Comments on: A totalitarian society has totalitarian science Sat, 04 Jul 2015 19:29:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: OhZone Sat, 04 Jul 2015 19:29:42 +0000 If governments of the world really believed that this “global warming” was immanent why haven’t they put a moratorium on new babies? Where is the propaganda influencing people to have fewer or no children? There isn’t any is there? Therefore I call BS to the whole “warming” notion.

By: mothman777 Sat, 04 Jul 2015 00:28:08 +0000 Interesting. I have used silver nitrate on my skin, and it left a dark tattoo where I used it, which I have had to grind out . So that would leave grey silver ions in the retina also, altering eyesight as you say.

Fusidic acid eye drops are nasty too, and when I used those for conjunctivitis once, my eyesight was left somewhat blurred permanently afterwards, through the acid having slightly damaged my eyesight, and that possibility is, or at least was, actually noted on the instruction sheet, though one never thinks to read the small print at the time before starting using these so-called medicines, all calculated to inflict some degree of harm of course.

Weak silver sol, containing just silver ions in distilled water would have been non-caustic as an alternative (though silver sol will damage the skin a little if used excessively as it kills single-celled organisms, and skin cells too are vulnerable anywhere, as I have experienced, though just a few drops of silver sol (misnomered colloidal silver) once or twice or three times a day of just a few PPM strength in the eyes is perfectly safe), and makes a far better job, though in India, human urine instead is used, being highly effective in curing eye infections, and is still used in some hospitals there, though of course, the donor must not have the clap, the baby’s urine probably being the most appropriate for that as it would likely be the healthiest, containing natural penicillin.

I have used a weak silver sol for that purpose myself on occasion and experienced no ill-effect from that, but a speedy cure for ‘red -eye’ conjunctivitis. but if you try soaking a bandage in silver sol that is attached to your skin for a day or two, say on your wrist, and you will see that when you remove the bandage, the top layers of skin have been killed off, though of course, that is totally superficial on the outer epidermis of the human body, and the skin produces new layers of skin faster than the sol kills it, and silver sol actually reduces scar tissue and speeds up tissue regeneration in burns victims, whilst also keeping the burn safe from MRSA, necrotizing Fasciitis, Staph and Strep for example. Such an experiment will not produce any burn or scar by the way, If you do try using silver sol in your eyes for conjunctivitis, bear this in mind, and be very gentle gentle with it’s use. Eyes regenerate every 2 or 3 weeks anyway, but so does any pattern of damaged tissue to some extent. Perhaps in light of that, when treating babies’ eyes, clean human urine is a much better option, sure not to cause any harm to their more delicate tissue, and I know several yogis who use urine for that purpose, including Indian hospital doctors who work in India.

By: JMartin Thu, 02 Jul 2015 19:57:01 +0000 I think I have discovered one of the root causes of the ‘people becoming sheep’ problem. For the past 80 years, by Congressional mandate passed in the mid-1930s, every baby born in a U.S. hospital has to have its eyesight messed with, first with caustic silver nitrate (1935?-1957?) then with less-caustic antibiotics (1957?-present):

What hasn’t changed is the procedure – treatment within one hour after birth, one eye treated at a time, second eye forced open for treatment, no follow-up or longitudinal studies to determine any possible side-effects such as increased risk of nearsightedness.

Of the three dozen myopes I have asked or read about, including myself and my five siblings, those of us born during the silver nitrate era do not remember ever having had clear distance eyesight, but didn’t realize that fact until we got our first lenses. Those born during the antibiotic era, including my two sons, do remember having had clear distance eyesight which went uncontrollably blurry in middle school, high school or college.

The mandated procedure correlates with a gradual steady rise in childhood nearsightedness, which continues unabated to this day:

If the binocular visual system begins to self-calibrate as soon as it is exposed to light, then this procedure interferes with the calibration. Any miscalibrated system will eventually go awry if undetected and/or uncorrected.

Smart people didn’t used to be nearsighted. Nearsightedness had been rare throughout history prior to the 1950s.

By: mothman777 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 16:05:21 +0000 I replied to you because you obliged me to do so by deliberately having chosen to totally misrepresent what I had said earlier, as is your usual constantly hostile trollish style, yet I expressed my views in a gentle manner. How could I have possibly have ‘insulted’ you in what I wrote in my previous comment?

I do genuinely feel that your real purpose in addressing me is simply to attempt to destroy the good by creating problems where there are none, to introduce a sour note.

