Comments on: Manmade warming hypothesis? What’s a hypothesis? Wed, 18 Jan 2017 23:16:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Wed, 18 Jan 2017 23:16:39 +0000 That blog is disinfo!

Just as bad as “WikiPedia”.

– No thanks!

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Wed, 18 Jan 2017 23:16:06 +0000 They ARE “first-steps” for some, and sometimes only mere time-wasters for others.

BTW: With CO2-levels hanging around 350 ppm, this day, are actually STARVATION-LEVELS for our green plants.

Back around 800-1000 CE,

CO2-levels were more around about 1500 ppm. – This just also happen to be about the time that agriculture was producing at its highest yields for humanity, that is – until the happening of the “mini-Ice Age” close to about 1000 CE.

So yeah,

I DO, in fact know EXACTLY what I am talking about! ! !

This AGW – B—S— is nothing more than excuses for more political control over every aspect of humanity (like as if they were the “gods” of humanity), and more excuse to bilk all of us out of BILLIONS in whatever currency we trade in – from us!


Our plants need MORE CO2 – because that is the main means by which they produce the necessary energy to grow and to heal themselves! – THAT does NOT all come from the soil!!! – Just like your own body needs the sugars and carbohydrates as fuel for energy – for growth, healing, and general well-being.


I will keep PRAYING – AND . . . – keep teaching!

If you wish to continue believing in a politically-motivated, well-conceived, but self-destructive lie – – that is YOUR business! – The lives and livelihood of the rest of us – is OURS, and ours alone!

By: Michael Burns Sun, 11 Dec 2016 20:12:33 +0000 @Ram Ayana

It would seem you are micro-aggressed already… besides the fact still remains, CO2 lags global average temperature increase. It does not lead it.

And presently global temperature has dropped one degree. Time to wake up from the hoax, AGW is a hoax

By: Shandra Fraile Mon, 15 Aug 2016 19:05:02 +0000 Perfectly pent written content, Really enjoyed looking at.

By: Ram Ayana Thu, 14 May 2015 12:47:34 +0000 Debate this;
– and see ‘older posts’ at the end of each section

By: Ram Ayana Thu, 14 May 2015 12:46:42 +0000 All very true – but please leave God, Lucifer and the Truth Fairy out of it! For more info about free energy see – and see ‘older posts’ at the end of each section

By: Ram Ayana Thu, 14 May 2015 12:43:43 +0000 There is only one reason we still use oil and coal – and that’s because big, nasty corporations have ruthlessly suppressed all alternatives for decades. Thus the combined fuel efficiency of the entire US fleet of fossil fuelled vehicles is almost identical to what it was 100 years ago!
I have watched a car driven for 1,000 miles on 1 quart of water – because one quart of water produces more than 1200 quarts of usable gas – and I’ve seen what happened to the inventor…
There’s only one reason our planet is so toxic that 1 in 2 Amerikans are now likely to get cancer – human pollution. There is only one reason we still have uncontrolled human pollution – because every time someone seriously tries to do something about it they’re shot, jailed, silence and/or removed from office.
And every time someone tries to tell you the truth about human (anthopogenic) pollution some rabid god botherer quotes some noxious old tome, some semiliterate, ill-educated goon yells “conspiracy” and “troll’ in the precisely the wrong direction, and another corporate executive looks on, smiling, while the guntoting vigilantes tear the whistleblower limb from llimb.
Those fond of appealing to their imaginary god need to wake up and smell the brimstone – nasty, vicious, rich, powerful humans are creating hell on Earth, and ignorant bleaters are decrying well intentioned attempts by scientists and activists to stop them and mistaking their friends for the enemy and vice versa.
Glad I inhabit a remote forest, well away from most people. Reading most of these comments helps me remember why I prefer honest spiders and snakes to the two legged kind.

By: Ram Ayana Thu, 14 May 2015 12:30:45 +0000 I would debate you point by point, but not if you call me ‘Rammie’ and misrepresent what I’ve written. It means your disrespect is blinding, unnecessary and tells me all i need to know about your attitude to those who disagree with you; the mentality of a footbrawler, not a scientist. Suffice to say that all your points, while appearing to be well reasoned, are flawed distractions to the central issue. You should probably get a job with one of Big Coal’s ‘climate research instititutes’ and be paid to misinform people rather than do it for free!

By: Ram Ayana Thu, 14 May 2015 12:24:16 +0000 Nice try, but prayer and belief are the problems, not solutions; belief blinds one to the vast plethora of available facts, narrowing one’s perspective to a pinpoint. Actually, that so-called lag was discredited by further research around 3 years ago; the opposite is true. And to find a time when CO2 levels have been this high you have to look at an era BEFORE HUMANS EXISTED. Plants have grown quite well without anthropogenic carbon for quite some time, thanks. We can do without such unplanned geoengineering.

By: Ram Ayana Thu, 14 May 2015 12:19:35 +0000 Solar activity has been DECLININg for many years, and yet Earths oceanic and atmospheric temperatures continue to rise; no doubt the Sun is the main driver of Earth’s climate, but it’s certainly not the ONLY one – and certainly not the reason temperatures are rising now!
The continual search for non-anthropogenic causes is stymied at every turn. Temperatures are rising and the oceans are becoming more acidic, as THOUSANDS of separate studies conducted by researchers in many divergent fields demonstrates. Human pollution is certainly the prime suspect, and we don’t seem to be hearing of any other credible sources being raised in these comments.
We may enter an Ice Age in another generation, but the fact is that many so-called activists have been bamboozled by multimillion dollar disinformation campaigns operated by ‘think tanks’ funded by the big polluters. Denying the existence and effects of that pollution is not activism, or even an example of common sense. Many choose to ignore the fact that their own personal lifestyles are to blame and seek scapegoats rather than downsize their SUVs
Journalists need to ask THE relevant question, even if they’re not up to examining thre science – ‘cui bono’ or ‘WHO PROFITS?’
Could it be those funding the denial campaigns? Please wake up, activists. We need you.
