Comments on: Fantasy: “vaccines remarkably safe and effective” Mon, 25 May 2015 00:31:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: jacobite2015 Mon, 25 May 2015 00:31:40 +0000 Thanks for the response Johnny. If that’s how it is, then I’m not very optimistic that any of this aggressive BS pro-vaxx legislation can be stopped. It’s unbelievable that some of the college profs who would be academically qualified to refute and contradict the mainstream science position on vax safety & effectiveness, would face such harsh repercussions for speaking out. But, hey I guess they’re sell-outs to the power & corruption of $$$. I’m sure in addition to the repercussions you pointed out, they also don’t want to lose any tution discounts for their children, their interest free housing loans and those free tickets to the football games! America is great – the land of the power & corruption to influence people!

No wonder on those arrogant science blogs (e.g. Science-Based Medicine, Respectful Insolence, etc.) they continually mock & torment the antivaxx movement of not having any college-level teaching academics in the field of immunology & epidemiology who refute the mainstream vax science.

So….I guess the only real heroes with a science background that have the guts to come foward and fight the tyrants are Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Jack Wolfson & Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych. They’re few in numbers and our continually mocked, harassed & discredited by the science community & the mainstream media:

Doesn’t look very hopeful – are those Fema camps for the vaccine refusers?

By: Kaj Sat, 23 May 2015 21:49:50 +0000 Very interesting quotes – and it ties in with the vast social control the system has over us. Please check out this article on how we are emotionally hijacked to go along with the flow and suppress logical thinking:

Jon, please post more of these quotes, we need a database of this, truly – a video.

By: Johnny Kay Sat, 23 May 2015 14:39:03 +0000 theodorewesson: Thank you for a most interesting reply.

By: theodorewesson Sat, 23 May 2015 14:18:42 +0000 Just to add,… though yes, rare, there are occasionally professors who do buck the system and still stay employed.

One of the them is University of California, Davis, Professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto (Professor of Asian American Studies).

Part of what, I believe, keeps him employed is that he is very vocal (talks to the alt press) naming the names of those in acdemia whose social theories (e.g. the notion of “flexible citizenship”) he vehemently disagrees with as being disingenuous, and, he has “fully lawyered up.” I believe the university attempted to or did doc his pay.

By: Johnny Kay Sat, 23 May 2015 03:28:50 +0000 Jacobite: You wrote, “I’m thinking more along the lines of all the numerous university and college professors with the appropriate backgrounds (e.g. immunology, epidemiology, biochemistry, etc.).”

If a college professor really questions the official narrative of events, he risks the following:

Loss of present or future tenure;
Loss of corporate and government funding;
Rejection of articles for publication;
Loss of present or future department chairmanships or association offices;
Ostracism — portrayal as a “conspiracy theorist,” “crackpot,” etc

In addition, universities that employ a professor who criticizes the official narrative of events risk across-the-board reductions in corporate and government funding until they silence the dissident.

That’s the way it works; I wish it were otherwise.

By: theodorewesson Fri, 22 May 2015 03:17:19 +0000 Just to add,…

By: Anton Thu, 21 May 2015 23:29:16 +0000 The Australian government recently made all family payments dependent on the vaccination status of their children. Conscientious exemptions aren’t allowed any more, even though the numbers of such (thinking) people were minimal. I’m not talking about foregoing a few dollars; I’m talking about foregoing thousands of dollars of a family’s annual income.

Parents don’t even have the right to defer vaccinations. All babies are treated the same whether they’re cared for at home (with little risk of contracting diseases) or dumped into childcare centres which are hotbeds of disease.

In fact, Australia is so barbarous that newborn infants are jabbed twice on their day of birth: one for HebB and the other for vitamin K. What an insult to almighty God that anybody could even think that a healthy newborn needs vaccination.

In a written letter I complained to the prime minister that his policy was unjust and discriminatory because people who don’t need income support can still opt out. Needless to say I haven’t even received an acknowledgment let alone a reply from the arrogant p**ck.

I never thought Australia would be in the same tyrannical league as communist China.

By: jonsyfer Thu, 21 May 2015 22:05:23 +0000 Good post. We followed the rules as well because we were naive because its “what you’re supposed to do”. My oldest son was born in Europe where they receive a fraction of the vaccines that they do in the USA. My youngest son was born in the USA and suffered brain damage right after his MMR shot. What infuriates me is people that fight tooth and nail over this issue rather than doing the research.

By: Eileen Kuch Thu, 21 May 2015 20:04:42 +0000 The poster From Quebec has just revealed the secret behind the vaccines fantasy – ISRAEL. I salute you, buddy. The entity you exposed as being behind these “mandatory vaccinations” is also behind Agenda 21 (which mandatory vaccination of the population is also included). Bravo!

By: Kevin Diggs Thu, 21 May 2015 00:52:44 +0000 Sign a petition telling Governor Jerry Brown to VETO SB277, which would eliminate philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions!