In the spiritual philosophy that I accept, there is no eternal hell, no eternal separation from God, and no soul that is either not from God, or unable to return to the spiritual dimension, and I believe that every soul can come, once again, to share an equal level of spiritual bliss with God, and I think that that philosophy and knowledge is not unpleasant in the slightest, compared to what the vast majority of humanity are mind-numbingly pushed into believing by the highly malevolent PTB.

I have done yoga and studied philosophy with various schools for several decades, also gaining my own direct knowledge through experience, and I have also drawn knowledge from many authors, from a number of different religions and mystical viewpoints. The spiritual philosophy I put forward here was not negative in the slightest, and I do not see any benefit in your trying to either misrepresent it or undermine it in other ways, especially as you do not present here anything better to replace it. You merely attempt to tear apart, but have nothing good to put in it’s place.

I had hoped that you might have changed a little by now, but you have not. I have now reviewed some of our earlier ‘conversations’, where you mindlessly and compulsively attacked every single thing I ever said, entirely misrepresenting my statements, not merely through failing to comprehend them, as you still do today, exactly like a very destructive machine working for some dark agenda. Not only that, you did then as you still do now, in entirely confabulating things, and writing pretentious and incomprehensible crap, doing that in a very grandiose style.

Your approach is not good, and what is your ‘guided research’? Is that a ‘paint by numbers’ type thing?

You might try to stop acting so condescendingly smart, and actually attempt to discuss matters with people, and try to present your understandings in more easily understood language for us ‘simple folk’, as you don’t actually come across as someone who really wants to communicate effectively with others.

I did try to respond to your earlier comment, rather than to write to you about some other issue from somewhere else, but you could not even understand that. Ease up a ‘little’.

By: ozziethinker Mon, 22 Jun 2015 05:36:39 +0000 @mothman

Again, you are trying to materialise and cannot break free of linear thought. The sun acts at a catalytic DNA activator, except (theoretically) it does not exist. Indeed the famous “Philadelphia Experiment” was a Zeta-Draco attempt to disconnect the Earth’s EMF from the [black] sun’s [negative influences]. Our inner sun (which causes our EMF – contrary to popular science-fantasy) is enough to maintain genetic progression.

As for “shaping identities” we travel through [potentially] numerous light and dark filters to become what we are and there are connectors at the quantum level that would equate to “souls”. Clearly you are only interested in insulting me with your simplifications and inaccuracies and have no intention of learning through guided research. If you investigated what I had to say (free of woolly emotional sentiment) about this subject IN FULL, you would have every right to come back with feedback/questions.

By: mothman777 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 01:34:22 +0000 Each and every spirit soul, incarnate in even the microbes, plants, aquatics, avian, and all land- based species, reassume their uniquely individual and eternally perfect personalities when reawakened by the light of the Communal Supersoul Godhead.

All material bodies and the senses which perceive them and this entire world are just a vision, a holographic movie, provided by the material maya potency of the Godhead Soul, and all material action and even material thought is actually performed by that potency, in an approximate reflection of the inner desires of their souls that the eternally indwelling Supersoul, or Godhead Soul can see, fallen though they are in this world. That includes all telepathic and psychological influence from others, microwave weapon influence, the lot, all those phenomena beyond the apparently individual mental will actually being concomitant factors inherent upon choosing to incarnate in this world, all part of the show, all direct consequences and in fact somehow or other, however distantly, part and parcel of the reactions to our own personal will, so we experience various types of communal karma that we think we should not suffer. The Bhagavad Gita states that even if a man thinks he dies, or if he thinks he has killed, he is under illusion, and though that means that the soul is immortal and can never be killed, an additional meaning is that God’s material maya potency is in truth the only actor on the stage in any case.

In the spiritual world, all will is perfect, and becomes instantly manifest. However, here in this material world, because the greater part of our intellect and good common sense and sensitivity that resides within our constitutional connection with the Godhead Soul is largely absent, then when we are here, our will is imperfect, as we are no longer twinned with the divine will or intellect, nor can we see on a cosmic scale any longer, so our will here is very faulty, so a damping factor called time is introduced to act as a buffer against total chaos. For instance, many fallen souls on this Earth would, in an instant wish countless millions to die in an instant, so the manifestation of that will is withheld from them. People are not these bodies anyway, and this is all a dream anyway, it being the dream of Vishnu in His Yoga Nidra, and all material action takes place within what is ultimately His Soul in fact, and not ours, so He manifests this material creation and all material action that occurs within it as He wishes, as is His prerogative, and not ours.

