This bill was was concocted to succeed by all means necessary by Pan and his Democratic tyrants. When it looked like the bill would die in the education committee, Pan postponed the vote and shrewdly replaced some of the anticipated “no-vote” senators with some of the more “yes-vote” ones. How convenient – where was Jerry Brown to intervene and call a “foul” on this one? How about an investigation into an ethics violation?
The whole thing disgusts me! We have nothing but a bunch of tyrants running this country! The “little guy” as usual is squished by the big foot of the tyrannical politicians! Forced vaccinations on the children, followed by forced vaccinations on adults, followed by forced microchips – all coming to a theater near you!!!
“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”
—– Thomas Jefferson
]]>This is disgusting! Merck’s vaccine production line should immediately be shutdown. They should be aggressively investigated and held accountable . This should be a major breaking news story on the alphabet-soup networks. Oz, ” The Doctors” and all those medical/health programs should be doing “BIG” reports on this.
Imagine for a minute if 2 infants died & 29 others were in serious condition in this country from measles, chicken pox, mumps, etc., there would be mad pandemonium with the national media! Pediatricians would be crawling out of the woodwork saying, “I told you so!” Politicians everywhere would be intensifying their efforts to eliminate any and every vaccine exemption.
It’s amazing how this game is rigged!
]]>Australia: everybody must get vaccinated, except the Prime Minister’s daughters
2006: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott refused to vaccinate his daughters
Meet vaccine refuser, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott