Comments on: Canada: scientists’ right to free speech shut down Fri, 22 May 2015 18:24:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: theodorewesson Fri, 22 May 2015 18:24:11 +0000 Like.

By: Anonymous Fri, 22 May 2015 18:03:22 +0000 Lack of free speech isn’t limited to government scientists. You don’t hear of a medical school professor criticizing Obamacare. That person would get a quick response from the school Dean.

By: rollmanrevolution Fri, 22 May 2015 02:39:05 +0000 This RIDICULOUS crap is happening in Canada – Here in the USA with NDAA and now the UK has this new bill which I will share the link below, that is incredible. Freedom of Speech is going away my people, and the reality is…it will CONTINUE TO HAPPEN UNTIL AMERICA and those around the WORLD say HELL NO…to this DRAMATIC Reality these groups of individuals are playing. I AM SICK OF IT….Again I talk about this on my podcast But everyone please share Mr Rappoport’s information to all you can…this dialogue needs to happen. Thanks Jon for what you do. And those interested in the UK issue, please check out the link below:

By: From Québec Fri, 22 May 2015 01:16:45 +0000 LOL. I believe you are right.

The only difference is that the USA always have a foot over the line. and we always wind up somewhere on step ahead or behind.

In disarming citizens.
In having socialism

In wars
Banking system
Military industrial complex
Police State
Prison industry

By: cockywannacracker Thu, 21 May 2015 22:21:18 +0000 Thanks for another interesting, informative and educational piece, Jon. Thank you for all that you do to expose conspiracy and corruption in high places.

By: Rev. Dragon's Eye Thu, 21 May 2015 17:25:51 +0000 Another very succinct piece there, Jon.

When the “watchers” are really owned by the “watched”, just like our so-called FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (shares of, owned by the member banks).

By: Michael Burns Thu, 21 May 2015 16:00:03 +0000 Paperclip has been a very powerful influence on Americanzi. When you really define Nazism…it was never about armies and soldiers.
Interesting point Oz.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 21 May 2015 15:53:53 +0000 @Q
Ninety percent Ninety percent of Canadians think that they are a sovereign nation. Wakey, Wakey little moose smoochers.
Our country/state is run by American corporations and the American government…we eat, drink, dress, drive and screw Americanuck.
Our politicians pass laws which benifit America. Free trade, NAFTA, TPP, TPPI, this is all laughable.
Name one thing Canadian?
Our culture…American.
How about the Internet…Americanzi.
American cell analytics, phones, computers , operating systems.
Logistics, education, political ideology. Philosophy…Americano.
Canada is America’s front yard…Mexico is their back yard.
Religions! Science…Americuski.
Tim, Americanzi Heil.
Music, movies….News. Television.
Who own the resources? Who mines ores, minerals? Uranium?
How about oil? Lumber? Medical sytems, hospitals.
Wheat, canola…Big Ag. Fishing?
Pharmaceuticals, space technology? Alex Jones? Jon Rappoport….American.
You are American Q, and resistance is futile.of Canadians think that they are a sovereign nation. Wakey, Wakey little moose smoochers.
Our country/state is run by American corporations and the American government…we eat, drink, dress, drive and screw Americanuck.
Our politicians pass laws which benifit America. Free trade, NAFTA, TPP, TPPI, this is all laughable.
Name one thing Canadian?
Our culture…American.
How about the Internet…Americanzi. Google…smcoogle.
American analytics, cellphones, computers , operating systems.
Software, Hardware.
There are native kids coming from reserves in northern Saskatchewan to town wearing baseball caps on backewards. Singing Yoyo yo. Walking with a black ghetto strut. We are American.
Logistics, education, political ideology. Philosophy…Americano.
Canada is America’s front yard…Mexico is their back yard.
Religions! Science?…Americuski.
Harper changed the water laws…Why? Amerrr…iiiii…cah
Tim, Americanzi Heil.
Music, movies….News. Television.
Who own the resources? Who mines ores, minerals? Uranium? The wheat board?
How about oil? Lumber? Medical sytems, hospitals.
Wheat, canola…Big Ag. Fishing?
Pharmaceuticals, space technology? Alex Jones? Jon Rappoport….American.
You are American Q, and resistance is futile.
Universities are American. Think about it.

Information American overload Q.
I am..American. I don’t like it! And thats a fact jack.

By: swo8 Thu, 21 May 2015 14:05:45 +0000 The situation in Canada is most distressing. The government policy in science only became evident when I read the book “Corrupt to the Core” by Dr. Shiv Chopra, a Canadian scientist who worked for the animal and food department in the Canadian Federal Government. This must stop.

By: middleway Thu, 21 May 2015 07:23:04 +0000 The term often used to describe this globalist age phenomenon is ‘Transparency’; white is now black and good is now evil. It is difficult for some to comprehend the predetermined sequence of corruptions that brought us to this state; a story so bizarre that the entire scenario could easily be attributed to Phillip K. Dick.

Science, in its current materialistic state, exhibits only the fading promise of its formerly envisioned potential. Like us, science has been acquired and has become a self-serving corporate commodity. Once one truly comprehends history and its underlying impetus, joining with others to willingly swim in the cesspool has become a repugnant form of self-delusion. You are correct,… self-transcendence through creative inquiry/imagination is the last and only train waiting to leave the station;… again, ‘people get ready’…
