Comments on: My other blog: Outside The Reality Machine Thu, 21 May 2015 00:17:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: oooorgle Thu, 21 May 2015 00:17:25 +0000 Thanks for the referral, added to my sites list and daily news feeds!

By: From Québec Tue, 19 May 2015 18:05:18 +0000 Your New Blog is such a blessing, Jon.
One of a kind on the Internet.

Daily, I get informed with your regular blog, where you state all the documents on different subjects with your high skills investigator journalism.
I also get informed with The Alex Jones Show, where Alex interviews the top experts on all possible subjects.

These two sources of information, lets me see clearly what is going on in this world.

But, it isn’t enough to know what is going on. I also want to know what to do about it. Starting a Civil war is what the Elites want, so this is definitely not the solution. Elections? They are rigged. Contact your congressmen? They don’t give a damn…. and so on.

So what else is left to do?

Well, your New Blog gives all the answers and solutions:

Imagination and individual power.
How to develop and acquire these skills to exit from the Matrix, to bring it down, and make it null and void.

Imagine a world where every individual would concentrate on their own power, the Elites wouldn’t stand a chance. They would disappear in thin air.

Long live your New Blog, Jon!

I invite everybody here, to join in this incredible and powerful journey.
Let’s take our lives back, our freedom back, our countries back. We have slept for too long, it’s time to wake-up fully to our own potential that knows no bound.
