This “phase” began around 3,700-3,600BC when the “Tower of Babel Seal” was implemented.
“You need THREE eyes to REALLY see”
The Golf Channel heavily advertises Roundup. Is that a blatant conflict of interest…creating cancer, then crying crocodile tears to cure it? And generate revenues?
I am also concerned about a possible herbicide/autism link. Ernie Els’ son is autistic and Els has a large Els for Autism foundation. Masters champion Jordan Spieth’s sister Ellie is autistic.
Phil Mickelson’s wife had a well-publicized encounter with breast cancer. And so forth.
Somebody needs to blow a loud whistle on this.
]]>And since no one thinks to test ‘organic produce’ for glyphosate, no one’s the wiser.
Here’s a video explaining “pre-emerge spraying.”
Imagine if every country would rise up, the NWO would crash like a house of cards.
]]>FQ….it seems the Italian court has balls as well (parallel topic).
I don’t know if you noticed this one Jon: