Comments on: A fantasy that explains Globalism Mon, 12 Dec 2016 20:55:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg C. Mon, 12 Dec 2016 20:55:20 +0000 @professorzed: Right, I totally overlooked the fact that ‘Delaware’ and ‘Indiana’ are not real states. The purpose of the fantasy is confused, because in order to go along with it, you have to ignore that tariff-free trade already exists between the 50 states, and this is exactly the point of contention. I’ve seen this sort or argument before, although usually in the form of “Pretend that you are wrong …” Although in this case, it’s “Pretend that free trade doesn’t exist. Then I’ll show you that it cannot exist.”

By: Josh Sat, 19 Sep 2015 07:50:56 +0000 This Infowars segment is really good. They get right to the heart of things and spell it right out. Global corporate governance is tightening its slimy tentacles around our necks every day …

By: professorzed Sat, 16 May 2015 09:12:28 +0000 Well Sir, the author did say that the example was a ‘fantasy’. Perhaps the problem exists in neither the example nor the Constitution, but in your reading comprehension skills.

By: remoteviewed Mon, 11 May 2015 21:26:30 +0000 Interesting intel Jon. Nixon like Kennedy made enemies. Not just the Corporate Globalists but also what Fletcher Prouty called Capitalism’s Invisible Army or CIA for short.

Note not only was Gerry Ford in their pocket but that he was also a member of the Warren Commission.

Nixon not only angered the Globalists but he also went after the Oil Men by proposing to cut their precious Oil Subsidy.

Not only that but he wanted to know the truth behind the “Bay of Pigs thing” which not only was about CIA’s failed op but also how Kennedy’s assassination followed it.

Also Nixon had his own problems like his enemy’s list and his support of Hoover’s covert war against dissent AKA CoIntelPro which also made him a prime target of the New Left.

Who knows?

If Nixon hadn’t made so many enemies on both sides of the political spectrum and hadn’t formed his own Security Intelligence Unit better known as the “plumbers” he might have survived politically.

As they say.

Water under the bridge.

What is obvious though is presidents since Nixon have pretty much gone in lock step to corporate and banking interests with unpopular treaties like NAFTA and now this Pacific Agreement.

Here’s a factiod.

These so called “agreements” have done more damage to America’s industrial base than the Strategic Bombing Survey of WW II.

By: Brian Mon, 11 May 2015 08:27:10 +0000 Doesn’t it depend on where an individual looks ‘to/from’ for ‘their’ position with regard source of authority?
Meditate/ponder on this question and make ‘your own’ choice. One thing is certain what-ever you choose you won’t be alone…


By: ozziethinker Mon, 11 May 2015 04:28:23 +0000 I did see this. Perhaps one of the objectives of all those pointless Middle Eastern wars was to kill off any feasible defence.

Will “ET” step in? The powers “think” they control, but when you move to outer politics the “plan” goes completely wonky. Few realise “they” have technology to change our atmosphere to make it unbreathable and because it’s never happened before and “they don’t exist”, “rational humans” couldn’t possibly believe it could happen. Think again.

They stay hidden because they consider humans’ little more than a toothless nuisance, expendable fodder and was it not for our extraordinary genetic POTENTIAL, I think they would have replaced us holus-bolus long ago.


By: PJ London Sun, 10 May 2015 15:45:26 +0000 “THEM and the RUSSIANS are planning to KIDNAP “NETANYAHU”, I am not sure what you are smoking, but it must be really good stuff.

By: Ab Irato Sun, 10 May 2015 01:17:04 +0000 Good theory, but how can a president possibly go off script? They’re merely actors, so his demise was just a show for the victims, the citizen.

By: Arizona Sat, 09 May 2015 22:11:10 +0000 LET me address the GLOBALISM… it will never come to pass.

AMERICA will be at WAR soon, and everyone is getting ready, (I hope they are)…

THERE’S a reason you don’t put TRAITORS or IDIOTS in charge of anything, IF you can call it lucky, I guess we’re lucky, cause this WAR will be a bloodbath and the foreign invaders will take just as bad a beating as we will,EXCEPT we’ll win, and they’ll lose.

BACK to how the whole thing starts, THE IDIOTS IN WASHINGTON,(remember the idiots thing) have hatched a new plan to kill everyone.

THEM and the RUSSIANS are planning to KIDNAP “NETANYAHU”, and force him to sign a peace agreement.

WHEN they do, GODS WRATH WILL BE UNLEASHED ON AMERICA, the destruction will be enormous. HE won’t be messing around, AMERICA will be completely destroyed: viruses, nuclear weapons, one event after another, no power, no food, no roads, and starvision in the streets, and THE BIGGEST earthquake ever recorded… it will level most all the homes in america, along with everything else. The russians and chinese will be on us like stink on you know what.


By: Arizona Sat, 09 May 2015 21:37:24 +0000 WELL JON, we had it figured out for a while. BUT, then the disarming of americans when off track, and the plan to enslave all of america landed in the trash can, THEY had to change gears.

LISTEN CAREFULLY HERE,that plan was scrapped, DO YOU UNDERSTAND what that means?

Well, even if you don’t I’ll tell you. THEY HAVE NOW DECIDED they’re in danger and the best way to keep from being HANGED for TREASON is to just KILL everyone, NO SURVIVORS.

If your paying attention here, you’ve already realized their plans have changed. KILL EVERYONE. The children will go to china, the adults who can work will go to slave labor camps and the rest will just be killed….this is the new plan.

I SUGGEST YOU PREPEAR, its going to be a long year,and next year will be worse,THE LORD says it will come to pass…….CHINA will be in full control of america soon, and not many americans will survive it……….
