Comments on: Yes, I keep writing about imagination Sun, 27 Oct 2019 02:37:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: John C. A. Manley Sun, 03 May 2015 13:22:08 +0000 “Societies and civilizations are never creative, after a certain point in their development.” I thought that was a brilliant observation. Society is built on creative thinkers, but then restricts further creativity by mass producing the new ideas for use by everyone; which makes it difficult to introduce new ideas. Of course, the benefit might be that it avoids every new hiccup someone’s imagination puts forth as getting undo attention.

By: Jackie ONeil Sun, 03 May 2015 01:21:24 +0000 I am so grateful that I didn’t let any grass grow under my feet, was into painting, writing poetry, piano and all kinds of music with dancing solely and w/partner and then slowly but surely I found myself in the middle eighyies, age wise that is, and finaly realized that I didn’t have a bad life at all and now it is time too slow down a bit, not too slow just slow enough so I can still enjoy the beauty of the seasons, the beauty of musc and art all kinds, people and friends, also family while they are still around, today I finally realized who I am , where I came from and where I am going, yes it was a beautiful life and hopefully it shall continuei on and on for our grndchildren and their lives as well, thankyou for you in debth into past and to remember al the good that was, many blessings with love and ligt surrounding us daily, thanks. Jackie ONeil

By: From Québec Sat, 02 May 2015 20:50:04 +0000 Yes, and please keep writing about it, Jon.
Imagination is the key that opens every door.

By: Michael Burns Sat, 02 May 2015 16:49:05 +0000 In many I have used these exercises. I consider them to to be highly beneficial, even to the person who does not paint. Solving life problems is an imaginative and creative process. I have been painting and considered myself to be an artist for close to three decades. I have had up and downs, artistic blocks and have had to get through them. It has not been until now that I realized being a painter one can create an adjunct to the think box that most of us call a mind. The information in EFM helped me break through into larger spaces that are my own and are bigger more creative more imaginative places. And I see no end in that…Thank you Jon
