Comments on: Medical-drug destruction of life, by the numbers Wed, 01 Jul 2015 04:09:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: catherinescolvin Wed, 01 Jul 2015 04:09:56 +0000 Too many, no doubt. However, each time we share good information, we make a difference. And those we share with, they make a difference. Trust that you have an impact, however delayed.

By: Are Yufreel Wed, 06 May 2015 13:36:14 +0000 A little article this morning in RI news: Loss of tobacco profits – no problem. Expensive drugs increase profits for pharmaceuticals.

By: ladyquig Sun, 03 May 2015 11:05:22 +0000 I completely “get this” Gokemen. I hear you. Others do also. I guess the Big Question for you now is this: What are you going to do with what you’ve experienced and learned? Your insight and wisdom can be channeled together with all this pain and suffering, and you can make a difference. You can.

By: Gökmen Sat, 02 May 2015 19:48:23 +0000 “priesthood in white” term belongs to Jon, not me. This all thing belongs to Jon honestly, I feel like vampire even writing a reply here but I had to.

I saw on the internet at that time, the vegetables which grew in the toughest or should I say ‘most natural’ way, build up inside some sort of hormone or vitamins, which will contribute anyone who eats them.

My findings didn’t stop there. As a hardcore industrial city kid, I had few experiences with mind altering drugs and some other stuff. But I never became an addict or some knucklehead who mortgages his own mind to some substance you know I mean?

I grew cannabis and extracted oil from it. Put it into my dad’s meals. Put a drop into his tea, when ever I can. I believe this was the magik, after the fully organic food garden I made for him.

When my dad got killed, im saying that word deliberately because It was a murder. It doesn’t change anything, it was a murder by some papers signed by the corporate heads sitting at some penthouse. Same thing in the end: its a murder. I witnessed a murder, my own father got murdered and even my own family closed their eyes to this, because some papers told them so..I am still continuing to shake from my situation: It was almost like a sleep paralysis, you are in between dream and awakened state, struggling to breathe. I witnessed murder of my father and I couldn’t even yell or scream.

Yeah, life has an end. We all know it, especially when you think about things in general, you have to put polarity between them to make them meaningful. Im greatful for all that but, this is not some natural or lets say something supposed to happen by the force of nature.

This is murder, Its not different someone stabbing the other and commiting crime: no matter what is going on or what story it is mine or someone else: Its a murder, nothing else. And it has been so normalized, so this thing can happen in front of everyone.

I don’t know what else to say really.

By: FP Fri, 01 May 2015 14:32:48 +0000 A great string of articles lately, Jon (as usual)! I loved your “LIARS ON PARADE” headline. You’re the King of Descriptive One-Liners! 🙂

To Gokmen & LadyQuig, heartbreaking stories!

As the saying goes, “Humans were NOT created with ‘Drug Deficiencies’!” Hence, when the body breaks down, it is definitely NOT due to a lack of some laboratory-produced chemical concoction, but instead an overload of toxins, chronic stress, emotional/physical trauma, lack of adequate sleep, lack of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc. Even the “electrification” of society from the 1880’s forward has contributed to “modern” diseases such as cancer, leukemia, & heart disease (see the book “Dirty Electricity” by Sam Milham, MD, MPH).

Gokmen’s “Priesthood in White” is a good description & it reminded me of this scripture:

“…for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy pharmakeia** were all nations deceived.”
–Revelation 18:23, KJV.

So we have MERCHANTS (Big Pharma) & their “Priesthood in White” practicing PHARMAKEIA** (original Greek translated Sorcery) by which ALL Nations are DECEIVED.

The definition of the Greek PHARMA-KEIA:

“In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant or patient from the attention and power of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer.”
–W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary Of New Testament Words, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1966, Vol. 4, p. 52.

Is that last sentence (bold portion) not a perfect description of the Big Pharma Drug + AMA Modern Medical Cartel?! like so:

“…but actually to impress the applicant [patient] with the mysterious resources [FDA + Big Pharma Labs & Scientists] and powers [Drugs] of the sorcerer [Doctor].”

As of yet, the merchants/sorcerers do not even have to force people to partake of their potions because they have so successfully deceived people that the people line up willingly for the druggery (as Gorkem’s & LadyQuig’s family stories so well show. And my family is no different, father has heart disease & says, “I take whatever the doctors tell me” > due to the blind-faith “Doctors are gods/smarter than me” deception).

I harp on this a lot > Ignorance is So Dangerous! People who don’t, won’t READ & teach themselves are literally dangerous people due to their chosen Ignorance (I come from a family of Non-Readers). Like LadyQuig’s story shows, you don’t want to be dependent on Ignorant people who will turn you over to the “Merchandizing Sorcerers” in your hour of ill health vs them becoming a well-informed Team (like Gorkem & his garden) who will work with you to PROMOTE HEALING naturally. (God bless you for trying, Gorkem!)

What hope is there for people who won’t read (nor watch/listen to documentaries, interviews, etc.) thereby rejecting knowledge, wisdom, & understanding? Deep grievous Sigh!

“Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, ‘How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?'”
–Proverbs 1:20-22.

By: GJH Fri, 01 May 2015 13:51:17 +0000 We’ve all heard of cases of seemingly miraculous recovery from cancer. I prefer to believe that such cases are not flukes, but rather that they can be replicated.

