical system? Give anyone a potent drug they’ll feel better for a little while (but that’s not healing). Absolutely, the medical system can patch up broken bones and other traumas – but that’s not healing either (it’s great, though, I wish they’d focus on such things).

After 30 years suffering from type-1 diabetes with the medical system, my wife fired her doctor. In less than three months we were able to normalize her blood sugars with diet and a different (and less profitable) approach to pharmaceutical insulin. Proof:

Health Canada appears as corrupt as the FDA. One of their lead scientists, Shiv Chopra, was terminated for insubordination after refusing to allow GMO milk in Canada. He’s since written a book called “Corrupt to the Core: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower.”

By: middleway Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:51:30 +0000 Bingo!,… and it must be asked, ‘Who or what is really in charge?’ Answer that question and you will realize that you have turned the last page and come to the end of our story.
