Comments on: Canada, welcome to the US-style Surveillance State Thu, 14 May 2015 03:20:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sherlock Thu, 14 May 2015 03:20:47 +0000 “We have only ourselves to blame. We put a criminal gang in government and the cost is enormous. Wake up Canada before it is too late.” – brian

I understand what you’re saying, but at the same time we have a dysfunctional voting system.

In order to win, a candidate does not need to receive a clear majority (considered 50 percent plus one) of the votes. Instead, the candidate only needs to receive a plurality majority, meaning that he/she received more votes than any other candidate in the riding district. Under the single member plurality system, a candidate can win a riding even though the majority of voters voted against him.

With only two parties, Republican and Democrat for instance, chances are good that the winning candidate will receive a clear majority of the votes (50% plus one). However, in Canada we have more than 2 parties, meaning that most of the winning candidates will receive only a plurality majority.

Forget all the districts and candidates and take a look at the overall results of the Canadian Federal election (2011).

Conservative (39.62%)
NPD (30.63%)
Liberal (18.91%)
Bloc Québécois (6.04%)
Green (3.91%)
Others (0.89%)

Conservative is declared the majority with only 39.62% of the votes, 60.40%, the clear majority of the population voted against Conservative. It’s even worse when you take the participation rate into account. The voter turnout for that election was 61.1%, meaning that 38.9% of the whole population did not cast a vote. With the voter turnout, the results are now…

Did not vote (38.9%)
Conservative (24.21%)
NPD (18.71%)
Liberal (11.55%)
Bloc Québécois (3.69%)
Green (2.39%)
Others (0.54%)

Conclusion: Conservative is the majority with 24.21% of the votes, when more than 75% of the canadians voted against Conservative candidates or haven’t voted at all. Insane! In that case the plurality majority (38.9%) of the Canadians does not care or does not want any rulers, so the will of the majority is definitely not well represented with this broken voting system. Should we blame ourselves for that? Maybe or maybe not.

By: rehmat1 Thu, 14 May 2015 02:59:02 +0000 No wonder Elizabeth May, the leader of Green Party said last week: “Omar Khadr has more class than the whole f**king cabinet.”

By: Michael Burns Wed, 13 May 2015 17:14:07 +0000 I am teasing you about your vote for Harper. Q
Personally I am apolitical in regards to voting. I don’t vote. I don’t believe in it.
Besides political parties today are all shades of the same red.
Two or three political parties. Towing along slight variations of the same agenda.
But yet we have 37 varieties of bagel.
The illusion of choice.
The illusion of freedom.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 13 May 2015 17:03:35 +0000

I am not saying that Jews did’nt die during the second world. Or that they did’nt suffer under the atrocities commited by the German.Those are well documented.
What I am saying is that many ‘People” died.
Jews, Catholics, Muslims, artists, activists, gypsies, homsexuals, the retarded, crippled, born with birth defects, mentally ill, individuals speaking out, the underground and anyone opposed to the cruelty and dictatorship of the Nazis and their corporate cronnies…the list goes on and on. If you were not of Arayan Stock, blue eyed and blonde hair, well you were suspected of something and would be exterminated.
A lot of people died in Germany. People!

What I am saying is the number, six million Jews, has been propagandized and used for everything from gathering vast amounts of money for Zionism, to petitioning the League of Nations and the follow up United Nations to gain a foothold in Palestine, and North America, since before the turn of the century. These numbers have used against other nations. This is exploitation of misery for more misery.
This is a Zionist move.
This idea of a Palestine has been in the works for a long time.
The unfortunate situation of the death camps opened up an opportunity to drive home the Zionist idealism and claim on Palestine. That palestine is the ancient homeland of the Jews and that it must rightly be given back.
Zionism has great political, financial, and lobbying power in the United States and Canada. So much so that our Prime Minister, Heir Harper has past laws that we cannot speak out against Israel and recent atrocities committed on the Palestinians. So we must sit back and watch them exterminate Palestinians.
The Holocaust and six million dead Jews stops us from looking at the Jewish/Palestinian situation with more neutral eyes. We have a slanted view of history, and a Jewish persecution and the real truth.
Israel and the Zionists are war criminals. Bent on starting a world war three. They are armed with nuclears and wish to use them on Iran and anyone else who opposes teir apartheid.