I’m no expert, but I’ve read enough about alternative approaches to health to believe there are far better treatments for cancer than the standard approaches of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.

A few leads:




Gonzalez and Kelly

G. Edward Griffin

Scroll down the list to the cancer articles here:

By: Gökmen Thu, 30 Apr 2015 23:17:12 +0000 I knew while I was writing my earlier post there are children, human beings who couldn’t even aged or got killed by the medical priests even before they become their age… all I can do is to thank you for feeling my story and sharing your own story.

I am waking up everyday inside pain but I am fueled with this pain, I am translating all the research worldwide, I am doing what ever I can to improve myself to express better to expose this fraud, translating whatever I can find to Turkish so people can have better understanding in all this..

This is a war against all of us. Again, I am sorry about what happened to your father.

And I just wanted to thank you writing all this, for standing on my side against this war waged against human beings on this planet.


By: musings Thu, 30 Apr 2015 14:37:17 +0000 It sounds like the doctor who forecast a short 3 months life for Gokmen’s father wasn’t so bad – at least he let him be, and the father beat the forecast. If there is bone involvement with lung cancer, it can be very painful and the patient will seek medical help, as my brother-in-law recently did. He was gone after 6 months from the diagnosis of Stage 4 lung cancer, although he was not accepted into any studies (which disappointed him) and was given standard chemo. In the cases I have seen it may be a toss-up as to what killed the patient – chemo or the tumors. “Chemo brain” is no joke. And the opiates also play a role.

But what would be the alternative (at least to the pain killers)? Does anyone seriously believe cancer will stop its relentless course through the body? Nobody thinks the chemo is much good either, at least for something so aggressive as lung cancer. It’s the hope of a remission which induces people. The patient simply wishes to resume something of a normal life, and that is something which the medical people are incapable of granting him. But they can lessen his pain. Unfortunately, it makes them seem small and insignificant in the scheme of things. They are no better than their fathers at dealing with this. I think it hurts their pride.

Every patient hopes that he will catch the brass ring and not have to be like the vast majority who die of such a malady. But can anyone point to someone who has beaten Stage 4 lung cancer? I have never held with assisted suicide (too many opportunities for the medical profession to increase their power over us all), but had my brother-in-law decided that enough was enough and drunk the hemlock, I am sure I would never have blamed him. As it was, he slipped into dementia but at least he died at home.

It’s common to go back and find out how he acquired this disease and died at 63 (which in some societies is a sufficiently long life). He had been a smoker, though this is not the case for many who get lung cancer. He quit a decade before. But he also had leukemia, which had been treated by drugs. Not only was his immune system less than optimal, he had also been on long-term chemo as well. This probably set him up for the worst case scenario, even though he quit smoking.

In the end, we all must die. But sitting here from a relatively healthy standpoint, yet old enough to have been placed on various drugs which are supposed to make my numbers come out better – I have to ask not what I can do for medicine, but what I can do for myself. The older I get, the more they give me, and when I read the long-term effects, they look disabling.

We know that “exercise” is good for us – but what are we breathing in at a higher rate when doing it? Doesn’t gym equipment wear out? Where does it go? Into the air. And the streets are also polluted with automobiles breaking down their components and also the fuel that runs them. Everything we do is compromised, more so if we live in Chinese cities or inhabit a high rise building most of the day. But they say we live longer than we used to. It remains to be seen if that trend will keep rising. There are some doubts.

By: LadyQuig Thu, 30 Apr 2015 06:11:28 +0000 Oh my heart is truly with you, Gökmen. You did all the right things and I wish I could give you a hug. Back in 1975 my own father was given a diagnosis of acute leukemia with a prognosis of only a month to live without treatment. Family rushed him into the hospital and the barbaric treatment rendered him the most sick, pathetic human being I’ve ever seen. Skin and bones, lesions on his body and in his mouth. He begged my mother to get him out of there, take him home and let him live the time he had left. She couldn’t imagine defying the medical community so he remained in that isolation room being pumped full of poisonous chemicals in an attempt to give him a remission so that he could live just a little bit longer.

One night I sat in a chair in his hospital room, keeping vigil. At a lucid moment my father looked at me and emphatically whispered, “Cathy, if you ever get this, don’t DO this”. After all I had witnessed being forced on him that hospital room, it was easy for me to make that promise.

My father was dead within 6 weeks.

By: Tracy Thu, 30 Apr 2015 03:35:59 +0000 Two Australian men were executed recently in Indonesia by firing squad for trafficking heroin. Of course the “news” programs are all over it. Meanwhile, the local pharmacists and doctors go about their business destroying or ending lives in the process.

Ask them for some cold hard facts on the drugs they push and see what you get. Nine times out of ten it isn’t the truth.

(Anti) depressants have a black box warning in America:

[5/2/2007] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today proposed that makers of all antidepressant medications update the existing black box warning on their products’ labeling to include warnings about increased risks of suicidal thinking and behavior, known as suicidality, in young adults ages 18 to 24 during initial treatment (generally the first one to two months).

Only from 18 to 24? I’d like to know how they worked that out.

Give a depressed person a drug which could, in reality, cause them to end their own lives?

Thank you for sharing Jon.
