Comments on: ADHD is the new education Thu, 19 May 2016 23:08:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: lonerloaner Thu, 19 May 2016 23:08:23 +0000 Absolutely brilliant and perfectly written.
I had the pleasure of meeting John Taylor Gatto ten years ago and what an inspirational and sincere man.
It was at a conference for homeschoolers and in the intermission which was an hour break, I took it upon myself to ask him a question.
Even homeschoolers it seemed were distracted as they all just got off their seats to rush to socialising and eating.
But he didn’t just answer my question, he sat me down for the whole hour and spent it with me discussing things.
I was in awe and in that hour gave me so much more conviction for the path I had chosen for myself and children.

But this, is a perfect blend of cut down important facts for the modern layman, who’s attention span seems to be limited to what beeped on their phone and memories only as ancient as yesterday’s social media update. Amnesic, we have forgotten history and become foundation-less.

By: Monsieur Reynard Thu, 30 Apr 2015 00:20:43 +0000 But….But…. sojourner the truth is HATE SPEECH !

By: prophetess D Wed, 29 Apr 2015 18:50:24 +0000 THe kid’s problem was from the sugar. Period. and caffeine. Caffeine is an opening for a spirit of mania, confusion, addiction. All drugs which affect the mind are openings for unclean demonic spirits. THey transmit thru verbal and physical contact like germs. All mental and physical illnesses are caused by demonic spirits whose assignments are the names of the disease. Jesus rebuked them and gave his followers authority to do it. It works. I have rebuked depress-, cance-, asthm-. Jesus healed as a testimony that he was the savior and God heals today for the same purpose.
THe social engineers create these nonsense labels so they can have an excuse to drug people for mind control.


By: Gerbert Wed, 29 Apr 2015 15:04:13 +0000 Absolutely true. Tablets, computers are great but they kinda promote this short span attention thing. Once they have replaced all the books in the classroom, then anybody can rewrite the content and falsify everything. Smart !

By: sojourner Mon, 27 Apr 2015 23:35:26 +0000 “If what I’m writing here seems cruel and uncaring..”

No, it doesn’t. The truth always hurts a bit. And what you have written is the truth!

I taught, as I know you did as well, and you are absolutely spot on in your assessment here. I taught music, and not just band and orchestra, but composition and theory. And I strained the brain trying to come up with ways to make everything I had taught my students in theory to connect with their compositions. I wish my college profs had taken the time to do this with me!

It appears that just being cogs in the machinery is no longer good enough for the powers that be. They want full-blown, mindless androids now!

Great post and points, as usual!

By: babylovett Thu, 23 Apr 2015 18:29:46 +0000 If forced to choose I would take bennies over HFCS any day.

By: robinsoncaruso1 Thu, 23 Apr 2015 07:04:27 +0000 the same drug, is given to fighter pilots, to keep them awake and alert, when i was active duty, they gave us Benzedrine,,,,,,,,,,,speed, is speed……….

By: Michael Burns Thu, 23 Apr 2015 04:33:18 +0000 I would care to say that when fructose, fast carbs, and energy drinks are added to what you beautifully described Jon, the job is complete.
About a year ago I worked with a young carpenter. Actually I was training him…he wasn’t on the job 10 minutes when he started talking rather timidly and aprehensively apologizing that he had a learning disorder and to forgive him.
We had not started to work yet. What started in this fashion, became unbearable for me every time I gave him a task to complete. He had very little success, and could not achieve a pride in himself, or his work…the he had created something good.

I asked him what his learning problem might be, if he did not mind me being so forward.

He said “I have ADHD”.
I said “How do you know that you have ADHD?”.
He said, “A psychiatrist diagnosed me…I have been taking Ritalin since I was small, till I was about 15. ”

This young man was about 21 years old. By the end of the day he had consumed six cans of coke, two Gatorade, energy drinks and a massive amount of white bread, and sulphited cold cuts and various chocolate bars and sweets treats and cakes.
At the end of the day I said to him ” I can cure your ADHD, would you like to try what I suggest.”, he agreed, until I said he had to withdraw from his consumption of glucose – fructose, caffeine, and energy drinks.

I feel sorry for them, they are helplessly addicted to a form of thinking. And addicted to sugary, high carb foods, and energy drinks.
I asked him “Dexter, what vegetables do you like to eat?” He said “I don’t eat vegetables, I don’t like them.”
He did not drink water as well, only pop, Gatorade, and energy drinks because he gets sugar crashes… And he was clearly forty pounds over weight, out of shape and a smoker. He could not keep up to me, he needed a lot of breaks. He the metabolism of an old person.
I don’t know, I am lost to think of ways to penetrate and get to kids like this.
On that one job, roughly about 3 months work, I went through three young guys like Dexter.
Its sad, so sad. I feel helpless in situations like that…changing diet, drinking water, exercising, reading and educating themselves, and freeing themselves from their medications. Is an impossible feat for them.
They seem doomed. Its scary to see this in the young.

By: Bruce Wed, 22 Apr 2015 20:55:04 +0000 Wonderful post. Thank you. In what I hope is a relevant aside, my wife and I cancelled our Cable TV subscription 14 or 15 months ago and stopped listening to talk radio. I have followed you for some time now and frankly have not understood your focus on imagination and creativity as a specific malady – only as a general topic. I was convinced I had been using mine. Oooopppss!

I’m finally starting to get it. You touched on something here I’ve noticed in myself over the past few months. Mind control, relative to large masses of people, needn’t focus on conditioning us WHAT TO THINK to be effective. Just as effective is PREVENTING US FROM THINKING AT ALL. By overwhelming a population (me included) with nonsense of whatever meaningless variety, our brains are kept occupied within the narrow channel or focus the nonsense presents to us. When we allow our minds to be overwhelmed with this gibberish from the outside – as you mention, we become passive, withdrawn and are more susceptible to accepting guidance, direction, etc. Our imagination is quieted – I call it numbed – and we no longer think thoughts we might naturally think if not overwhelmed by constant distraction and useless information. Suddenly, our human gift of imagination and creativity lies unused in the trash bin of Tavistock induced hopelessness.

I do not have adequate words with which to thank you for what you do – but THANKS anyway. Again – great post!

By: From Québec Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:51:30 +0000 Another mistake was to introduce computers in schools. And especially Wi-Fi that fries their brain.

Why would kids want to learn anything when everything is on the Internet? Rely on the internet for everything… easier and faster. This is how they never become self relying. Later on, they rely on governments for everything..

A generation of androids!