Some reading material…there than just this. You must research it.

By: From Québec Wed, 13 May 2015 16:35:10 +0000 I did not know that Pierre Karl Peladeau was the new chairman of Hydro Québec. Oh boy! No wonder we are now bombarded with their imposed criminal Smart Meters spying on us and frying our brains.

By: swo8 Wed, 13 May 2015 14:38:55 +0000 Go to this morning’s CBC radio one and listen to Anna Maria Tremonte’s “The Current”. Chris Hedges was interviewed and he has a very accurate assessment of what is going on. We have to wake up to what is happening.

By: swo8 Wed, 13 May 2015 14:35:54 +0000 There’s always the NDP. They did it in Alberta we can do it all over.

By: Sherlock Wed, 13 May 2015 10:58:20 +0000 A party-leader who controls the way voters get their news, I think we can call it a blatant conflict of interests, yes. Imagine Rupert Murdoch running for the next Presidential election.

In 2013, P.K Péladeau stepped down as chief executive officer of Quebecor Inc, but a couple weeks ago he recognized he still exercises control over his media empire. Anyway he named his mentor and past Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to replace him as Chairman of Quebecor Inc. Curiously, Mulroney is an ardent federalist and P-K Peladeau is the antithesis of what the PQ has long embodied. He has consistently said his only real interest in entering politics is to make Quebec independent. Really?

There’s surely something hidden behind this whole Quebec Sovereignty thing, but what? As far as I know they want a one world government, not a new country. What are they trying to accomplish exactly? Has it something to do with our water or electricity? Because, P.K Peladeau is also the new chairman of Hydro-Québec, the province’s most important enterprise.

We always hear about how only few companies can control all the media in the U.S, but our situation is very similar. Quebecor and Power Corp., alone own a huge part of our media.

Newspapers : La Presse, Le Soleil, Le Journal de Québec, Le Journal de Montreal, Le Droit, La Tribune, Le Quotidien, The Toronto Sun, Daily-Herald-Tribune, etc.

Television channels: TVA, LCN, Canal Indigo, Mystery, Canal Évasion, etc.

Radio stations: CFTM (Montréal), CFCM (Québec), CHLT (Sherbrooke), etc.

Employment website: Workopolis and Jobboom.

They own probably every single magazines you can think of : 7 jours, Lundi, TV Hebdo, Dernière Heure, Echos Vedettes, Clin d’oeil, Votre Maison, Décoration chez-soi, Ma Cuisine, Tout Simplement Clodine, Rénovation Bricolage, Coté Jardins, Chez Soi, Star inc., Star Systeme, Moi & Cie, Les Idées René-Dépot, etc.

They also own various other things: Videotron, Le Super Club Vidéotron, Canoe, Archambault Group, Jumbo Entertainment, Distribution Select (books, CDs, etc.), Guy Cloutier Communications, etc.

By: rhymeafterrhyme Wed, 13 May 2015 07:54:02 +0000 “…..Johnny is a hacker,
‘Been doing it for a while;
Covertly collecting data,
Held in a government file.

Johnny is a hacker,
Employed by the NSA,
Reading through your private stuff,
That’s how he earns his pay.

Johnny is a hacker,
Tracks your GPS,
Follows you wherever you go,
Keeps a record of each address.

Johnny is a hacker,
Listening into your conversations,
Infringing every constitutional right,
Government sponsored violations…..”

Read more:

By: From Québec Wed, 13 May 2015 04:23:02 +0000 Very well said! You know your stuff.

Did you also know that in Québec, Pierre Karl Péladeau, who is the son of the late Pierre Péladeau, is now running for the leadership of the Parti Québécois (PQ) who is the separatist party.

Pierre Karl Péladeau has now became the owner of Quebecor Media Inc.
Can you imagined the conflict of interests? OUCH!
