Comments on: Corporate Gods: “Obama, remember why we hired you; ram the TPP through” Sun, 16 Aug 2015 14:50:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: swo8 Sun, 16 Aug 2015 14:50:33 +0000 I’m working on a video about the free trade deals. It will come out sometime in September.

By: Harriet Heywood Sun, 16 Aug 2015 07:14:07 +0000 Its worse than illegal, its treason. Prepare for a massive protest in Washington this Fall. Join the flushthetpp team at to find out what you can do.

By: Trade treaties, mega-corporations, and worldwide socialism | I am a Malaysian Wed, 17 Jun 2015 05:33:06 +0000 Right now, President Obama is running around in a panic, trying to put together enough Congressional votes to pass the TPP. Does that sound like a man who wants to rescue the American people from the mega-corporations?

By: william Thu, 11 Jun 2015 19:34:49 +0000 I keep hearing neocons shout LIBTARD, well, anyone that votes repubneocon is a RE-tard.

The repubneocons keep betraying their followers,and the RE-tards keep voting & supporting them.

The cowards of the Gay Old Party folded like twits on AMNESTY but get all “manly” when their Israeli DOMINATRIX cracks the whip. 47 BRIBED Republican senators clapped like trained seals. The US Congress is Jewish-occupied territory and the TRAITORS in Congress are not loyal to America, they are loyal to the parasite “Israel”. These traitors went on to “fast track” TPP which is a SELL-OUT of American Workers.
For six years the “manly” republicans have been rumoring Obama is homosexual.

Now the republican senate is lining up to blow Obama on TPP .
RINO – R-epublican I-n N-ame O-nly
AINO – A-merican I-n N-ame O-nly
the republican party should have to register as a foreign agent …..
because it is more loyal to Israel then AMERICA
WHY are “American” RINOS always taking “trips”to Israel? To collect their BRIBES.

American Taxpayers give over $4 BILLION a year to Israel. How much of YOUR $4 BILLION is coming back to America as BRIBES to “your” politicians? The Stooges that fall all over themselves putting Israel’s interests AHEAD of America! The US Congress is Jewish-occupied territory and the TRAITORS in Congress are not loyal to America, they are loyal to the parasite “Israel”.

“Pro-Israel Policy groups such as AIPAC work with unlimited funding to divert US policy in the region ( Middle East )” Jack Straw, Member of Parliament and former Foreign Secretary of the British Labor Party.
When the congress is dominated by a foreign interest to the extent that its members act uniformly on a signal from a foreign government through its domestic lobby, the republic is as much as ended.

“Bankers: Jesus called them moneychangers and whipped Their ASS.” — Norman S. Davis

By: jacobite2015 Sat, 16 May 2015 08:45:52 +0000 I think our rights and liberties were lost with the passing of The Patriot Act, the renewal of the act back in 2011, and the re-renewal of it this year.

The bigger question is how do you fight back against corrupt, dishonest, power-hungry tyrannical politicians? As Jon had mentioned in a previous blog, the “buck should stop” with the politicians on some of the oppressive legislation being passed this century.

For example, look at California SB277 that just passed in the Senate 25-11….only two Democrats voted against it! A couple of Republicans actually voted for it! The political system is nothing more than a two-headed monster masquerading as two different parties. After California, all the other states with religious & personal exemptions will follow with similar legislation. “Democrans” and “Republicrats” alike will pass the bills one after another all in the name that government “always” knows what’s best for us.

The “little guy” or the “commoners” are hard working men and women trying to put food on the table for their families who simply want to be left alone from government. When it comes time to vote, what our choices? Another slick talking Republican or Democrat who promises less government, lower taxes and preservation of freedoms (where have we heard that before!).

Forced medical intervention, higher taxes, censorship of speech, 2nd amendment repeal, 4th amendment violations, more surveillance, government control of nutritional supplements, banning of homeopathic treatments, regulation and control of your home energy uses, comply & control of the disobedient….all coming to a theater near you – compliments of our wonderful political leaders!!!

“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”
—–Thomas Jefferson

By: IMNAHA Fri, 15 May 2015 21:06:00 +0000 There’s an interesting pattern here. First the agrichemical corps paid most of the states to pass ALEC laws preempting home rule (local government’s control) of pesticides and herbicides, then in 2013 (in Oregon anyway) they paid the legislature to pass a law preempting local control of all agricultural products including their seeds and flowers. Now there’s a bill in Federal Congress that would preempt states control of GMO labeling. Finally we have the TPP and similar treaties which we have to assume (since it’s a secret) will preempt control at the Federal (national) level of god knows what, but It’s a no brainer bet that the agrichemical corps will be front and center at the hog trough.

By: IMNAHA Fri, 15 May 2015 20:49:34 +0000 Bingo!!!

By: IMNAHA Fri, 15 May 2015 20:44:19 +0000 You can also hope and pray that (as some are predicting) that we are at the beginning of major geophysical and climate disruption (ice age anyone?) that will smash this whole fraudulent edifice.

By: cindy Fri, 15 May 2015 17:17:59 +0000 People are forgetting, Corporations are “Nothing” without our participation! We CAN defeat this Monster called the TPP, But it will Require a Loud Public Outcry! Give the Good Senator’s ammunition to take to the Senate Floor! “People Power” is the Answer! Americans have been Way to Silent for Way to Long! We have allowed these things to happen by being SILENT!

By: swo8 Fri, 15 May 2015 17:15:29 +0000 I’ll look into that civics course. Thank you for that information.
I have no doubt that we will regain our rights and liberties. It will be a battle but having many investments in the future (children) I’m not about to sit back and take what’s happening in the here and now.
