Comments on: CA SB277 on vaccines moves toward disastrous passage Wed, 18 Nov 2015 15:53:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: wanttobegalt Wed, 18 Nov 2015 15:53:34 +0000 Seventh grade, as I remember, is the dilemma.

By: Sherri Crichton Wed, 18 Nov 2015 01:50:50 +0000 Are children already enrolled in school (I have a 5th grader) exempt from vaccines, or are they required at the 7th grade “gateway? “

By: Mira Montelia Wed, 15 Jul 2015 06:24:00 +0000 Dearest wolvenwood. I am a pediatric nurse practitioner and have worked in tertiary care: academic medical centers my entire life. I have cared for a few kids who have suffered from some of the diseases for which we have vaccines. I am not wholly opposed to vaccines, though in a world where we had good nutrition for all and less toxins, we would not need them.
I ADAMANTLY OPPOSE SB 277 and mandatory vaccinations.
There are some of us in the heath care/ medical/ research professions that know and understand the true medical data that and public health data and can articulate the facts and history as to how bad this bill will be for children and society. Please have your husband contact me so we can combine wisdom and help fight this insanity.

By: George Tue, 14 Jul 2015 00:54:03 +0000 Governor Brown is just another Zionist big corporate puppet. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were a member of one or more “secret” societies. It seems they are always affiliated with them one way or another. Look into who manufactures the vaccine and then hire an investigator to follow the paper trail. I bet Brown and his cronies received a lot of money to pass the bill. Also, do a search for Pfizer former VP Rost blows the whistle on the pharmaceutical industry, it’s a good read. Above all, US citizens need to stop paying taxes. Stop filing income tax. We must find cash paying jobs and then do not report the earnings. Starve the system, starve US congress of their paycheck. Home school, go off the grid. We must resist this tyrannical government and these corporations as much as we can until the system crashes. 2016 is going to be a rough year since it is as election year and many people are unhappy and waking up to the left vs right circus show of a corportacracy monarchy, or in short, fascism. US troops do not fight for freedom, if they did laws like these would never pass. Amerikans better wake up and stop parroting the same old catch phrases and stop worshipping and being slaves to fiat currency and the central banks too.

By: Jenna Hernandez Sun, 07 Jun 2015 04:10:26 +0000 Sure we can, we all need to take part. Tell as many people as you can. Rally….and most importantly don’t be afraid. I am a registered nurse and I’m not afraid anymore. This is my opinion. Unfortunately, I did vaccinate my babies. I can only look forward now. We don’t have all the time in the world but we are alerting people by writing OPPOSE SB277. THIS IS ABOUT FREEDOM NOT VACCINES. Come on guys. We can all do something….what we can’t do is stop fighting a bunch of fools. I’m angry. I’m sad. Let’s use our God given emotions for something great, or die trying….right!?

By: Danielle Netherton Thu, 04 Jun 2015 23:54:04 +0000 I don’t know why you say he will definitely sign it??? He has expressed before he will not sign any bill that takes away religious rights. I don’t think he likes mandates like this. He may be worn out but he’s very smart, esp fiscally. Hopefully he will see the millions lost. Lawsuits against school districts will be inevitable. This will break the entire system…

By: Danielle Netherton Thu, 04 Jun 2015 23:51:50 +0000 It makes me sad. I’m in CA, I’m trying not to lose hope. May all people and politicians awaken within realizing the truth of all things and all that is. I pray they awaken to the truth and do the right thing. So be it.

By: Danielle Netherton Thu, 04 Jun 2015 23:49:59 +0000 Would you please have your husband fax a letter to the health committee in CA? To Jerry Brown?

By: Ashley M. Watson Sat, 23 May 2015 05:35:54 +0000 I love this read!

By: wanttobegalt Fri, 08 May 2015 01:26:02 +0000 The Pacific Justice institute warned parents of children in California schools that new legislation progressing through the California State Assembly will force schools to put a positive spin on the HIV and AIDS pandemic.
I am waiting for the gov’t science supporting pro-vaxxers to clamor their support for this action. Pro-vaxxers are very concerned about all the children, they know that state action against some children is best for all the children, and they often advocate requiring all HIV infected kids not be allowed to go to gov’t school. Many pro-vaxxers will come for you, either with violence or with a lawsuit, if their kid gets HIV from your kid.