The instance of material substance means that God has demanifest any area of His soul that we are at risk of encroaching on, in terms of starting to develop any tendency towards mistakenly assuming His position or substance as our own, so He hides that area, making it appear as this material cosmos, so as to encourage us to let go of that, making it appear as lifeless material elements that will not be so attractive to us. The Godhead Soul is actually the substance of all the spiritual planets and spiritual sky, those being fully conscious.

Each soul is beginningless, eternal, and cannot be destroyed anyway, and God manifests this reality around each soul as a multidimensional film show, within which they are merely the viewers, all the souls here not actually acting in any way, but merely remaining under the illusion that they do, yet because they still believe that they are the immediate and direct authors of all material action of their bodies, then they do have a kind of karma from that, in that they remain addicted to that reality, and continue to reincarnate in it, until they realize that they do not in fact need to have anything to do with it at all, but only to turn their attention back to the Godhead Soul with the proper understanding, to once again wake back up in the spiritual world.

When any of the souls in the spiritual world turn away from God to some degree, they momentarily lose the greater part of their spiritual self-cognitive ability, and momentarily enter into a flickering daydream of what life is like in the absence of the Godhead, whose light sustains us all normally.

No souls ever actually leave the spiritual world, but merely temporarily enter a dream that they have left the spiritual world. In truth, it is just like when we go to bed in this world, and enter the dream state, where we think we are somewhere else, yet we still wake up again in bed in the morning. So it is in the spiritual world, when we turn our full attention once again to the light of the Godhead Soul, our normal spiritual full self-cognition reawakens, and we are fully conscious once again of being in the spiritual world when we leave this material body afer ‘death’.

Krishna states that the entire duration of this material cosmos is just like a flash of lightning for Him, and even though it may appear to take millions of years in ‘reincarnations’ in the mayic perception of each one of us, when we re-awake once again, we will see that the whole thing, millions of years, was really taking place in a very brief span of time, a very tiny portion of our normal span of timeless consciousness in the spiritual dimension.

In the spiritual world, our constitutional position which is dovetailed with the Godhead Soul means that the Godhead Soul gives a state of cosmic consciousnes called ‘sarshti’ to each and every soul there, so that all souls have cosmic consciousness, with the infinite consciousness of the Godhead Soul overlaying theirs, expanding the scope of their consciousness on a cosmic scale, also sharing 100% of the bliss that He Himself experiences with each of them also.

If we can envisage that our consciousness of the eternal moment normally covers a truly vast area, when we compare that experience even with millions of incarnations in different species on different material planets, then the duration of all those material incarnations will all seem very small and insignificant indeed, just like a brief daydream perhaps, and the sadness of it will easily be dismissed with the understanding that the material cosmos was all created to prompt us not to turn away from our proper relationship with our constitutional Godhead Soul, Who alone enables our full spiritual consciousness.

Without the sun, all creatures in this world would live in darkness, blind, and without the spiritual connection of the Godhead Soul, there is not even any indvidual consciousness, no white light tunnels, no rolling astral plains, nothing, as I have ‘experinced’ when I have lost consciousness, and experienced complete and total shut- down of all consciousness, having no awareness even of darkness, not even knowing any longer that I exist, totally losing all consciousness of anything and everything, as if I had been totally annihilated, yet I have been brought back to consciousness, but only by the effect of another Soul, the Godhead Soul. This is because all souls only function together via the nexus of the the cosmic Supersoul, or Godhead Soul, the central spiritual sun Who links all souls together. He is so vast that He does not require us to remain conscious Himself, but we all need Him to remain conscious, our perception of infinity being in truth perception afforded to us by Him consciously extending our consiousness within and throughout the vast expanse of His Soul. No other soul can give us this, as no other soul is so vast.

By: ozziethinker Sun, 21 Jun 2015 05:16:54 +0000 According to Mothman777’s argument, there is no spirit, soul [or mind] as character/emotional traits are defined by material genetics. we are NOT “God’s natural robots” and gene selection will NEVER identify these traits. Energy fields are attracted to akin energy signatures. Parents are the “common ground” for offspring.

All in my book!

By: OhZone Sat, 20 Jun 2015 13:12:47 +0000 So well said that I copied it and saved it. Thank you

By: Kevin Diggs Sat, 16 May 2015 19:07:02 +0000 Push back! Sign a petition demanding Governor Jerry Brown VETO California bill SB277!

By: CantBelieveTheIgnorance Sat, 16 May 2015 12:09:49 +0000 Hi Shannon:
If it’s settled, can you tell me why every planet in the solar system is warming up. Are there SUVs and factories on Saturn or Pluto ? The Sun is the major factor here, not humanity. This is just another way for politicians to take your money. Please do some of your own research instead of happily swallowing the party line.
