Comments on: Government witch hunt to eliminate Monsanto critics Wed, 03 Jun 2015 11:48:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: real Wed, 03 Jun 2015 11:48:54 +0000 Excellent comment.
You are a Realist, not a conspiracy theorist.

By: intransit2012Phyl Thu, 28 May 2015 08:34:41 +0000 MONSANTO GOVERNMENT TIES – I would say this is a conflict of interest…
Toby Moffet – Monsanto Consultant – US Congressman
Dennis DeConcini – Monsanto Legal Counsel – US Senator
Margaret Miller – Chemical Lab Supervisor – Dep. Dir. FDA, HFS
Marcia Hale – Director, Int’l Govt. Affairs – White House Senior Staff
Mickey Kantor – Board Member – Sec.of Commerce
Virginia Weldon – VP. Public Policy – WH-Appt to CSA, Gore SDR
Josh King – Director, Int’l Govt. Affairs – White House Communications
David Beler – VP, Govt & Public Affairs – Gore’s Chief Dom, Policy Advisor
Carol Tucker-Foreman – Monsanto Lobbyist – WH-Appointed Consumer Adv
Linda Fisher – VP, Govt &Public Affairs – Deputy Admin EPA
Lidia Watrud – Manager, New Technologies – USDA, EPA
Michael Taylor – VP, Public Policy – Dep. Commiss, FDA
Hillary Clinton – Rose Law Firm, Monsanto Counsel – US Senator, Secretary of State
Roger Beachy – Director, Monsanto Danforth Center – Director USDA NIFA
Islam Siddiqui – Monsanto Lobbyist – Ag Negotiator, Trade Rep

By: wp1268 Tue, 26 May 2015 21:54:29 +0000 Whose government is it???

We the People, Not We the Corporations

By: Tore B. Krudtaa Tue, 26 May 2015 16:07:59 +0000 Here is a GM-story from over here (Norway).
First some background information:

Cass Sunstein, the information csar in the Obama administration, published some truly horrible ideas some years back. In order to remove unwanted critical voices he and his co-author encouraged the government to do the following:

Conspiracy theories by Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule (2008):
Freely available here:
“…What can government do about conspiracy theories? Among the things it can do,
what should it do? We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1)
Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind
of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government
might itself engage in counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy
theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in
counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such
parties, encouraging them to help. Each instrument has a distinctive set of potential
effects, or costs and benefits, and each will have a place under imaginable conditions.
However, our main policy idea is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration
of the groups that produce conspiracy theories, which involves a mix of (3), (4) and (5)…”

The thing is that Sunstein and his co-author want to use this methods against people that produce legitimate and much needed critics. What is the democracy worth without legitimate critical voices?

Sunstein has been confronted with his utterly undemocratic proposals, here…
Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted on Cognitive Infiltration of Conspiracy Groups:

As one can see, Sunstein does not retract these utterly irresponsible suggestions. He even tries to give the impression that he cannot remember that he has produced this nonsense together with a lot of bla bla bla responses.

Recently Cass Sunstein was invited to Fritt Ord in Norway, an “Association of the Freedom of Expression Foundation”

I have not asked Fritt Ord what they have to say about Cass Sunstein proposals on how to deal with people that use their “freedom of expression” to get the truth out to the masses, but Sunstein held at talk in Oslo titled: “Fifty Shades of Manipulation”:
I found a document by Sunstein online, in that document, the expert manipulator Sunstein write the following (on page 4):

“…A qualification is necessary. If a disclosure requirement focuses on one of many
aspects of a situation, and fixes people’s attention on that aspect, a charge of
manipulation would not be unreasonable. Consider the controversy over the idea that
sellers should have to disclose that food has genetically modified organisms (GMOs). See
Charles Noussair et al., Do Consumers Really Refuse to Buy Genetically Modified
Food?, 114 Economic Journal 102 (2004). For those who object to compulsory labeling
about GMOs, there is a plausible claim that labels are a form of manipulation, activating
public concern where there is no objective reason for that concern. Of course those in the
private sector might engage in similar forms of manipulation, drawing people’s attention
to a feature of a product that, while real, appears far more important than it actually is…”

The document is to be found here…
Fifty shades of manipulation:

If one does not know about the quirks about the GMO-industry, the regulatory bodies (e.g. the FDA) and the politics that set the course for the GM-industry (as revealed in the excellent book Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: ), most people will probably believe the subtle GMO-propaganda from Sunstein. But for the rest of us, with knowledge about Sunstein’s anti-democratic publication (first link here), should quickly see that the talk about manipulation is told by an expert manipulator.

It might be that Fritt Ord (the Association of the Freedom of Expression Foundation) in Norway thought it would be a good idea to use one expert manipulator, to talk about manipulation. But, I did not see one word from the Fritt Ord, where they warned the audience about what kind of deception several of Sunstein’s papers represents.

By: David Tue, 26 May 2015 09:45:07 +0000 I suspect the same is true in government, and all areas where people have power over decisions that effect big business. Ed Snowden’s revelations showed that much of the US surveillance was on behalf of big business, and it seems likely that psychopaths with a hidden criminal past, would make ideal blackmail targets, and therefore ideal candidates for promotion within politics etc – into a useful positions. It can’t be a coincidence that most of these people seem to be psychopaths.

By: rollmanrevolution Thu, 21 May 2015 03:32:34 +0000 Well said again Jon, the usda and the fda who are supposed to protect the American people from toxins and health risks, just seem to fast track the very products that these institutions sell as they are the biggest contributors of advertising to government campaigns and media ads. When you cannot trust the medicine and goods we buy from the authority who was put into place to protect us, we have to continue to expose this rubbish. So to those who don’t know what to do with the info, Jon talks about in his blog or I do I my website and the podcast, Just share the info to all those you encounter. Open the dialogue and action follows shortly after. Great Post Jon!!

By: keikiokaaina Thu, 21 May 2015 02:44:53 +0000 The Continuing Story of UH Shenanigans…

via The Hawaii Independent

As the University of Hawai‘i was cozying up to ‪#‎GMO‬ giant Monsanto, one of the school’s professors says that he was forced to tolerate a climate of “bigotry, retaliation and hostility” for speaking out about the potential risks of genetic engineering. The university disputes his charges.

‪#‎FoodSovereignty‬ ‪#‎MonsantoMoney‬ #AlohaAina #KukiaiHawaiiNei

By: donnavoetee Thu, 21 May 2015 02:44:30 +0000 I found this USDA report that came out in 2005, but nobody else read it, apparently. The author was Robert W. Young, the Assistant Inspector General for Audit of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and author of Audit Report 50601-8-Te that was released December 2005, “Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Controls Over Issuance of Genetically Engineered Organism Release Permits.” Inspector Young cut no corners. His report was scathing and terrifying to anyone who eats. Inspections with a phone call? Yep. Lost crops of dangerous GMO’s? Yep. To my knowledge, there has not been another report like this one. And I wonder what happened to Mr. Young???

By: Charles Green Thu, 21 May 2015 02:40:09 +0000 I have always wondered if the shmaxine companies fund her research to distract.

By: theodorewesson Thu, 21 May 2015 01:22:06 +0000 just to add,…
